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You wanna finish KENGAN ASURA this year?, click here!! no experience in nothing needed!!

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Post #763945
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6:37 am, Sep 8 2018
Posts: 402

If you pay people to work on manga, why would others join to help for free? You're going to pay some, but not the others? Wouldn't it be bad for morale?

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10:18 am, Sep 8 2018
Posts: 26

Just remember, anyone who wants to take this offer up: This is a guy wanting to snipe a series people have been working on for years to put out subpar scans.

Consider what you want to be a part of and just join the group working on it already to give this series the love it deserves.


12:52 pm, Sep 8 2018
Posts: 61

cmertb, you know I'm a fan of your work, so let me explain this way of operating.

What do you see every single day here in this forum for the past 5 years or so?

Hi!! Recruiting!! for a translator, typesetter, editor, proofreader, English checker and someone that can set up a website. And then a hundred bumps.....

so, pretty much everything, then they put their 10-15 series wish list and the vicious cycle goes on and on.

Because I want to read the series, not a hundred pretty fonts, not redraws, not one big colorful page of credits every single chapter, no, I want to read the series.

So, I decided, well, if people wanna read it quicker (I know damn well I do) let's pool our resources but in a focused way, wanna work? sure, we put you to work with a modest compensation. Don't wanna work? sure, we will accept contributions (one volume translated, I can help you find people that can do it, here's some non-monetary help or otherwise) The end result is not someone "left out" of any sweet deal since our final goal is to finish ONE series in a short amount of time.

I don't know when you started working on Kohinata Minoru, but work started sometime in 2008, it is 2018 and 10 years later, you're still stuck in the same series!!! I understand is available for free but that's an insane amount of time to finish one 50 volume series. I would have done 12 volumes in one year IF I was a fan, I enjoy it but I finished about 6 series in the last 10 years (and that's being a private group entity) Answering your question, I only pay translators the highest rate possible. To date, I've never had free translations from any source (because, internationally, I'm the source. Just watch the fansub of the Baki anime you'll notice they lifted all my scripts) Typesetters could get less if I need some help. I can Typeset so I don't need to spend that much money on that.

Fansub started by people pooling money to see something good. Free scanlations and fansubs have been chained by the lack of accountability that the people creating it have towards the fans because they do it for free, they can't be rushed or called in for. But yet, there's a bunch of money made by aggregators where the fans gladly click on their pages in the millions to fat their pocket accounts. I won't change all that, but what I can change...It's time to take a stand and finish KENGAN ASURA

and to answer hedonistic little rodent and sun'of a frackin byotch Lightysnake:


If you want pro quality buy the japanese book or the english book, otherwise GTFO!!!


2:49 pm, Sep 8 2018
Posts: 26

So your pitch is "some of you are important enough to be paid, but not others" and you care so little for the series you're not willing to have even a modicum of patience?

And then you go with "if people don't wanna help, give me money" when you admit you pay translators cheap? So you keep the rest of the money? Sounds like a scam, especially as you haven't actually finished any series. You CLAIM to, but can't or won't prove it.

And you 'love' scanlations and series so much you're saying they're all' subpar, including the work of the people you're trying to solicit for help.

So your pitch is "Your work sucks, so help me make something really subpar to bang it out quickly, when it's being worked on by people making a good scanlation because I'm impatient." Yeah, man, this isn't good salesmanship. And 'hedonistic?' I'm not the one shouting out that a series with good people on it now isn't good enough because it's not enough for me. You going to scream at mangaka for releasing things on a schedule instead of all at once next?

I don't need 'pro' quality...but some quality is nice, as opposed to what you're trying to do.

So, again, scanlators: is this REALLY what you want to be a part of? Do you really want to spend a ton of time and effort on a project he's TELLING you will be subpar and bad when this is a series given care by others?

Post #763960 - Reply to (#763956) by ichido reichan
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5:08 pm, Sep 8 2018
Posts: 402

I don't disagree, if you pay people to work on manga, you could finish even KSKM in 1-2 years. And there is a surprising number of people willing to work for peanuts.

My question was different, however. I'm just curious about the mindset of those who join a project where various team members are treated so unequally. I can understand giving money, not doing any work, and receiving the product. I can understand doing the work and getting paid. I can understand doing the work for free together with the whole team. I don't quite understand doing the work and not getting paid, while others are.

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10:42 pm, Sep 8 2018
Posts: 61

[I don't quite understand doing the work and not getting paid, while others are]

cmertb, your question is very good and it has a lot of different answers, my opinion, by all means, does not mean the absolute truth, but is my honest view on the matter.

Answer: Because the translator should be the only one that gets paid because he/she's essential and irreplaceable and everyone in the group should understand that.

The translator doesn't need anybody to read the comic/book/manga movie to him/her so why do we have volunteer people knowledgeable in Japanese translating for free? Maybe because they want friends? maybe they like to train their skills? maybe they entertain themselves translating? who knows, but it is the hardest person to come across and keep, and the essential person to make your project (meaning the project YOU want) to take off.

I can translate manga in any roman language with google, it's easy. French books, Italian books, spanish books. Not because I'm fluent, but because it can capture the core of the message and convey it in english very easily. Not with Japanese, not by a long shot. We picked a language that is hard and complex to translate, therefore,we need as much help as we can get, and sometimes we don't get it. I'll be honest with you, I spend a lot of money from my own pocket to do stuff. My translators do one or two books, get paid and go away. Sometimes I come across someone that need a part-time and some quick cash, so they will pump books at a very fast rate. I have often the problem that my typesetters quit before doing any work (too busy now, sorry, I wish you luck) But it's fine, nobody is forced to work for peanuts or free in something anybody can do. But my translator can't quit if I pay them, I can bind them with deadlines and consult them with questions and modify their script as I see fit. I love the compromise and the freedom of paying for translations That's the best answer I can come up with.

