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Have You Ever Tried Going Without Manga?

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5:25 pm, Dec 25 2013
Posts: 53

The longest I have ever been without reading a manga is a week - and it wasn't by choice. I was forced into a family trip and there was no wi-fi TT_TT. Sometimes I would be distracted by anime, comics and video games and would set my manga aside (for several hours). Other than that, there has not been a single day in my life (since I started reading manga) where I did not at least read a single chapter. Manga is still my greatest form of entertainment and I believe will remain so since most of my favourite stories are in manga form.


6:04 am, Dec 26 2013
Posts: 1041

I cant read shit i dont like
sometimes i just dont read manga until some new interesting serie start up or a new chapter get released

the only mangas i follow these days are jojo and thats one chapter a month
and berserk that is one chapter a year...if i am lucky

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7:21 am, Dec 26 2013
Posts: 7787

I haven't read anything in a year or so. I've watched animu however and I hadn't done that for some time prior to starting again.

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Me too ♥

7:45 am, Dec 26 2013
Posts: 1139

You know I still keep misreading this title whenever it pops up ...
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7:52 am, Dec 26 2013
Posts: 374

Following 70 series (though some are on hiatus), so...

I haven't watched any anime in a long time now though. Not intentionally, I just can't find the time to relax and watch it. I find anime to be a lot more time consuming than manga. It's just easier to open up a new tab, read a chapter in 5 min and then go back to work.

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