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Prefer Ongoing or Completed Series?

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6:59 pm, Apr 18 2007
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Don't go too off topic. Make another thread if you really wanna discuss avatars

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Post #11105
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8:23 pm, Apr 18 2007
Posts: 5

definitely like completed ones b/c if its a really good ongoing series... i'll lose sleep over some of the the good parts over...or i'll start to lose interest.

the completed ones i can read at my leisure w/o having to panic about group scanlating the next volume >.<'

Post #11120
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12:27 am, Apr 19 2007
Posts: 612

i suppose i prefer completed ones, but when i already download the whole series but just pondering in the middle of it, i tend take a peep at the last chapter just to be ready for any unexpected, unpleasant, surprises...that's my bad habit, but usually i just gobble up both when the scanlating group goes on an unstable pace and just got my hopes up one day with 2 consecutive volumes for 2 days, and then somehow found its way back to the house of the rest, and just basically rests there for a couple of months to come....

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Post #11356
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4:47 pm, Apr 22 2007
Posts: 14

I like reading completed series but I often find myself reading ongoing mangas merely because good, long, completed series, that are also completely scanlated, are very hard to find (for obvious reasons). xD

Post #11412
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8:30 am, Apr 23 2007
Posts: 689

I generally don't give much thought about whether it's completed or not, I'll find things i like the look/idea of and the art style. I don't like reading a long unfinised series in a shorter space of time and then having to get used to the slow updates, but on the other hand when you finally get to the end of something it can be a bit... depressing isn't really the right word, but yeah...

I've read a few mangas just as they are starting off, usually because I loved the mangaka's preivious work, such as Black Cat --> To-love-ru. It's not as frustrating waiting for chapters if you've been reading it slowly, or letting it build up for a while ready for a nice night of junk food and reading ;) . But yeah, cliffhangers in uncompleted series are horrible. ^^

Post #11415
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9:28 am, Apr 23 2007
Posts: 95

it depends on how fixated i am with it. if i can't stop reading it, then i would want it to be complete, but if i think it's boring then i wouldn't mind that it's ongoing

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11:47 am, Apr 23 2007
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ongoing....'cause it's sad when you get to the end of a completed series and you have to find a new one to read....T_T

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9:29 am, May 3 2007
Posts: 14

No one want to wait so completed series win. But I accept that I can't wait for ongoing become completed to read. laugh

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9:14 pm, May 28 2009
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I prefer completed work. O_O
I usually only read completed work, waiting is not my thing. XD
So no surprise that the first thing I look at when reading a manga is how long it is, and how many releases there are.

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9:17 pm, May 28 2009
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I prefer completed ones.
But that's only because I adore having that green check mark at the top of my list. (x

Post #292923
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9:18 pm, May 28 2009
Posts: 3503

Completed is better, I don't care if it's just one volume or more of that, as long as I can read how it ends. laugh

Ongoing is better than nothing too òÖ. Sometimes I find interesting to wonder how it will develop, so I guess it has its good points too.

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Post #292924

9:20 pm, May 28 2009
Posts: 1762

Completed for me as well. There are very few ongoing ones that I'm currently reading, most are on my wish list for when they do finish.

Post #292925
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Acting on Impulse

9:20 pm, May 28 2009
Posts: 113

hmm, been a while since i posted on forums...

Like most I prefer to pick up a completed series or atleast one with several volumes released as i like to be able to sit down and read a series for a few hours straight.
Otherwise a series tends to sit around on my wish list gathering dust untill it's a bit longer.

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9:26 pm, May 28 2009
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Honestly, it depends. Most of the time, I prefer completed, but there are some series I would never had finished if I wasn't forced to read more than a chapter or two at a time.

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9:37 pm, May 28 2009
Posts: 641

Either or, no real preference really.

It takes too long to wait for a series to be completed before I start reading, so if I'm interested in it and it has a few chapters already I'll read it whether it's completed or not.

Minimum of 5 chapters before I start reading it, unless it's a new series from my favourite mangakas.

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