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New Poll - Storing Physical Manga

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11:23 am, Jul 12 2014
Posts: 10734

This week's poll comes from the mind of our member psycho-shocker. If you do own some physical copies of manga, what do you tend to do with them after reading them?

Edit: I just realized that I forgot an option for "I collect and never read them in the first place". Oh well, probably a rare case.

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Question: If you had to have animal ears (kemonomimi), which would you choose?
Cat (including tiger, lion, etc) - votes: 3758 (29.1%)
Wolf - votes: 3113 (24.1%)
Fox - votes: 2422 (18.8%)
Dog - votes: 344 (2.7%)
Rabbit - votes: 660 (5.1%)
Bear - votes: 290 (2.2%)
Mouse - votes: 94 (0.7%)
Sheep - votes: 135 (1%)
Cow - votes: 68 (0.5%)
Dragon - votes: 1270 (9.8%)
No visible ear (like birds) - votes: 386 (3%)
Other - votes: 360 (2.8%)
There were 12900 total votes.
The poll ended: July 12th 2014

So do we have more cat lovers than dog lovers here?

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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11:32 am, Jul 12 2014
Posts: 18


Just realized I wrote my comment in the wrong poll, sorry

Anyway I dont own phisical mangas, but if I would they would be one of my preciousest things and I would keep them in a perfect state in a secret place to avoid my mother/little brother ruin them.

Last edited by CapoFantasma97 at 11:42 am, Jul 12 2014


11:53 am, Jul 12 2014
Posts: 60

Wolves, Foxes, and Dogs are all belong to the one biological family. Same as with cats.

Post #647080 - Reply to (#647070) by lambchopsil
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12:12 pm, Jul 12 2014
Posts: 412

Quote from lambchopsil
Edit: I just realized that I forgot an option for "I collect and never read them in the first place". Oh well, probably a rare case.

Or around 14% of MU, if our book reading habits & manga reading habits are similar... You also left out those people who just leave books lying around wherever they happened to read them, as opposed to putting them back on the shelf.

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Mad With a Hat

12:17 pm, Jul 12 2014
Posts: 4764

I don't own any physical copies of manga, but I do have a lot of books...
After I'm done reading them, I just put them together with the rest of the books I've already read.
I try to spend less money on physical books, since I already have so many...
I just love the feeling of buying a new, interesting book, then reading it and putting it
on a shelf and just knowing it's there if I ever want to look at it or read it again.

The only books I throw are the especially shitty ones people give me sometimes.
I can't have them taking up space that could be used for legitimate books. embarrassed

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Demon Child

1:02 pm, Jul 12 2014
Posts: 127

I have a lot of Books and Manga (as well as Anime and Games)
3 Bookcases and a nice stack of Boxes full

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1:20 pm, Jul 12 2014
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I stopped buying manga years ago (because my country localization for manga is pure crap), but if you talk about common books and (light) novel then yeah, read them then hardly touch it again (except some very good one)

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Monkey. :B

1:22 pm, Jul 12 2014
Posts: 1966

I own a crapload of raws. A majority of them are shoujo manhwas and practically each series has 4+ volumes which makes it harder for me to shelf/give away. Just yesterday I was cleaning out our closet and found two boxes full of them. >__>

Hah, I told myself I would scan a bunch of them this summer and offer them to some groups, but I am so lazy. :>

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Post #647099
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Is a female

2:07 pm, Jul 12 2014
Posts: 3457

Leave and go back to them when I feel like reading them again. I mean, that's why I bought them in the first place. 'Cos I enjoyed their stories, and would happily read them again.

Post #647117 - Reply to (#647080) by hahhah42
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10:49 pm, Jul 12 2014
Posts: 10734

The shelf thing was more figurative than literally a shelf

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #647139
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still lurqing

4:18 am, Jul 13 2014
Posts: 335

Huh? I only bought copies after I know for sure that they're good. That means, I know all the content - thanks for scanlation - before I pay for them. After I bought them, I usually put them on my book rack. And that's all.

grammar mistake is intentional, grammar nazis need their entertainment.
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5:58 pm, Jul 13 2014
Posts: 566

I've bought very few manga (like 3 or 4 series). They were series I really wanted to read but couldn't find scanlations for so had to buy the official translation. They all ended up being pretty mediocre, so I sold the ones I could, and the one I couldn't sell is in the category of leave on the shelf and never touch again.

Post #647192
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6:15 pm, Jul 13 2014
Posts: 226

Yep, dog lovers are only 2% XD, cat ears and fox ears is the TRUE way of kemonomimi eek

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11:44 pm, Jul 14 2014
Posts: 1700

I buy them and I store them to read later. I only have about 300 physical copies of mangas (and 6 novels).. And as for all the scanlations i've read.. *wipes sweat off forehead* I need to support my mangakas more XD

I will read scans first and then buy mangas later! I remember I bought manga based on the translated description but it wasn't exactly as described. I regret it.

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5:02 am, Jul 15 2014
Posts: 388

Buy then sits in my shelf a bit. Maybe every once in awhile, I break it out again for a reread. Though honestly, I find it easier just to break out the scanlations on the computer even if I have the physical copy. Guess I'm just too lazy to walk 6 feet to my shelf.

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