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do you use to have breakfast?
Yes (a succulent one)
Yes (a normal one)
Yes (a light one)
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Post #262069

10:56 pm, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 1650

I eat a normal breakfast, makes me more functional. And to those of you complaining about not sleeping, there are ways to balance your life out so that you can get enough sleep most of the time.

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Not Very Tasty

12:23 am, Feb 28 2009
Posts: 117

i can't stomach anything early in the morning, so i usually just bring a snack to my first class. a good time for breakfast is around 8, when i'm finally awake. anything before that is wood.

Doing nothing is very hard to do. You never know when you're done.
Post #262082 - Reply to (#262075) by icabobsavage
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Thread Killer

2:19 am, Feb 28 2009
Posts: 252

Quote from icabobsavage
i can't stomach anything early in the morning...

Yeah I have the same problem but also I'm in a rush to get ready for classes that I don't have the time to get a bite to eat

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Post #262118
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8:00 am, Feb 28 2009
Posts: 39

my biggest meal of the day starting with some type of meat the size of my hand and 2 to 4 eggs > boiled, scrambled sometimes poached on a piece on wholemeal bread or sourdough best , half cup juice with vitamins .finished with yogurt or smoothie sometimes a piece fruit bread or a small bowl of canned fruit with muesli or oats.

if i am late/rushing protein shake with an banana or apple ...

Post #262119
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8:03 am, Feb 28 2009
Posts: 1027

Coffee...sometimes a glass of milk.

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Post #262228
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1:53 pm, Feb 28 2009
Posts: 182

I don't usually have a grandiose breakfast everyday since I only have 1 hour to prepare to school, but if I'm feeling lazy to make myself something, I would eat a toast bread with butter and just water. none

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Post #262237

2:07 pm, Feb 28 2009
Posts: 522

I don't eat breakfast because I can't eat when I am tired.
Sometimes I don't evenhave lunch but only dinner.

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9:24 am, Mar 23 2009
Posts: 9026

I had a cup of strawberry icecream, a bagel with cream cheese, and two pieces of the finest chocolate. embarrassed

This was an exception though, sadly. ;-;

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #270051
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Is a female

9:38 am, Mar 23 2009
Posts: 3457

I used to have proper breakfast, with cereal, toast, eggs bacon etc.

Now i'm always getting up late for school, so I grab a pot of yogurt and a yogurt drink and have them when I get into form.

Now i'm just too lazy on the weekends to make myself anything so the yogurt in the mornings continue laugh

Post #270063
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10:22 am, Mar 23 2009
Posts: 131

i don't eat anything when i wake up... i'm too lazy, but when i was in high school i would eat bread with butter soaked in hot chocolate roll

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Mysterious Being

4:53 pm, Mar 23 2009
Posts: 461

I have toast/pancakes/poptarts and a cup of tea depending on when I get up. If I tried to eat anything for breakfast a while ago I would almost vomit.

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Post #270143
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Evil Little Kid

5:14 pm, Mar 23 2009
Posts: 437

I usually don't eat breakfast, I just drink apple juice or chocolate milk, although before I used to drink coffee and sweet bread, now I just don't have time to prepare the coffee in the morning. =___= so I just grab a small carton of apple juice and drink it on the way to school. =3

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Post #277954
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Bazooka .

12:13 pm, Apr 19 2009
Posts: 603

A light breakfast, I don't have much time in the morning when it's school,and I'm not planning to get up even earlier~

Post #277967 - Reply to (#277954) by Azuka
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Monkey. :B

12:31 pm, Apr 19 2009
Posts: 1966

Quote from Azuka
A light breakfast, I don't have much time in the morning when it's school,and I'm not planning to get up even earlier~

laugh yes, I'm the same, though I rarely eat breakfast. ^__^

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Post #277969
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I am the Devil

12:34 pm, Apr 19 2009
Posts: 2081

green tea. thats like all

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