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Jumping the Shark-Hajime no Ippo

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Post #359798
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2:13 pm, Feb 24 2010
Posts: 439

I just wanted to ask if anyone else just lost complete interest in the series after this fight with the monkey guy? I honestly liked the story up until this point and this one over characterized fighter has just ruined the story entirely.

"Let's put a smile on that face."

10:45 am, Mar 2 2010
Posts: 62

Yeah, I've got to say that the monkey-man is downright ridiculous. The "magician" guy was pretty bad too. Regular boxing still manages to be a thrilling sport without magical athletes or ape-men. The author used to know this. Now he's doing pro-wrestling.

On a side-note: Wouldn't it be nice if Ippo occasionally won without first being beaten to a pulp? Wouldn't it also be cool if he won by decision once or twice? He's supposed to have turned into a top-level boxer by now, yet he always, always has to pull out a victory out of his butt at the last second, after being pounded silly for a half-dozen rounds. It's like the Homer Simpson school of boxing.

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11:39 am, Mar 2 2010
Posts: 2028

This fight is getting tedious, I can only hope Ippo gains something from it in the end and whoops butt during the next fight. One punch K-O anyone?

Post #367730
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11:45 pm, Mar 30 2010
Posts: 5

The first time I saw this guy, I knew I wasn't going to like this part of the story, and I don't. His face annoys me. But I'll be damned if I'm going to stop reading after 800+ chapters just because of one stupid character. laugh


12:05 am, Mar 31 2010
Posts: 77

I like Hajime no Ippo, but I really don't like how this fight is taking so long sad , but cheer up, soon the monkey boy'll will (probably) get blown out of the ring and we can get back to the good stuff. smile wink grin

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12:08 am, Mar 31 2010
Posts: 87

This fight is definitely getting annoying and I find myself pretty upset at the prospect of Ippo actually losing to this guy, but I dont think there's anything wrong with the series. This fight needs to wrap up and they need to move on.

Post #367738 - Reply to (#367730) by Elara
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12:20 am, Mar 31 2010
Posts: 154

Quote from Elara
The first time I saw this guy, I knew I wasn't going to like this part of the story, and I don't. His face annoys me. But I'll be damned if I'm going to stop reading after 800+ chapters just because of one stupid character. laugh

I fully share Elara’s sentiment. As much as I do not like this arc and as much as I also disliked the magician part of the story, I have been a die hard fan of this manga and I plan on staying faithful. I am hoping MORIKAWA Jyoji does not keep these kinds of crappy story lines.

I also agree with Serobins. It would be nice if Ippo just kicked some butt once in a while. Hey, he is the champ and a fighter to reckon with right? How can anyone believe he can conquer the world if he almost never seems to have a fight where he does not get beat up? (I think I remember one fight, maybe two where he actually was not beaten and bloody and those were just when he started the sport way back at the beginning of the series...)

There still much I want to see Ippo accomplish and for now I am keeping faith that the mangaka will not disappoint... no


12:22 am, Mar 31 2010
Posts: 27

This fight is like endless 8. The same thing happens in the last 8 chapters

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7:37 pm, Oct 10 2013
Posts: 91

You guys are right, when you look at the pros who are on top of the boxing world, and look back in their early careers, they won their fight fairly quick. It wasn't until they fought with the more serious contendors before they actually felt some compitition.

If you struggle to win every fight in the early days, your just not gona be able to hang in their when you fight the tougher guys. If you look at most of the boxing megastars like george foremon, they got their knock outs quick. The boxers that get beat to death, wind up in nursing homes before age 50 due to the brain problems they suffer from getting beat in the head too much. George foremon didn't get hit that much, thats why he's still sharp at his current age and not drooling all over himself at some home.

Boxing is a risky sport, there are all kinds of problems that plague retired fighters.

Last edited by jeffreymgibson at 7:42 pm, Oct 10 2013

Post #617479 - Reply to (#367739) by Mushroomtea

8:44 pm, Oct 10 2013
Posts: 380

Quote from Mushroomtea
This fight is like endless 8. The same thing happens in the last 8 chapters

Would people stop fucking referencing endless 8 like they know their shit? In the original light novel, endless 8 took ONE CHAPTER, and the author didn't walk us through the loop even ONE extra time. That's right, we ONLY saw the FINAL loop.

It was called Endless 8 because it was the month of August (the 8th month) on loop.

Dear fucking lord, I hate people like you....

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Seinen is RIGHT

1:02 pm, May 20 2014
Posts: 2409

Wasn´t the fisher worse? So many chapters, so little recollection! I noticed that the pacing has been taking a hit. (Endless 8 was unwatchable and the 2nd season basically killed the anime´s momentum. So the reference fits.)

Edit: The manga somewhat recovered so i didn´t end up dropping it but the next shark can´t be far off.

Last edited by residentgrigo at 8:23 pm, Jul 28 2018

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