Lightysnake: stop making a fool out of yourself

All those releases were done the exact same way I'm doing it right now, You think I haven't heard the same tired excuses from people like you for a DECADE? yes

You know, Lemme play a game with you ? just for efficiency's sake. Let's both release a full volume of a manga title that nobody has seen before, something new tonight ? alright...


Last edited by ichido reichan at 10:57 pm, Sep 8 2018


11:05 pm, Sep 8 2018
Posts: 26

Release: 83

Active group: No

the last thing you released that was complete was a one volume manga in 2009. doesn't look like you've finished, well...much of anything.

Again, anyone who's consider working for this guy should consider he's essentially confessing to stiffing people.

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7:57 am, Sep 9 2018
Posts: 10685

Both of you, stop it. This is a recruitment thread. Keep it that way.

@ichido reichan, do not post links to where to read manga. That's against the forum rules

A just ruler amongst tyrants

11:02 am, Sep 9 2018
Posts: 1

@ichido reichan With all due respect to your dedication to finish Kengan by the end of the year. The current scanlation team is starting to release 1 chapter every day. At this rate they will finish the series by the end of the year anyways and quite honestly at a much better quality than your work. So although you have good intentions, this project is pointless.


7:00 pm, Sep 9 2018
Posts: 61

Jimmy, so naive, do you really believe them? the guys that have 95 projects simultaneously? They've been sitting on Kengan since I was in the middle of Son Of ogre in 2013. I finish all my 6 series and the moment I tell them I'm gonna take over they decide to "pick up the pace" you go believe in St. Claus stories but you or anybody is gonna stop me finishing Kengan before December of this year.
And if they do, good!! let's see how competition feels like.

@Admin: I apologize of the links, I forgot the links were prohibited. Thanks for the intervention since I was just trying to do recruiting and some shady individual attempted to discredit me for no reason


12:58 am, Sep 10 2018
Posts: 61

This is a piece from 2009, by Inside scanlation. To the people curious about if I should do the Ashura of Kengan: Yanime vs Animewaves

-Tell us a bit about competition between groups...:Yanime and AnimeWaves seemed to have a pretty fierce competition in scanlating Ichigo 100%? Care to tell us a bit about that?

cccnnn: Well, we won! That's all that matters right? Haha, but seriously, it was pretty intense. For the most part, we tried to keep the competition cordial, but of course, sometimes things get nasty. I mean, competitions are really based on speed, with the losing side degrading to the claim of "quality over quantity" (sometimes legit, often not). In the end, we outproduced them, and really that's one of the biggest reasons why we won. Can't really remember a lot of funny least none that I want to disclose publically ?

In these kind of competitions, or at least the one between Yanime and AnimeWaves, was the competition more like a friendly competition, or something worse? Do these rivalries usually get blown out of proportion by fans/leechers? There was a post written by Floating_Sakura on this subject.

cccnnn: Actually, I poached Floating_Sakura from AW! She ended up translating for us ? Seriously though, competition is competition, and at the end of the day there's an undeniable amount of animosity between the groups. I tried to keep things civil, and largely we coexisted in mutual channels. But, these rivalries can and do lead to a lot of e-drama, which are often made worse by fans/leechers.
--------------------------------------------------------- ---

So you see? everybody? what I'm doing is nothing new, sure you can try to persuade me that they'll do good on their word, and perhaps they will. But I'm not one that will see it happen by sitting and complying. Quality demands are moot to me since we're scanlators and, to date, no scanlation example has been equal or better than a printed licensed one. So yeah, let's have a good old poachin' and stealin'. May the best Kengan Ashura fangroup wins. Do you wanna be on the winner's side? come join me. (Info page, no links to scans)

Last edited by ichido reichan at 10:26 am, Sep 10 2018

Post #763990 - Reply to (#763878) by ichido reichan

12:46 pm, Sep 10 2018
Posts: 3

I was aware of the translation of Garouden book 1 by baku yumemakura which I enjoyed, what was the other novel you finished?


1:48 pm, Sep 10 2018
Posts: 26

Look at the attempts to justify things by going for a completely different group, admitting his scans suck and he's a thief.

Post #763994 - Reply to (#763990) by BattoBronson

4:33 pm, Sep 10 2018
Posts: 61

The gate of fierce lions vol 1, by the same author. I actually have all the 18 novels of Garouden translated but I need to go through edition and financing on those. I was planning on doing a radio podcast with the Garouden novels (not read by me, but by a voice actor) I'm glad you enjoyed it. The effort took 6 months and 300.00 dollars but it came through.

I would much like to do the 3rd Yukikaze novel (Unbroken Arrow) but that's non-negotiable 450 dollars and 600 pages of "direct Japanese translation" to "reasonably artistic" English edition but with people calling me swindler and stuff, plus the cheapness of nowadays fans...We can't have nice things like I used to when I was subbing on vhs distros and when people was desperate for Baki.

Ain't a funny thing how people complain here, but I uploaded one full volume on mangadex, 3000 views in two days and 120 "following" as if these things fell from the sky.

You know, maybe it is a better idea not to do nothing ?


5:28 pm, Sep 10 2018
Posts: 61



Last edited by lambchopsil at 7:44 pm, Sep 10 2018

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