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Chapter 321

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Post #188611
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5:39 am, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 62

Like I said Yumi dealt the final blow with his power drain thingie bigrazz Hope they wont show all the 3 remaining fights. Get back to captains already imo!

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6:21 am, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 19

As I was reading this, I could not help but think of Serena from Sailor Moon with that "heart" attack and the flowers... I guess T.K. remembers his shojo magna. laugh

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6:49 am, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 3342

Yumichika's attack is just like something Kurama/Great Fox from Yu-Yu Hakusho would come up with.

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #188632
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8:12 am, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 81

I think it was awesome. And compared to Charlotte's released form, a true beauty.

So nobody knows about Yumichika's bankai either... A rather powerful one, I'd say.

p.s. I'd really like to see Kira's fight.

right to arm bears
Post #188633 - Reply to (#188621) by Calíbre

8:14 am, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 678

Quote from Calliber
Yumichika's attack is just like something Kurama/Great Fox from Yu-Yu Hakusho would come up with.

yeah i was sort of reminded about that too when i saw it. and from his description of it looks like the fights completely over and done with on his side now.

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Post #188644 - Reply to (#188633) by jrdragon2003
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9:49 am, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 155

Quote from jrdragon2003
Quote from Calliber
Yumichika's attack is just like something Kurama/Great Fox from Yu-Yu Hakusho would come up with.

yeah i was sort of reminded about that too when i saw it. and from his description of it looks like the fights completely over and done with on his side now.

Yes totally agree, just like the technique used by Kurama.

Also it was bankai form right? since it was the second release of his sword and he was relieved when he said "no one to witness, right" and thank his ugly enemy, which to me means he can use his bankai since no one will know. Just like with ikkako when ikkako used his bankai in the human world.

If I were the rain.....
Could I ever merge with somebody's heart,
Like the way the rain merges the sky and earth,
Never meant to connect...
Post #188649 - Reply to (#188644) by pamc_kel
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10:07 am, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 114

Quote from pamc_kel
Also it was bankai form right? since it was the second release of his sword and he was relieved when he said "no one to witness, right" and thank his ugly enemy, which to me means he can use his bankai since no one will know. Just like with ikkako when ikkako used his bankai in the human world.

Nope... just his shikai, he explained back in SS arc that the five bladed shikai was fake.... and he didn't show anyone his true shikai because in the 11th division kido based zanpakutos are considered shameful....

Post #188654 - Reply to (#188644) by pamc_kel
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10:34 am, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 51

Quote from pamc_kel
Also it was bankai form right? since it was the second release of his sword and he was relieved when he said "no one to witness, right" and thank his ugly enemy, which to me means he can use his bankai since no one will know. Just like with ikkako when ikkako used his bankai in the human world.

Nope.He don't want anybody to see that he has kido based attack.And he hasn't said magic word "ban-kai".

Post #188715
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4:01 pm, Aug 8 2008
Posts: 183

With Yumichika's shikai like that I would love to see his bankai.

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Post #188881 - Reply to (#188715) by kumquat
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1:58 am, Aug 9 2008
Posts: 155

Quote from kumquat
With Yumichika's shikai like that I would love to see his bankai.

Yes i agree , I am also curious what his bankai would look like if that is just a shikai eyes On the other hand, he already looks cool using his shikai so why not just stay as he is. In my opinion, Yumichika is somewhat laid back since he's more concerned of his "beatiful face", so I think him achieving a bankai, which totally entail hard work is out of character, but still i just keep on hoping he has one cause it's interesting what his bankai would look like or what his bankai is capable of.

Last edited by pamc_kel at 2:05 am, Aug 9 2008

If I were the rain.....
Could I ever merge with somebody's heart,
Like the way the rain merges the sky and earth,
Never meant to connect...
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4:13 am, Aug 9 2008
Posts: 814

How in the world can that arrancar call itself beautiful?

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Post #188954
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9:09 am, Aug 9 2008
Posts: 172

Just another weak Arrancar, I'm actually getting tired of seeing Arrancars. I thought they were totally cool when they first came out, but they're just way too weak compared to the shinigami's right now. Yumichika's SHIKAI beat an Arrancar's released form. The only Arrancars that still seem cool to me are the top 4 since they haven't been beaten yet.

Anyways, Yumichika and Kurama. I can spot more than one similarity between those two, lol.

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7:05 pm, Aug 9 2008
Posts: 42

lol, the fight in this chapter totally sucked, I mean, both of them only used 1 move and it was over.

The first half of the chapter was the arrancar bragging about how "beautiful" he is =.="

I have to admit Yumichika's shikai is pretty cool though

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6:32 pm, Aug 11 2008
Posts: 114

yumichika's shikai is almost as overpowered as aizen's...with a move like power steal he can pretty much stand face to face with yamamoto even....

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