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Does the origin of Humans matter to you?

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7:06 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 686

Hey guys,
motivated by the huge neverending evolution-religion debate, i wanted to find out how many people actually give a dam about if we are evolved from apes or created by a god. Or if the earth was created/formed 6000, 20000, or 5000000000 years ago.
Important: this is a question if it is important for YOU personally. This is of course important for some areas of science and medicine, but i want to know if you care.

Personally i think it doesn't really matter that much. I am here now, and 99,9% of my decisions don't have anything to do with age of earth, origin of species, .....

Post #63958
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7:12 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 7787

Not at all.
Meaning of life is at the bottom of
my priority list. smile

Post #63959
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the(old)SRoMU boss

7:13 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 1502

i dont really care, but we are evolved from apes.
there is no god.

the best security guard, EVER.
Post #63960
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7:13 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 412

lol. I think it'd be interesting to know for sure, but I'm more interested in the future.

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Post #63962
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the(old)SRoMU boss

7:14 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 1502

we know for sure. apes.

the best security guard, EVER.

7:18 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 686

i think so far i am by far more amazed how quick people posted! Wow, people are camping.

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7:19 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 6221

No. i don't really care where we came from. i don't even care about history. life's all about living in the present for the future. nothing about the past

Post #63969 - Reply to (#63966) by bully_jesus
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2nd wave MU user

7:20 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 7787

Quote from bully_jesus
i think so far i am by far more amazed how quick people posted! Wow, people are camping.

Full-time stalkers united. >.<

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Stealth Mode On

7:22 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 1141

At some point everything came from the same chemical soup.

Mad people either have no sense or too many extra senses...
On the net, men are men, women are men and children are the FBI. =D

7:29 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 686

I would like to emphasize ( i hope i wrote that almost right ) that this question isn't about what really was, but if you care about it and think it influences your current life.

Example: on the virginity thread people tried to explain the difference betwenn how men and women approach sex by looking in the evolutionary history.
The question now is, if you believed these arguments would you use them in your life.
example: "Sure i can have sex wit lots of girls without love, its evolution baby!"

Or different example: "Because Men were created by God i do this and that, this or that way which i wouldn't do otherwise."


7:38 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 475

It matters to me but it isn't that important. Say we weren't even native to this world, i'm sure a lot more people would be curious as to where they do come from?. Not saying we're alien or anything but it is important to know who we were so we can be who we want to be. Without a history and past, we'd be one dull civilisation.

Even my own past has it's influences on my present decisions. Every choice i make will be from experience i've gained or not gained for most of the case in the past.

Post #63990

7:53 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 25

Yes, evolution theory does matter a lot to me as it was central to my previous work (Behavioural Ecology). However, whether we evolved through evolution or creation has no impact on my moral and ethic views per se.

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GrandDuch Awesome

8:40 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 169

We didn't evolve from apes we just had a common ancestor. It's funny when I see people saying they didn't like being evolved from apes but in the bible it states that Adam was created from the earth, otherwise known as dirt.

Post #64007
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8:45 am, Oct 2 2007
Posts: 339

i think so far i am by far more amazed how quick people posted! Wow, people are camping.

No fair.. I was doing something...

I don't really care how or when the earth was created(Though it was created at least 4 billion years ago.. I did a paper in my Philosophy class on the subject)... Unless it provides some insight on the subject of when it will be destroyed.. Aside from the whole sun burning out thing.. I like to make speculation just for agument sake.. But I could really care less.
Unless there is a god, then I cared so much and believed in him all the way.
i dont really care, but we are evolved from apes.
there is no god.

Kind of quick to call yourself a child of a monkey aren't you Moritana..

Post #64008

8:47 am, Oct 2 2007

It doesn't really matter to me at all. My decisions and morals are not influenced by the origins of humanity.
Humans could come from pigs for all I care. We could be aliens. We could be gods children or toys or whatever. It won't have any major impact on my life on a private scale.
But, as someone involved in bioengineering, those consideration might be important in the line of work though. And as a science enthusiast, I'm more than curious about that.

P.S. And yeah, correction, evolution theory doesn't state that we evolved from apes. But that we and apes share a common ancestor.

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