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jail bait

9 years ago
Posts: 1444

Crimson Peak.
Tom Hiddleston has a nice ass. 😀 I mean, it's by Guillermo Del Toro, I didn't even watched the trailer. It was pretty, like a dark fairytale. Mia Wasikowski is there too, serious as always, I wonder if she has a light side to her. Hahaha 🤣


oh please do click this!
The sweeter the apple, the higher the branch. The quieter the fart, the nastier the smell.

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9 years ago
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Tucker & Dale vs Evil. The beginning was great but it kinda petered out towards the end.

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9 years ago
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The Good Dinosaur.

It was certainly cute. A good children's movie.


9 years ago
Posts: 1041

SW force awakens

felt like other movies by J.J
empty and soulless

i liked episode 1 and 3 and parts of 2
so i might have not been the target audience
apparently what star wars "fans" want is a remake of a new hope

it moves around too much for me to care
the girl living on the planet for xx-years does not feel like she have lived a hard life
and one line about water is not going to make it feel more real
and the flying around thing
they just cut all the tension out of the time perspective by having everyone just hypedrive to whatever in a matter of secons
the whole battle with the new deathstar is a good example of this
look its charging
and 2 silly new villains kaylo or failo and voldemort-2

overall not a movie i will watch again

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Seinen is RIGHT
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9 years ago
Posts: 2431

It´s Oscar season so i am currently watching films like it´s my job. Aka .the best job.
Rocky got a 3nd chance at life (VI was also good after all) thanks to Creed and i can see Sly winning an Oscar just for the Hollywood comeback narrative alone.
Tarantino´s Hatefull 8 is on of his "slow films" and thus comparable to Jackie Brown (his "worst") / Kill Bill 2 / Death Proof and one of the few with proper on screen gore.
The film is a (too) slow burn that truly explodes just before the 3rd act and it indeed feels like a stage play as promised. The film is a really solid B with amazing music by a western legend and genre fans/critics will love it but a true mass apples may be lost.
Season 2 of Fargo pulled a reverse True Detective by being better than the first and i could go on but they will be overshadowed by Star Wars: The Force Awakens anyway so on to my 9/10 IMDB review:

Jar Jar Abrams reignited the Force
I had hight hopes due to the perfectly picked director (Star Trek into Dumbness was a rare fluke though) and Disney´s carefully crafted new continuity and they succeeded by giving me the first good Star Wars movie since 1983 and even the best one since 1980.
TFA may not be a perfect film and it relies heavily on the structure of IV and V but isn´t this what we all wanted to re-introduce the cinematic arm of the franchise? The film looks like the original trilogy, sounds like it and most importantly feels like it as it re-mystified the titular Force. Especially due to the Force Vision in the exact middle of the film which i consider the best sequence featured. The film even tried it´s best to respect the now thankfully dead Extended Universe and it also looks forward the future by introducing new cinematic techniques and narrative content to the franchise. Chief among them is the villain Kylo Ren who exceeded my lofty expectation by becoming a worthy follow up to Darth Vader. Or should i say an inversion as he turned out to be Anakin Skywalker done right!
I was glued to the screen every time he showed up and the film ended up being less predictable than expected. The other clear highlight is Harrison Ford who returned to form for the first time in 2 decades. The film is even very progressive by having a female protagonist who´s gender is a non-issue, a vulnerable black man as a deuteragonist and it also easily passes the Bechdel-Test so we now have empirical proof that such films can make money. Eh Hollywood? Rey is ironically the new character i cared about the "least" as the film is only a setup for her Joseph Campbell-esque journey but i still like her a lot.
The film is the funniest of them all too (who knew that C-3PO can actually be funny?) despite being the darkest but the humor should have been assigned to less characters and there is even an equally useless female counterpart to Boba Fett. There are actually a lot of villains in the film which lead to a well developed sense of danger due to an even stronger themes of fascism and the film may be slightly overstuffed in general but i have no idea how the scriptwriters could have stepped up their game as the deck was stacked up against them no matter what. ILM is destined to win awards for the mesmerizing effects but i suspect they won´t be the only aspects of the films to gain acclaim due to the overwhelming positive reception form all audiences and the 2 hours flew by.
My biggest takeaway is that the seasoned team behind VII managed to bring back the excitement and most importantly the magic so it wish it luck on it´s journey to topple the very enjoyable Avatar. VIII will be guided by a Breaking Bad veteran and Rogue One is intriguing due to the premise alone so Disney´s very own MCU finally got some competition. Battlefront is lastly fun, Rebels is an outright hit and so are the comics and a lot of the books so i commit no hyperbole by stating that the Disney acquisition managed to save Star Wars from creatively collapsing on itself. May the Schwartz be with you Disney!

... Last edited by residentgrigo 9 years ago

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #675103 - Reply To (#675101) by residentgrigo
Post #675103 - Reply To (#675101) by residentgrigo
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Slightly obscene

9 years ago
Posts: 498

Quote from residentgrigo

(who knew that C-3PO can actually be funny?)

"Shut me down"? Likely the single funniest moment of the prequel movies.

Quote from residentgrigo

Off to the cinema with you! VII is Darth Plinkett approved after all.

No need, I saw it last friday already. 😛

... Last edited by Baalzebup 9 years ago
Post #675105 - Reply To (#675103) by Baalzebup
Post #675105 - Reply To (#675103) by Baalzebup
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Seinen is RIGHT
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9 years ago
Posts: 2431

No that would be the Death Sticks bit and C-3PO´s character archetype wasn´t supposed to be funny by design. Attack Of The Clones is actually the "best" of the prequels while we are @ it but i would also rather loose a foot than a hand if i had to choose.
I also can´t be leave that none of the 3 films genuinely bothered to put the Clone Wars on screen. The 2 toons did a great job with them though.
Off to the cinema with you! VII is Darth Plinkett approved after all.


I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb

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9 years ago
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That movie Never.gets.old.

Post #675172
Post #675172
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9 years ago
Posts: 613

The Good Dinosaur, I'm surprised that pixar put some of what they did into a children's movie...But it was good.

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9 years ago
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens



Quote from LawX

You are like the dense main character in a shoujo manga.

Quote from Crenshinibon

And you will murder someone one day, pika. If you're my daughter.

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Nice desu ne

9 years ago
Posts: 1132

Star wars. Gonna try and see Carol this Saturday. Stoked as fuck.

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9 years ago
Posts: 91

Someone hand me the movie list from my last plane flight. :x

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9 years ago
Posts: 312

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, human nature is so imperfect and ephemeral.

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9 years ago
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Bridge of Spies

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9 years ago
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