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How many manga do you read at a time?

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4:06 pm, Jun 15 2007
Posts: 974

well I've read about 200 titles, but sadly 75% of them are not finished yet

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9:27 am, Jun 16 2007
Posts: 3

yeaahh im like around the 20s. but thats alllotttt for me lol!

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Post #20184 - Reply to (#20062) by Domonkazu
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11:10 am, Jun 16 2007
Posts: 18

Quote from Domonkazu
well I've read about 200 titles, but sadly 75% of them are not finished yet

I agree.. But I think I've finished at least 50 series, and currently I'm reading 35 and I'm still searching for more ^^

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Post #20226
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3:37 pm, Jun 16 2007
Posts: 190

I currently am reading 240 series that have not been finished yet. I just read what comes out.

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Post #20229
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2nd wave MU user

3:40 pm, Jun 16 2007
Posts: 7784

24 currently, haven't found anything suitable lately and I prefer seinen, so there aint lot of choices. I've read shounen a bit, but I've almost lost all my interest in cheesy romances, which mean no shoujo either. I am some what realistic person so I do not prefer fighting mangas where they hit miraclous thunder punches and kick holes in to metal walls.

Post #20240

5:02 pm, Jun 16 2007
Posts: 1650

I have 7 on my reading list and 2 on my unfinished list because as of now, I'm bored of them. There's 23 on my completed list, but lots of them are oneshots. I really don't have that much time to read. I'm more attached to novels personally. How the heck do some of you keep track of 50+ stories?

I delete manga off of my computer after I finish them so that they don't take too much space. I know that I'll never touch it again after the first time. Plus, I use online viewers whenever possible to save the trouble of downloading.

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12:20 am, Jun 18 2007
Posts: 94

For me, it stayed at 4-5 for me for a very long time, but about a half year ago, it exponentially started to increase to where I am with around 50 series. And these are the only I'm currently reading. Moreover, In my HD lies my to-read archive, the mangas that I dled to read them when I find the time, which is around another 50 series. -_- Also, I'm keeping up with about 10 other korean manhwas... and also, i have about 60+ titles in my wish list beside the titles in the to-read folderr -_-//

Post #20575
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1:17 am, Jun 18 2007
Posts: 83

I stick to 2-3 at a time, because I don't really read series that's not finished. It's the same with television shows, I never watch them while there's no complete season smile

Post #20576 - Reply to (#20575) by Lowlife
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The Gorilla King

1:44 am, Jun 18 2007
Posts: 1117

Quote from Lowlife
I stick to 2-3 at a time, because I don't really read series that's not finished. It's the same with television shows, I never watch them while there's no complete season smile

I think thats a nice way, but your really missing alot of good stuff, do you know that some really good stuff take years to finish? how any years are you willing to wait for something to finish? thats torture!

as for me i read a hundred a time, so that i can have plently of new stuff everyday, and never get bored biggrin

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3:52 am, Jun 18 2007
Posts: 32

Well usually I read a series until the latest chapter, and then I read another until the latest chapter. I get sidetracked If I try to read more than one at once.

Hofstadter's Law states that:

It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law.
Post #20593

4:13 am, Jun 18 2007
Posts: 7

mmm ...

Right now, I have around 360 mangas sorted. I read a few other series I haven't sorted. Also, a few one shots I thought was good ...

At any given time, I guess I am "reading" (as in, following), somewhere between 50 and 100 series but honestly I have no idea... I just read whatever comes out of all the series I follow.

Oh, and it takes ... around 170gb on one of my hd's (the collection I got so far).

Post #20813
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4:29 pm, Jun 19 2007
Posts: 18

I got into manga with the American Publication of Shonen Jump magazine, so I started reading 7 different series' at a time.

But 2-3 chapters monthly was not enough for me, so recently I canceled my subscription to read at my own pace.

But I'm switching back and forth between 5-10 different manga right now.

And Shonen Jump really set me behind. I'm only on v18 in One Piece. Though I plan to be caught up by the end of summer.

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Post #227965
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8:11 am, Nov 14 2008
Posts: 103

Interesting topic, I think it's time to reactivate this thread.

Right now I'm reading Berserk, Claymore, BAA: Last Order, Eden, Gantz and Elfen Lied. That makes 6. All of them are either not finished or not completely scanlated (I know, Elfen Lied is, but I'm waiting for the scanlations of Illuminati).

Additionally I read completely scanlated ones. Those I finish in one go, without reading even one chapter of another manga.

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Post #227969
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8:21 am, Nov 14 2008
Posts: 3503

Everything that I catch in the releases page laugh

This week's favorites:

- Golden Kamui

ççççççç[Ô .Ô] tsutopodus© will eat your manga and steal your cats!
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Demented Octopus

8:25 am, Nov 14 2008
Posts: 737

I am currently following 81 different series according to my reading list. Of course updates are rare or non-existent for probably close to half of them.

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