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New Poll - Ads

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10:01 am, Jun 17 2023
Posts: 10732

This week's poll was suggested by LazyReviewer. What's the best ad or commercial that you've seen?

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: An older manga set in modern times is being newly adapted into anime. What time period should the anime be set in?
Same as the manga's original setting - votes: 2164 (83.7%)
Same as the anime's release year (i.e., flip phones in manga are now smartphones in anime) - votes: 420 (16.3%)
There were 2584 total votes.
The poll ended: June 17th, 2023 9:56am PDT

Keep it the way it was!

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Post #802768
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10:47 am, Jun 17 2023
Posts: 650

The only ads I find remotely tolerable are the Telus phone ads since they have cute animals. I would also accept other ads with cute animals, while paying no attention to the actual product.

Automotive ads win for most ridiculous. I can't remember the last time I saw one actually mentioning a feature of the vehicle. It's just the vehicle driving somewhere and a narrator talking about how great your lifestyle would be with their $80,000 truck.

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12:56 pm, Jun 17 2023
Posts: 234

For me it banking/credits, i suppose insurance is closest to that...

I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And though it is impossible I exist. © Trimutius
Post #802770
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1:57 pm, Jun 17 2023
Posts: 26

Would have chosen banking or financial company for these commercials that aired way back when, but are still memorable:
Otherwise, some insurance commercials have actually got a chuckle out of me, or are close to home, especially with the darn squirrels in the attic again...


2:52 pm, Jun 17 2023
Posts: 211

McDonalds has good/effective ads
they don't tend to say anything about their products; just that regular people eat there
I'm sure this psychological influence is a proven marketing angle

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8:28 pm, Jun 17 2023
Posts: 85

In the past few years, we've had a number of insane "Japanese-inspired" ads here in our country. I'd say the food industry hires or comes up with the most absurd ones usually.

Post #802775
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10:03 pm, Jun 17 2023
Posts: 69

All the government road safety PSAs were always gruesome and pretty scary to watch as a kid, and as such, very memorable. I just wanted to watch Discovery ;m;

Well, here's just one of them...

Last edited by Afiaki at 4:50 am, Jun 19 2023


12:07 am, Jun 18 2023
Posts: 10

since there is no clothing industry to pick, food has to be one of the top ones. (ain't getting me with copyrights) The golden arches, the big gold star, crack in a box, retired military guy who really likes chicken, mini roman guy that gets stabbed, and more? what about food delivery and the preplanned dinner in a box? lots of ads for food all the time, one or two gotta get stuck in your brain sometime, right?

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10:17 pm, Jun 18 2023
Posts: 132

Actually, memorable ads and best ads are quite different for me..

Food industry is definitely memorable; they're so smart creating jingles and catchy lyrics that last for decades. Take Indomie ads, the famous instant noodles from my country, for example. Lol. Or Aqua and Frisian Flag milk ads.

But the best ads for me comes from the cigarette industry (in my country). I don't smoke, and I don't like the smell, but their ads are usually creative. I don't know the case in other countries, but in my country, cigaratte ads has quite strict rules. You cannot show any cigarette or people smoking. Showing women, children, or religious attributes are also prohibited.

Amidst those strict rules, they manage to create ads so interesting to watch that you wouldn't want to skip it, with subtle message yet leaving strong impression. (Check out Djarum Coklat or Sampoerna ads. They're amazing.)

But yeah, this poll doesn't have it. So, I choose insurance instead. I always love Thailand's insurance ads. You wouldn't know they're insurance ads until it comes at the end. The only ads that made me feel emotional and cried are Thai's insurance ads. 😂

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12:13 am, Jun 19 2023
Posts: 82

I'm not sure, since I haven't watched TV for more than ten years now, ignore web and newspaper ads, and rarely glance at magazines (all of which greatly limits my exposure), but I think electronics (phones, computers, internet, and so on) would win if there were an option for it. There's also nothing for mailing/shipping services, for hotels/motels, or (as free-fiend mentioned) for textiles/clothing. It probably has a lot to do with culture and individual personalities, so is it even fair to claim that one industry has the most memorable ads?— well, that's a tad extreme, but the point remains.

On the other hand: Alka-Seltzer, Red Stripe Beer, Wendy's, GEICO, Progressive, Nintendo, Dawny, Empire Rugs and Carpeting, Legal Seafoods, WQXR fundraising during 2016, the US Army, Apple Computers, Coke-a-Cola, Holiday Inn, Tide Detergent, Verizon, Heinz, got milk?, that Korean egg ad, Duracell, Lenovo, Kodak (when it was), "The Simpsons Movie in 2D"… Yeah, most industries have at least one company which has good ads (i.e. memorable and causing interest in the product or service, without being irritating). My gluttony is showing here, since many more of the ads my parents and brothers remember have nothing to do with food (which is why I'm going to sit this poll out). (There are also a whole bunch whose brand I can't remember for the life of me, despite remembering the ad or logo well, usually because it's been so damn long, including some for office supplies, at least one bank, that international shipping service with the yellow and red packaging, an Intermodal container service or related freight train service with a logo involving two or three horses in profile — I'm pretty sure they went under in 2008, because I haven't seen anything involving them since around then — several vacuum cleaner brands, and a French toilet paper brand, among others.)

According to my late zeyde, who was an adman, unfortunately the irritating ones tend to be the most successful. Although many more irritating ones are unsuccessful, and if you remember them it's for the wrong reasons (like HeadOn, which provides zero information about what the product is actually for, and even the packaging's exterior neglects to do so (and no I've never bought it, nor would I ever, especially since my curiosity lead me to look it up online: it's a "remedy" for headaches, apparently, one with a very poor track record of working), or a marble construction and tiling service who never bothered to do a basic fact check (if you want to built like the Romans, it'd be in concrete, not stone), or the Cingular billboard which got physically altered due to a storm with ironic results). Or those ads which manage to be so annoying or bad that you intentionally avoid the product or service afterward. I tend to eventually block the more obnoxious ads out of my memory, so they fail at being memorable long-term. And, as above, there are ones which are memorable, successful, and far from annoying (one of the best examples of which is the first Macintosh ad, which ran nationally exactly once, during the 1984 Super Bowl, due to legal conflict with the Orwell estate (they forgot to get permission to reference the book), yet still managed to have the computer sold out in record time and with a waiting list — a record which has yet to be surpassed).

Last edited by blackluna at 9:57 am, Dec 31 2023

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12:13 am, Jun 19 2023
Posts: 82

Sorry, accidental double post.

Last edited by blackluna at 12:13 am, Jun 19 2023

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6:53 am, Jun 22 2023
Posts: 625

I was debating from choosing food or scam. But I chose scam, because as much as I know Food is more attracting because of how it can hunger and keep in your memory of how delicious it is, however, in all honesty, most ads are scams. Scams doesn't necessarily have to be like too obvious about getting your money or anything, it could also do what a normal food advertisement does, but a little different.

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