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Site Poll - Chat Box 99 - Computer Time

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12:29 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 10709

Related to the previous poll...
How much time you do spend on the computer in an average day?

Question: On an average day, how much time do you spend on the computer?
0-30 minutes - votes: 90 (0.6%)
1 - 2 hours - votes: 521 (3.2%)
2 - 3 hours - votes: 1297 (8%)
3 - 5 hours - votes: 3432 (21.2%)
5 - 10 hours - votes: 5992 (37.1%)
10 - 16 hours - votes: 3523 (21.8%)
16 - 24 hours - votes: 1296 (8%)
There were 16151 total votes.
The poll ended: June 5th 2010

Last edited by lambchopsil at 9:38 am, Jun 5 2010

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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Lowly Member

12:53 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 3888

I spend 5-10 hours...

It's a lot. dead
But I get so bored without it.

♪MONSTARR~ will eat all your cookies and steal your bishies~♪ Φ_Φ
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12:54 pm, May 29 2010
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It rains outside.

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A Person

1:16 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 2126

5-10 hours lately, but in my youth (or rather, my younger youth..) I was known to go on the computer for around 16 hours a day. I had no life.

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1:18 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 2964

5 ~ 10 hours for me as well,
Usually during the late afternoons ~ evenings.
It's the reason I stay up so late. xP

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Manga Otaku

1:38 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 715

I think I spend 10-16 hours on the computer. confused

I spend a lot of time on the computer, I'm so bored without it....

I read so much mangas, I'm too lazy to watch anime! bigrazz bigrazz bigrazz

Manga I'm loving ATM: Heart no Kuni no Alice
Post #382090
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Is a female

2:18 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 3457

I think it's around 3 - 5 hours on weekdays.

It can go a bit further on weekends. I just get carried away and end up doing random things for the hell of it. I used to be on for longer, but I've cut down a lot.

I think the maximum time I've spent on the computer was something like 10 hours straight...
I have no idea how I wasted so much time laugh

Post #382093
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2:47 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 1975

It usually depends on what I'm doing. But on average, 3-5 on weekdays, 5-10 on weekends.

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2:47 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 151

5-10. My PC is the entertainment hub of my house. I get all of my television via the PC plus I do standard PC stuff on it.

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3:14 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 2028

3-5 hours, i can't sit much longer

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3:38 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 1699

5-10 hours. Because that's how I roll.

Post #382104

3:48 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 1063

5-10 hours FO SHO.
I am capable of more, though. >_>;

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4:14 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 167

My job requires that I work a computer. Plus my computer is like my television. So I would say I spend 10 to 16 hours maybe more.

Post #382116
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4:47 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 3503

10-16 hours, more closer to 10 though.

This week's favorites:

- Golden Kamui

ççççççç[Ô .Ô] tsutopodus© will eat your manga and steal your cats!
Post #382142

9:11 pm, May 29 2010
Posts: 257

10-16 ~ Though sometimes, I think I spend more than that dead
My excuse would be online high school~ (Though I don't study at all <.<)

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