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Improvement Ideas

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BD's Guild

8:41 am, Mar 22 2017
Posts: 2

I noticed, for some manga, etc., that the Anime Start/End has some OVA's, etc., but it has to be put in either the Anime Start a chapter or the End Chapter. How about there be an addition to the Anime Start/End specifically for extras (ovas and the like)? If that was added, things would be a lot easier for most users. Your thoughts on this?

I am BlackDragon-san, a lover of anime and manga for many a year.
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9:32 am, Mar 22 2017
Posts: 454

I think it's okay to put any sort of extra info like that down at the bottom in the "Description" field, which would seem like just as good a thing to do with that sort of information as opposed to having to rely on some sort of site change.

To me this is a manga information site, I suppose some information on anime related to specific manga titles is fine.....I'm great at ignoring stuff I don't have need of.......but I'm personally not too worried about that kind of info.

Good luck on your suggestion though smile

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7:23 pm, Mar 22 2017
Posts: 10680

Yeah, just type the stuff into the bottom of the Description field

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #689711 - Reply to (#689573) by svines85
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BD's Guild

7:02 am, Mar 27 2017
Posts: 2

I just discovered this site not to long ago, so I don't know everything yet. Thanks for telling me that. Did not think of putting it in the description. And I do agree that this is a manga info site, but some people will want info on things related to the manga, and that does count as manga info.

Last edited by BlackDragon-san at 7:13 am, Mar 27 2017

I am BlackDragon-san, a lover of anime and manga for many a year.
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9:28 am, Mar 27 2017
Posts: 454

Yup, I agree with you, more information is almost always a good thing smile

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