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New Poll - AMVs

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9:03 am, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 10691

This poll was submitted by our member unusuallove. If you don't know, AMV stands for Anime Music Video.

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Previous Poll Results:
Question: Glass of water is...
Half empty - votes: 5647 (45.7%)
Half full - votes: 6712 (54.3%)
There were 12359 total votes.
The poll ended: September 25th 2010

In the usual interpretation of this question, it means that there's more optimistic people than pessimistic. Still a lot of the pessimists though...

A just ruler amongst tyrants

11:37 am, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 10

I don't usually watch AMVs, but I like the ones that are made with care, and their quality are high. It's a shame that most of them are really bad.

Post #536438
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all hail schneizel

11:38 am, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 196

Stupid optimistic people.

I don't make AMVs and I don't watch them. I think the majority aren't well made, and they have annoying music that everyone is trying to fit to their pairing. I realize they aren't all shipping ones, but it all comes down to the same thing.

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12:14 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 422


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Quote from purple716
Is there any manga where the male lead has an illness known as stomach ulcers.Yaoi are fine top.
Post #536440 - Reply to (#536438) by ayashe

12:42 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 1

ereything made with care is interesting

Post #536441

12:45 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 83

Do hand-drawn fan videos count as AMVs?

Post #536442 - Reply to (#536440) by xzeb1
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It's him!!

1:05 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 617

I guess you voted half full.

Naive optimistic people. As long as you are optimistic you will continue to be disapointed. Read some schopenhauer and realise your folly.

I don't like AMVs. They are stupid and lame and also dumb.

Do but despise reason and science,
The highest of all human gifts -
Then you have surrendered to the Devil
And must surely perish. - J.W. von Goethe

1:11 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 312



2:31 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 2

I like AMVs coz they are made of my two fav things music & anime!!

Oh and u rude people going on bout shit amvs - lemme say its hard to make shit ones! And good ones would take like a month & who has that sort of time to make a 3 minute vid? Most people just do it as a hobby using crappy editting software so their not gonna be amazing! STOP TROLLING! (cba to explain what trolling means)

Post #536445 - Reply to (#536444) by farrafella

3:01 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 56

Its hard? Really? REALLY?

What part of "Please do not put in huge images!" did you fail to understand?
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3:16 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 287

I'm optimistic!?

"to the world you may be one person,
but to one person you may be the world."

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" (from Hamlet, Wm. Shakespeare; Act II, scene ii)

(Even though the quote above is from Hamlet, I first saw it in a Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer on YouTube ^o^)
Post #536447 - Reply to (#536444) by farrafella

3:41 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 1

U mad?

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Urabe is not happy

6:19 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 91

Where the hell is my "I AVOID THAT SHIT LIKE THE PLAGUE" choice?

Post #536449

7:13 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 25

I chose half-empty because I know I've got the cup half-full - just that empty space needs to be filled, and it hasn't been filled yet. In other words, room for improvement.

And yes, it's a shame that a lot of AMVs are just random montages of clips with random music in the background, with not even a shred of effort to make it work: a cup half-full.

They need good timing and suitable choices of clips with suitable music in the background, with the aim of telling some sort of relevant story, in order to really work. In other words, there's room for improvement: a cup half-empty.

Not quite pessimistic nor optimistic - more like opportunistic. XD

Post #536450 - Reply to (#536444) by farrafella
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9:12 pm, Sep 25 2010
Posts: 58

Me and my bro pumped out HQ AMVs in less than a week on some of the worst video editing software you can find (WMM), with computers that could barely handle playing videos, let alone editing them. Are you saying our amvs weren't amazing?

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