Username/Email: Password:

Lost password. Reset doesn't work.

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12:26 pm, Jun 24 2014
Posts: 10

I lost my password and I can't log in on my computer (fortunately I'm still log in on my phone). I tryed geting new password thrue e-mail but I waited and waited but the e-mail didn't come. So how can I access my accout? I have thousands of mangas on my lists and don't want to create new account.
Please help.

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Monkey. :B

2:08 pm, Jun 24 2014
Posts: 1966

Check your spam folder. That's where it always ends up, for some reason.

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Monkeys, always at your service.
Quote from NightSwan
I have to thank you again. It's been a while since I've had this much d**k on my computer. :'3
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2:32 pm, Jun 24 2014
Posts: 10

I already did it. It's nothing there.

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11:18 pm, Jun 24 2014
Posts: 10734

Dealt with

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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