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PG-13 Humor

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1:11 am, Oct 12 2008
Posts: 3342

So seeing as how the old Humor thread got moved, Lets make a new one... that's PG-13. eyes

Here's a little somethin

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #214146
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8:26 am, Oct 12 2008
Posts: 2009
Is pretty funny

Post #214296 - Reply to (#214101) by Calíbre
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1:33 pm, Oct 12 2008
Posts: 2342

Quote from Calliber
So seeing as how the old Humor thread got moved, Lets make a new one... that's PG-13. eyes

Here's a little somethin

Why I fear marriage.

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