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Favorite RPG

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Post #290859
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Pies are good! *w*

11:28 pm, May 22 2009
Posts: 329

About all Final Fantasy games. I never got to play FF8 though but I still really want to play. I haven't play FF11 either. Any way my faves are FF4, FF6, FF7, FF9, FFX, FFX-2, and FF12

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Mysterious Being

9:21 am, May 23 2009
Posts: 461

I liked playing Suikoden and FFVII, but I never finished either of them, partly because I watched my brothers an my sister playing them so I already knew what happened. The only RPG I have completed was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (if that counts). My favourite is probably Suikoden.

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12:35 pm, May 23 2009
Posts: 69

Final fantasy series are the best for me. theres also monster hunter if that counts oh and kingdom hearts square enix makes a lot of great games, forgot about dragon quest

Last edited by I@am_Lycorys_lover at 12:42 pm, May 23 2009

Falling into the darkness would actually do me good.Spending eternity dreaming and wandering
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12:37 pm, May 23 2009
Posts: 66

Final Fantasy and the persona series. they are definetily the best rpg series.

Post #291931

2:04 pm, May 26 2009
Posts: 9

Baldur's Gate series. Although nothing tops a tabletop session when there is a good Game Master and a great storyline. People are too much into CRPGs nowadays .... sad


8:58 pm, May 27 2009
Posts: 6

Golden Sun 1 & Lost Ages
Suikoden 1,2 and 3
FF 2,3,4,5,6,8 and 12
Star Ocean Till End of Time
Fantasy Star 2,3 and 4
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Secret of Mana
Sword of Mana
Odin Sphere (I dont know if this is an RPG but it looks like one, whatever)
Disgaea 1,2 and 3 (same with this)
Yakuza 1 and 2 (?)

I have more but I dont remember their names now
I accept recomendations, sorry if my ortografy is bad I really suck in english.

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Mr. Meh

6:15 pm, Jun 16 2009
Posts: 22

it's a tie between Earthbound and Pokemon Crystal.

Post #298903
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7:17 pm, Jun 16 2009
Posts: 131

Tales of Symphonia on Gamecube
Probably the best game released on the system and with over 70 hours of gameplay with you just following the storyline.
Over 1000 side missions and there are some are still just being discovered.
It was so big you actually have two discs in the cartridge. eek

Post #298936 - Reply to (#298903) by wittleD
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2nd wave MU user

9:46 pm, Jun 16 2009
Posts: 7787

Quote from wittleD
Tales of Symphonia on Gamecube
Probably the best game released on the system and with over 70 hours of gameplay with you just following the storyline.
Over 1000 side missions and there are some are still just being discovered.
It was so big you actually have two discs in the cartridge. eek

A good game indeed.
If only there were more hard
bossess such as Abyssion.
Though, in the end even it was too easy
for the co-operation of my brother and I.


11:03 pm, Jun 16 2009
Posts: 25

I'll have to go with Chrono Trigger.

Sora no Kiseki comes a pretty close second. One major thing I liked about that game is that conversations are wordy, and how you would expect in an actual conversation.

Post #298942
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It's him!!

11:33 pm, Jun 16 2009
Posts: 617

Now lets see,
for JRPG I have to go with chrono trigger. Do I really need to explain why here?

for PCRPG I go with Fallout 2. ah the memories, I love that game.

and Console RPG I go with Mass Efffect. The only bad thing was that the combat needed some improvement. But it seems the sequel will do just that.

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Post #298944
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Acting on Impulse

11:44 pm, Jun 16 2009
Posts: 113

Morrowind, followed closely by Chrono Trigger and Fallout 3.

Mass Effect was also good, Dues Ex for a bit of cyberpunk and WoW for the pvp, though I stoped playing after wotlk because it became so unballanced.

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Post #299190
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6:38 am, Jun 18 2009
Posts: 145

Hm.. if it's ps2 then it's .hack// series for me.. finished all of the games.. and if you add anime to the whole gaming experience it's just awesome ))) i really like the world, and the whole pc thing they made, with news and forums and such))

on PC i'll go with Baldur's Gate.. that is just beyond awesome)) i can't count how many hours i spent playing that one... the plot, the quest.. arrgh) Black Isle knew how to make rpgs))
Deus Ex was also cyber punk-ish kinda great and the first two Fallouts were also nearly the best.. the first Neverwinter nights were kinda munchkin-ish good for me)

on first x-box it was KOTOR for me that blew my mind... that was one hell of a game))
on 360, the only one i played i think is Mass Effect, it was good but not that great, it lacked something..(

on DS i'll go with Chrono Trigger and The World Ends With You for it's really interesting fighting system and other bonuses))

and last but not least.. FF was great on any system i played it, including black and white on gameboy))

EDIT: and if i go for mmorpg's pvp, then it's DAOC for me, although it's rvr there) i had so much fun there, the battles and sieges.. ah.. the good old times..))

All is Hitsuzen...
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A bomb!

9:23 am, Jun 18 2009
Posts: 479

On PC :BaldurĀ“s Gate 1 & 2 and Fallout 1 - 3
On consoles : Tales of Phantasia(PSX remake), Final Fantasy 6 & 9

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4:26 pm, Jun 18 2009
Posts: 910

.hack// and some of the Final Fantasy games. You can't deny that they're great, even if people overuse them

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