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New Poll - Animation Quality Deal Breaker

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Post #768369
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10:01 am, Mar 25 2019
Posts: 3457

It has to be pretty bad and clunky for me to stop watching solely for that reason. I don't think I've ever dropped an anime because the animation was bad to be honest.

Reminds me of some anime I've seen where they were strapped for time and they couldn't animate a scene where two characters were talking and instead had a screenshot of the landscape as they spoke 🤣
It didn't happen all the time though, just one off instances so it's not enough to make me stop watching altogether.

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11:11 am, Mar 25 2019
Posts: 335

Hard to say, but I guess if art direction is good.
Take the Ping Pong anime for example. Some people were absolutely turned off by the animation, but it worked, and turned out wonderful in the end.

Post #768376 - Reply to (#768366) by Transdude1996
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7:43 pm, Mar 25 2019
Posts: 315

It sucks because I'm a fujoshi, so you'd think I'd be thrilled with it. Instead all we got was pure bait and bullshit cutaways so that no "real romance" is confirmed. Just make them a couple goddamnit! Stop stealing the precious animation budget with animating their angst tears!

Post #768389 - Reply to (#768376) by gwkimmy
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9:17 am, Mar 26 2019
Posts: 1143

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Wait, the show is genuine trash even by fujoshit standards? This is news to me because I came to believe that the "Western anime sphere" considered the show to be the best thing ever and literally Shakespeare in "quality and progressive standards".
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
Although, Shakespeare was considered pleb tier trash back in his day and age, but whatever.

And, as far as the animation for the skating, they didn't cheapen out and use CGI, like just about ever idol show does?

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Post #768393 - Reply to (#768389) by Transdude1996
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1:07 pm, Mar 26 2019
Posts: 315

Most fujoshi aren't like me and don't care, they're just thirsty for a mainstream anime that will give them the MLM. Which is fine, I guess. There's a lot more BL anime coming out and I'm excited for like, maybe two of them.

To me, the overarching sports storyline was simple, but well executed. It's a general comeback story, an underdog going against stiff competition and overcoming the odds. On this, I thought the anime was successful in delivering a heartfelt story. The romance plot, however, was so muddled and unclear and so dependent on the will-they-won't-they factor and random nudity to ramp up the tension, UGH. All the praises that people sing about this anime are for sure inflated. It's not a bad anime, per se, but it's definitely not the revolutionary thing that everyone on tumblr made it out to be.

Here's an example of some of the skating animation:
User Posted Image

And here's an example of what they decided to throw more animation budget to:
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they didn't even show the fucking kiss, which makes me even doubt it actually happened lol. everyone was all like CENSORSHIP, but Japan has definitely allowed two dudes to kiss before this anime and after.

In conclusion, I have a lot of bones to pick with this anime, but I will likely watch the second season whenever it comes out. (at least for the OP, which will hopefully be as awesome as the first one)

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8:26 pm, Mar 26 2019
Posts: 421

I only mind in extreme cases of bad animation.

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