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What do you think of before you go to sleep?

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jail bait

7:13 pm, Oct 21 2011
Posts: 1444


oh please do click this!
The sweeter the apple, the higher the branch. The quieter the fart, the nastier the smell.
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10:07 pm, Oct 21 2011
Posts: 583

I usually tell myself a bedtime story...oh and I pray for my cat's safety

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El Psy Kongroo.

11:04 pm, Oct 21 2011
Posts: 968

I just lay there until i fall asleep.

On another note, have you seriously tried thinking about what to do with your hands or where to look when your eyes are closed? For me I get restless and can't figure out what to do to normally fall asleep.


12:11 am, Oct 22 2011
Posts: 60

fear - how is my life going up till this point and where might it be headed,
a lot of second guessing - who am I, and what can I do with myself to improve both in the short term and in the future,
what is my goal in life, and how does it fit in with the world and ideas that have come before me,
anxiety, bits of self loathing, optimism, and conviction
occasional reviews of the day - why had people acted the way they did and what were they thinking, what was the chain of events that had lead up to a specific occurance, how can these occurances be linked to help me improve my understanding of a particular idea
small fantasies - wishing I had been born a little bit different, or my surroundings were different, and how things can be improved
damn it I can't sleep again and tomorrow I'll have to pay for this. bigrazz

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12:28 am, Oct 22 2011
Posts: 83

Hmm... lot's of things. Sometimes it's whatever I read or watched last if I really liked it, I'll recraft things in my mind that might become half-hearted attempts at fanfiction. Sometimes my family and direction (or lack thereof) in my life. Sometimes I'll have a song stuck in my head that will no matter whether I like it or not keep me from falling easily to sleep. Sometimes I'm way worried over stuff that shouldn't bother me but now when it's time to sleep decided they can't be supressed. About my pillows... whether I'll wake up with a headache again. I try to supress the sad stuff, snapping at my self about what good it's doing to be so morbid... and then diving into the subject again under the guise of some idea. Sometimes I'll be extremely antsy and might pray for a hundred things so that maybe nothing bad will happen tomorrow. A lot of scolding of my self for forgetting things I meant to do. Composing the exact way I want to explain or write or whatever something down and sometimes recite it to myself because my memory is quite bad.

Post #502758 - Reply to (#502721) by Fansomedreams

5:21 am, Oct 22 2011
Posts: 390

Quote from Fansomedreams
Hmm... lot's of things. Sometimes it's whatever I read or watched last if I really liked it, I'll recraft things in my mind that might become half-hearted attempts at fanfiction
Sometimes I'll have a song stuck in my head that will no matter whether I like it or not keep me from falling easily to sleep. Sometimes I'm way worried over stuff that shouldn't bother me but now when it's time to sleep decided they can't be supressed.

This and my girlfriend when I'm alone.
Nothing at all when I'm with her...I simply enjoy the moment and her warmth.

Edit: I always wonder what will happen next and it always becomes some kind of fanfiction, dreaming thoughts and ideas filled with the sensation of my bed, it's an interesting state.

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5:37 am, Oct 22 2011
Posts: 71

Okay, this is totally nerdy, but I study for my anatomy class. I go from the tip of my toes to the top of my head naming the parts. Yeah extremely nerdy. bigrazz

By the way, a train robbery means... come to the destination by train, then commit a robbery... then jump on a train and run. Or something like that, right?
-Isaac Dian
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Romance Fanatic

5:39 am, Oct 22 2011
Posts: 72

I think about what happened during school or any occurence that day and how it might've ended up if I did something different and think of what might happen the next day. Then I end up dreaming about things that could happen. Then the next day I get this deja vu feeling. O.O Happens all the time.

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Post #502866
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3:46 pm, Oct 22 2011
Posts: 410

I'm quite the pessismist and I used to ponder about death. Nowadays, I simply read a book or listen to music/podcasts if I'm alone in order to cast away any negative thoughts. My mind's usually just concerned with morning routines.


4:10 pm, Oct 22 2011
Posts: 1

I always think bout my bf or my crush..
Or if theres some kinda special occasion thts gunna happen da nxt day, i always try n imagine wut im gunna do n wutz gunna happen in tht day(like a field trip, or a vacation, or a date or wutever)or if im nervous bout somethin or of i know tht im gunna get in trouble, i always try n think bout wut im gunna say or some kinda excuse i can say lol..haha
Im weird bigrazz
Or i think bout wut im gunna do if one of my family members die or wut im gunna b in da future bigrazz


4:25 pm, Oct 22 2011
Posts: 39

im always thinking if im gonna be able to get a gf o.O

its soo sad that it makes me fall asleep to forget about reality laugh

Post #502967
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Resident Odd

2:15 am, Oct 23 2011
Posts: 665

It usually takes a few minutes for me to fall asleep, so I ponder on the day's events and things I want to think of imagination-wise. When it's a good evening, I fall to sleep without too much pondering.

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8:36 am, Oct 23 2011
Posts: 173

"Will I go to sleep?" is what I usually think nowadays. none

Alice came to a fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Post #505158
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7:45 pm, Nov 2 2011
Posts: 27

Usually about math. It can't be helped, math major in the making.

Post #505162

8:00 pm, Nov 2 2011
Posts: 124

I think about... whether telling my parents or not that I'm not straight, what kind of person I'd like to go out with, and sometimes about videogame storylines bigrazz

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