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What's your clothing style like?

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6:48 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 14

For fun/curiosity, I'm wondering how people on this website like to dress on a regular basis to work/outings/school. (I'm just going shopping now and thought it'd be fun to ask bigrazz)
During the fall I like oxford heels and skinny jeans, collared shirt under a big old sweater, and a patchwork dress and sandles in the summer. What's your style like?

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7:28 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 167

Well, the regular basis dressing for my work/outing or school is t-shirt and short pant with sock and sneaker, and cause i wear glasses too, people tend to look at me like a nerd in that style of clothing laugh, but nonetheless it my style.

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7:31 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 1737

Normally T-shirts and shorts; or with pants if the weather is colder. Most often I wear tennis shoes, but occasionally if a water event is involved I wear sandals.

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Post #482784

8:02 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 107

I don't know about you but I wear togas. . .

haha, It's hard to describe my style but generic adjetives would be "fitted"--or as close as I can get with standard US sizes. Dark blue jeans with a colorful striped tee--you know, the ones with mostly passive colors but then the neon stripes as contrast. Or an unbuttoned plaid shirt with a solid color tee udnerneath and, of course, pants.

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9:35 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 672

I'm pretty casual, though I don't like to overdress or underdress. And as long as it's comfortable and presentable, then I'm all for it.

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9:57 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 398

Well, I like Oxford heels too. cool Wearing those with skinny jeans is the good choice.
Recently, I usually wear short jeans, top & batwing jacket, sandals.

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Eat Me

10:09 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 438

Since I started working at a more casual place for my internship I usually wear some nicer blue jeans or khakis and a button up. On the weekend usually a tshirt and shorts because it is too darned hot and humid here for anything else nicer laugh

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10:51 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 140

Usually wear shorts along with athletic apparel, usually polyester thin loose shirts, glasses (weak eyes), and usually Nike basketball shoes.

Sports fanatic. smile


11:02 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 43

Depends on where I go. Though even if it's just the convinience store, I tend to remain stylish shy People often describe me as a 'head-turner' because my style is very unique and eye-catching. I dont follow fashion rules, color combinations. nada. I mix and match even the most uncomplementing of all biggrin Though my favorites during winter are my black fur trenchcoat (matches anything I wear), leather leggings and heeled boots. During summer, anything light in color and comfortably cool (since I live in a desert), and sandals or ankle boots. cool Though I've gotta admit, though my glasses are stylish, it's very hard to find something that matches it perfectly.

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Ancient Alien

11:02 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 312

Right now, I dress in floral prints and usually feminine colors. smile Lately I've been adding bolder colors to my outfits. Like kind of artsy prints. Last year I wore things that were more glam/classic, like vintage black lace dresses and red lipstick. I change up my style a lot because I love fashion... I used to consider myself an Ugly Betty before I realize that I actually like clothes and only wore weird clothing to stand out :/

Last edited by DorkFishOK at 12:51 pm, Jul 18 2011

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11:18 pm, Jul 16 2011
Posts: 183

Like a hobo street punk.

I tend to dress in baggy clothes, paired with tights. Sometimes I wear men's clothes like T-shirts and outerwear.
I almost never wear anything tight, except for leggings. My shirts are always loose and flowy or big and baggy.

I especially like patterns. Patterned leggings, plaid, houndstooth, polka dots, skulls. As for colors, I like neutral, toned down colors. Grey, black, blue. Sometimes I pair the neutral colors with something bright. I like neon colors, like hot pink and highlighter yellow but not when it's obnoxious like those ugly colorful skinnies that some emo kids wears.

Oh, and I almost never wear pants. I hate pants, the only exception being shorts. I don't like jeans either. I feel like they suffocate my legs. Tights and leggings are more comfortable. I usually wear shorts over them.

Um. Let's see...
I also usually wear plaid flannel as a jacket when I'm cold. I like boots, also.. I like leather combat boots because I like the edgy look.
Hahahaha I bet I sound really manly, but I'm not. I like dresses as much as any other girl. I love poofy dresses the best ~

I also collect hair accessories. I LOVE hairclips and bobbypins and headbands ~ ~ ~ ~
I always wear a bow in my hair. I collect different patterned bows ~

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12:29 am, Jul 17 2011
Posts: 1279

This is going to be an interesting thread in a Manga-based forum community. laugh

I'm more of a jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers kind of gal.
Seriously, I can't wear blouses, I look like an idiot. ):
And after all my t-shirts and jeans, I do have a collection of skirts and button down tops for... everyday wear.... Surprisingly, I'm a bit of a tomboy but I like wearing skirts.

Also as a side note: LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS.

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12:59 am, Jul 17 2011
Posts: 883

A lot of dark colored clothing.
Any type of shirt or jacket that suits me, always with jeans.
I usually wear a hat too and once in awhile a scarf or something of the sort.
My headphones turned into an accessory as well, but I do use it to listen to music.
My glasses are also an accessory.
Usually depends on what I'm doing for the day.
I prefer very simple clothing, I'm not a big fan of patterns.
I don't wear little trinkets because I find them annoying and they always seem to break very easily when I wear them. )':
People are usually surprised when I'm dressed out to hang out because at school I dress really simply and lazily. Meh, I don't really care about how I look at school because I just want to be comfortable at a place I'm going to spend the next 8-9 hours.

Post #482834
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1:03 am, Jul 17 2011
Posts: 1422

usually T-shirts and jeans, short jeans if it's hot outside.... and definitely a cap, for some reason I don't feel right If I go out without one

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1:39 am, Jul 17 2011
Posts: 301

Jeans, shirt, sneakers. I'm too lazy to dress otherwise, and it probably wouldn't suit me anyway.

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