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Code Geass predictions *warning spoilers*

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Local Prig

10:49 am, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 1899

@Lower: Nothing wrong with hoping, I guess. But I wouldn't want you to get your hopes up for either, that's exceedingly unlikely, especially since Okouchi seems to be pleased with his ending.

@Gan: *goes insane from all the orange*... It's fine, I like to finish what I start (how did I start that anyway?).

Anyway, since everything's pretty much explained and done with, I will now drive a wagon filled with hay into the sunset and leave this thread to its own devices!

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
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NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #208453
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Prinny Puncher

11:24 am, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 120

AH HA! So it was you driving that Cart!!

Well I enjoyed that Episode

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The while Death scence for was amazing and brought me to tears -_-' and you know Lelouch wanted to say he last words to Nunnaly considering that he kept her at the bottom of the ramp lol. but yeah, it'd be nice to know CC's name but overall it was a good ending, especially since at least three of the people closest to him understood his actions at the end. [Nunnaly, Kallen and Suzaku]

And I think all of us believe its Lulu driving the cart

I'm glad of how it ended, it ended on a high for me and well

If there was a real evil in the universe it would be the illusion that man creates to defend its Forsaken Ideals.
Post #208459 - Reply to (#208442) by Crenshinibon

11:49 am, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 113

Quote from Crenshinibon
@Lower: Nothing wrong with hoping, I guess. But I wouldn't want you to get your hopes up for either, that's exceedingly unlikely, especially since Okouchi seems to be pleased with his ending.

Well, my hopes aren't that high either, since yeah, Okouchi did say it's over. Ok then, i'll put my hopes on a ep 25.1, 5 mins long, dvd only special having a Lulu and CC's conversation about how they plan to watch how the world is in peace or something like that.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know another good battle of wits anime/manga, other than DeathNote and Geass? and if possible with hints of romance (straight btw). i just love this kind of stories.


1:52 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 224

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There were two things I noticed about Lelouch being alive theory. 1. He didn't use his geass in the end, I mean he didn't really have a chance too..whatever. 2. And the pink paper crane. Nunally was foding those way earlier. Plus him being alive makes sense. Seeing as he promised to have C.C. smile when she dies.
Yeah that's what I think. and
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Lol suzaku became zero. I knew he wasn't dead when lancelot blew up

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Post #208560

3:46 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 25

Just wanted to say it was an amazing show. Ending was great and just like I was imaging it after first season. Yea it was not suprising(after "serve Zero" the only question was "will it be nunally or suzaku?"wink but still it makes you feel great when you can say "thank God he really isn't a....".

Post #208564

3:50 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 2

The ending was just amazing, it was bittersweet but i loved it and i thought they could have end it no other way. Though i had thought it would end in total destruction but code geass just keeps on surprising me.

Post #208605

5:27 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 2

Something still bugs me season one when C.C. activated the trap which shows different bits of memories to Lelouch, one of the scenes is the "metal(?)" world above "Earth" with a nuclear explosion going off on it.
I mean what's up with that? O_O?
There's no explanation for that. If that was part of the past it would be weird....

Post #208612 - Reply to (#208605) by hoboman
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Local Prig

5:42 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 1899

Quote from hoboman
Something still bugs me season one when C.C. activated the trap which shows different bits of memories to Lelouch, one of the scenes is the "metal(?)" world above "Earth" with a nuclear explosion going off on it.
I mean what's up with that? O_O?
There's no explanation for that. If that was part of the past it would be weird....

and I return for an explanation! *sigh*, just when I thought I had put everything to bed too...

If I know the scene you're talking about, that's actually "God" (i.e. Juptier, human soul collective, whatever you like calling it) above earth with light shining in the middle. It basically is just a shot of the World of C, not a ton to explain there.

Stuff that really has no answer:
-CC's name
-Suzaku's connection with Geass (including why people can see holograms of CC)
-Cecile's past, and what her relationship with Suzaku was supposed to be.
-Any information whatsoever about Kallen's father
-All information pertaining to the origins of geass, VV's contractor, all of the immortal people in the flashes, etc.
-What happened to Sayoko and Xing-ke.
-The source of Lloyd and Lhakshata's feud.

and a few more. Some of those (especially the Lloyd and Rhakshata one) can probably be answered in the sound or picture episodes.

Now I'm really off! (I hope.)

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
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Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
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6:03 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 539

Honestly, I thought Lelouch would have already reached the power to become what Charles became, and just faked a death to live a long and peaceful life. That would've been just as good, but i still LOVE this ending. eyes

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Demented Octopus

6:23 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 737

I was nothing but satisfied with the ending. Sure it left a lot unanswered or open-ended, but they captured the emotions right, and succeeded in making it not entirely stupid or lame.

I was surprised at the developments between Jeremiah and Anya. I suppose since most of her life was spent under the influence of a Geass, when that was removed, she didn't have much else left and Jeremiah decided to look after her. I was happy to see them not force Gino and Kallen together in the end.

So I guess in the end, if Lelouch really became immortal and didn't die, it was Suzaku who really got screwed what with having to live his life wearing a mask now.

All in all, after a few rough episodes, I was suprised to find a good end to an excellent series.

Tree + Taco = Tree taco.
Post #208714

10:22 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 113

Oh right, Crenshi or anyone, did Karen ever say her gum line? I don't remember her saying it. confused

Post #208718 - Reply to (#208714) by Lower
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Local Prig

10:26 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 1899

Quote from Lower
Oh right, Crenshi or anyone, did Karen ever say her gum line? I don't remember her saying it. confused

No. It was cut or just manufactured by the writer. It's my personal opinion that she originally said it to CC during their mech fight (instead of the more explicit "do you love him" ) , but there's no proof of that.

It doesn't really matter, in the end her feelings were unrequited anyway. Regardless of whether or not he's alive, CC's the only member of the cast Lelouch can have contact with.

Just be glad she didn't say it to Gino laugh .

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #208731
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10:59 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 833

The fights were so Gundam, but damn that just surpassed gurren lagann's ending. positive message too and got me fearing masses of sheep that much more. millions of sheep willin to blow themselves up cuz a man written book promised them 72 virgins in the afterlife.

"Hip-hop was set out in the dark. They used to do it out in the park"

11:03 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 224

Xingke isn't in the epilogue...maybe he finnally died of his illness. Man the illness was so pointless...

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Post #208742

11:44 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 25

I know I shouldn't write this after "the ending was amazing" but still the ending had something that made me sad. The fact that only Karen could keep her part of the promise(you know the one "Karen when it all ends lets go back to Ashford together" ). Still in a way the promise was kept by remembring him as a friend she took him with her. wink

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