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Post #188614 - Reply to (#22917) by vinceasuma
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6:12 am, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 1901

I find I have a lot of dreams of people trying to kill me. Like, I can vividly recall being sat in a chair and having my throat slit open, or once when I was just being choked to death.

Same with vultures, I've had dreams where I am lying on the ground, trying to scramble away while a vulture is hopping after me, trying to eat me. Its one of the scariest things...

I also had a dream where Daniel Betts was on stilts, and he gave me a butterfly... and it flew away. So when I chased after it, Michael Douglas came up in a cop car and told me to keep off the grass.

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Post #189274 - Reply to (#188614) by shaggievara
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10:43 am, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 909

Quote from shaggievara
I find I have a lot of dreams of people trying to kill me.

that is most dreams for me. thats only because i've been watching scary 18/R rated movies since i ws 9.
in dreams when someones not trying to kill me, it consists of memories from childhood mixed with some really freaky shit.
or work(ex work). those are the worst of all.

Post #189275
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10:44 am, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 2128

I don't dream anymore.... most of them will get shattered anyway, so why go through the trouble.

~Point & Squirt~
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10:54 am, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 2964

My dreams usually don't make sense.
Just like me. (:
One second I'm Alice in Wonderland and then later I'm getting run down by a serial killing duck in a llama suit trying to smack me to death with a seventeen magazine.
Good times.

Post #189281
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10:58 am, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 914

I usually never remember/have dreams... mad

Actually my most common dream is that one where you walking or doing something and you fall/slip/misstep and then jolt awake, fucking hate that feeling -_-

Post #189283
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11:00 am, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 492

I usually have something random, like me getting a baby polar bear as a pet. The dreams I remember the most clearly are the ones I'm being chased (by a cop, a green blob, a murderer, etc.). Sometimes I'm killed. cry

Today, I had a great dream though (excluding the zombies chasing me). I had a dream of a buffet. Lol, the food looked soooo good. I only got to taste one thing before I woke up though - the fried chicken. That was a shame. I really wanted to eat the mashed potatoes on my plate and the pudding. Oh well, I could taste the fried chicken, and it tasted really yummy. biggrin

Last edited by kana503 at 5:03 pm, Jul 23 2010

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11:03 am, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 2964

Food dreams are the worse.
When you wake up, you realize you didn't eat any of it at all. mad
...Which leaves me slightly depressed.

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11:19 am, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 838

I tend to have the flying dreams that never let you go beyond a certain point. On the rare occasion that I break through there's usually nothing but a white light before I wake. On the other hand I seem to have an easy time dreaming about an infinite free fall environment.

Another feature of my dreams is that they tend to somehow link up. When I'm awake, I can't remember most of the details of my dreams after a few hours but I do remember them whenever I go to sleep.

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The White Guy

4:40 pm, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 340

i mostly dont remember any thing about my dreams but most of them are random stuff

So basically to vanquish the world of evil you must have mega sex with a girl then your soul is taken...yes
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4:48 pm, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 884

Lesse, I have those really nice dreams where I get to go shopping and I buy all those things I want and then I wake up like in the movies where the dream character is all like "Alex, Alex" or "beepbeepbeep" and slowly it fades into reality and it's my dad screaming for me to get up. When I was younger I had nightmares about giant dice rolling after me in a long black hallway with pictures of dice along the sides o_O. Personally I don't think dreams (well mine at least) mean anything important. Alotta the time I dream about movies or stuff a day or two after I watch them...

Forever lurking...
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4:48 pm, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 539

I have lots of dreams where I'm falling and it neverrrrrrrr ends


5:10 pm, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 5

One of the reasons I love going to sleep is because I can dream. I think I have some hidden talent as an architect or something, cuz the surroundings in my dreams are f'ing amazing. I sometimes draw them out on paper, cuz they're just too good to forget.

Post #189396 - Reply to (#189383) by Kratos330
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5:18 pm, Aug 10 2008
Posts: 2964

Quote from Kratos330
I have lots of dreams where I'm falling and it neverrrrrrrr ends

When I dream about falling, I actually fall off the bed. eek

Post #189872 - Reply to (#189396) by Rainy Days
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4:52 am, Aug 12 2008
Posts: 909

Quote from Rainy Days
When I dream about falling, I actually fall off the bed. eek

happened to me quite a few times. i am abit of a sleepwalker so it i have really weird dream, i will wake up and find myself downstairs wondering where the hell i am

i'm quite worried what i do when i'm asleep. on one of the dreams when someone was trying to kill me, i woke up and just my trousers were covered in ink. i don't even have any ink! there was way too much of it to come from a fountain pen no

Post #189875 - Reply to (#189396) by Rainy Days
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4:59 am, Aug 12 2008
Posts: 2128

Quote from Rainy Days
When I dream about falling, I actually fall off the bed. eek

It happened occasionally when I was younger.... but then I left school, started working and bought a bigger bed... problem solved.

Quote from meroko123
i'm quite worried what i do when i'm asleep. on one of the dreams when someone was trying to kill me, i woke up and just my trousers were covered in ink. i don't even have any ink! there was way too much of it to come from a fountain pen no

You're a squid disguised as a human..... probably here to spy on us.

~Point & Squirt~
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