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Drawing Poll

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7:15 am, Apr 26 2008
Posts: 10689

New poll, and it's about drawing! Basically, how are your drawing skills? Personally, mine are horrible...but at least I know what a pencil is, right? This poll suggestion was submitted by member funkmu1.

If you want to discuss this on the forum, here's the thread:

Previous Poll Results:
Question: How do you prefer your translated sfx? (The sound effects like "ba" or "doki doki")
Left alone (not translated at all) - votes: 977 (12.8%)
In a glossary (at the end of a chapter) - votes: 237 (3.1%)
In the margins - votes: 3062 (40.1%)
Beside the original sfx (so you see both original and translated together) - votes: 1858 (24.4%)
Overlaying the original sfx (right on top of the original) - votes: 224 (2.9%)
Replacing the original sfx - votes: 1271 (16.7%)
There were 7629 total votes.
The poll ended: April 26th 2008

An OVERWHELMING majority of people wanted to see SFX in the margins of their scanlations. For all you scanlators out there reading this, you may want to consider going with what people want, and put the SFX in the margins (probably easier on the editors, too, haha)

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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9:30 am, Apr 26 2008
Posts: 35

Well, I wouldn't say I have the skills of a professional, but I'm getting there. Slowly but surly.

Post #530963

2:53 pm, Apr 26 2008
Posts: 2

Not trying to be too nitpicky, but my understanding is that 40% cannot be a majority (defined as >50%) but is rather in this case a plurality (largest fraction of sample).

Post #530964 - Reply to (#530963) by Narse
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3:16 pm, Apr 26 2008
Posts: 10689

The point is, this poll is much more one-sided than most of the other ones we've done

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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3:59 pm, Apr 26 2008
Posts: 21

no offense to all artists out there who are crazy for art... but, STICK FIGURES pwn ALL!!!!! XD

Post #530966 - Reply to (#530963) by Narse
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5:51 pm, Apr 26 2008
Posts: 343

This is true, but I don't think it matters too much in this case. =P the point gets across the same.

Post #530967
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Dark Knight

12:10 am, Apr 27 2008
Posts: 390

Stick figures for me.


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Post #530968 - Reply to (#530963) by Narse
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4:28 am, Apr 27 2008
Posts: 20

It's a majority when everything else is less than that 40%. I mean, there's a result that's 2.9%...

Post #530969 - Reply to (#530968) by Natsu

11:47 am, Apr 27 2008
Posts: 39

No, he was saying that a majority, by definition, is always more than 50%. And he is of course correct. He understands that 40% is huge compared to the other results.

Post #530970 - Reply to (#530963) by Narse
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12:04 pm, Apr 27 2008
Posts: 2506

With 5 other options, though, 40% is quite amazing, all the same. It can definitely be called a landslide victory, even though it's not a politically defined majority (although I should point out that white people are considered the majority in America, even though they are clearly outnumbered by the minority. The 50% rule only applies in political settings).

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4:13 pm, Apr 27 2008
Posts: 13

i think people are not used to see the sfx being replaced cause there aren't a lot of scanlation groups doing that (only the HQ ones) so they can't tell how good they can get to look (with an experienced tipesetter and editor).
of course most of the leechers don't like that cause replacing the sfx means more work and of course more time to do a release XD, but if i have to choose between the margins and replaced... Definitely i would choose replaced smile

Post #530972
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7:10 pm, Apr 27 2008
Posts: 1574

what's a pencil? massive lol

Post #530973 - Reply to (#530971) by melquiades

7:41 pm, Apr 27 2008
Posts: 106

The reason I like the sfx in the margin versus on the page itself is because I can see what it means and still see how it would look originally. (Basically so I can learn katakana because most sfx are in katakana, which is a generalization but I don't care.)

Post #530974
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10:53 pm, Apr 27 2008
Posts: 83

When is "ba" used as a sound effect?

Post #530975 - Reply to (#530974) by Lowlife

6:53 am, Apr 28 2008
Posts: 226

when there's a sudden impact (sorta like BAM! in english)

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