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Do you think uploading cover images on MU will improve the chance of it being picked up?

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12:27 pm, Nov 19 2015
Posts: 24

I've uploaded hundreds of cover images onto MU mostly for older manga. Do you think that will have any effect in those series being noticed and picked up. If it doesn't then it's not that much of a big deal either.

By picked up, I mean scanlated

Last edited by lupianwolf at 2:24 pm, Nov 19 2015

Post #673884

2:09 pm, Nov 19 2015
Posts: 20

I think it can slightly increase the chance of it being picked up. When I start reading a new manga, it's generally because I've seen a cover that interested me.

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Seinen is RIGHT

3:20 pm, Nov 19 2015
Posts: 2410

A up to date high-res cover says a thousand words but you also need to give out the genres properly and to type out or to look up a comprehensive summary with additional notes if needed to explain your manga. Cross link it to related series by continuity and give out a broad variety of categories to describe the database entry further. The manga will then also be able to take part in the Category Recommendations pool. (The ratings boost will be immense.) A review to sell potential groups on it is a nice way to round it off.

List them lastly here or in the other thread i link in my sales pitch on the previous page.
We have the threads for a reason after all wink .

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
User Posted Image

3:28 pm, Nov 19 2015
Posts: 24

I don't know Japanese and have never heard of most of the series so it's hard to tag it correctly. Giving it a Boxing or a Mahjong category is easy as the image usually tells you that.

Post #674511
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A talking rock

9:42 pm, Dec 6 2015
Posts: 383

Yes. Personally, I use art + summary to judge the content of manga.

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10:33 pm, Jan 8 2016
Posts: 15

If something doesn't have a cover I skip past it most of the time. A habit I want to get rid of but I'm sure there are people who aren't as self-aware


1:34 am, Jan 9 2016
Posts: 31

Agree with a lot of what's been said. No artey no readey biggrin biggrin

And thanks for your hard work

Gosh It Bloody Ard To Be English
Post #675672
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3:13 am, Jan 10 2016
Posts: 9

I have had some experience with project scanlation selection process, and I'm not sure if it's the same for other groups, but we would get our information from other sources (blogs, social media, following mangakas because we are looking for genre specific material), not just rely on a cover image on MU.

The image would only give us an idea on art style. The chances of a story being picked up would improve massively if (as others have pointed out) there is an accurate summary/category tags. Some groups won't take a risk based only on a cover image.

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A manga parasite

12:13 pm, Jan 11 2016
Posts: 319

It depend on the picture, it will have a change that it gets picked up if the picture looks interesting.
A series also picks my interest depending on the picture. However it also depends on the availabity of raws, no raws, no scanlation.

Even after dead, we raise from the ashes for the sake of manga.
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