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Post #261749
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10:18 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 176

I'm tearing up...this is so sad in so many ways. Aww.....I just want to bawl. I'm not a big fan of Hinata X Naruto but I'm just so sad it had to happen this way.

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10:19 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 67

I'm kinda in shock. eek

I liked Hinata. Not with Naruto...but her character, a weak person inspired to become stronger. I think she was crazy and stupid to do what she did when we all know that a plan was in the works and that Naruto was safe...sort of...since Pein wasn't trying to kill him just yet.

First...did anyone notice a few chapters back how on the chapter cover it stated that Pein stole Kakashi? Not kill but stole? What's up with that? Is Kakashi still alive? And is Shizune only dead in so far that her soul was stolen so does that mean if it is returned she will live again?

As for Hinata...I think she's dead/dying but those slugs will find her and keep her alive. Remember the slugs, people!

Still...all this's odd. I'm dealing with an step-uncle who is dying of cancer and given 2 weeks to live and I go online to get away from it and I read Naruto... *shakes head* I have no idea what Kishimoto sense is doing but if he kills off Sasuke (SasuNaru fan here) or Sakura (I love this character)...I'm going to be absolutely pissed and might actually boycott it. eyes

Post #261754 - Reply to (#261750) by akuma_river
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10:46 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 53

Quote from akuma_river
First...did anyone notice a few chapters back how on the chapter cover it stated that Pein stole Kakashi? Not kill but stole? What's up with that? Is Kakashi still alive? And is Shizune only dead in so far that her soul was stolen so does that mean if it is returned she will live again?

Yeah totally noticed that to. So if Pain/Nagato survives will he use Kakashi as a new vessel for Pain. That would be sick Kakashi Pain-Style.

But I just cant see this manga without Hinata in it. You need a character who develops from a quiet/stalker type into at least a Rosario+Vampire Mizore Shirayuki the Stalker/aggressive type.

"Your love is the dream that i have waited for all my life, so please dont ever let me wake from it and see your not by my side."
Post #261760

11:03 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 7

I've been avoiding /a/ for two days because thye posted "Hinata is dead" threads all day long.
Amazing chapter, chapters like this always leave me in a state of sorrow and anger.
They even started posting it on /v/, "Hinata is dead, like the PS3", damn spoilers.
Still wish it isn't true, she was my favourite shy girl of all time.

Though I agree at his approach on the subject, Pain just blew the fucking village to kingdom come, no one cares.
A character we've seen 3 times the last 200 chapters dies, all hell breaks loose.
A war has sacrifices, a lot of them, not all can survive.

Good way to make Naruto tilt and make the readers emotional.
Remember, if Hinata didn't do what she did, Naruto would be dead.


11:19 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 202


well... most likely , they're all dead...

remember... bleach's kubo and one piece's oda might be merciful with his characters...
he'll kill off his characters out of the blue
he'll even kill off the main character if he has to

but if kakashi IS dead, i would be abit shocked but not surprised and it would make sense.... i mean, we pretty much saw the peak of his skills, and it seems that the author doesnt need him anymore as far as character development for him... its better off saying a sad bye to him...

i mean naruto is still growing with his power, facing off the boss of the akatsuki.,... while kakashi was getting his ass handed by some old zombie duds..... no wonder he had to be killed off...

biggrin true japanese says, "failure in shame, should be redeemed with sempaku"

Last edited by WatermelonGhost at 11:27 pm, Feb 26 2009

Post #261773 - Reply to (#261769) by WatermelonGhost
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Prinny Puncher

11:25 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 120

Quote from WatermelonGhost

well... most likely , they're all dead...

remember... bleach's kubo and one piece's oda might be merciful with his characters...
he'll kill off his characters out of the blue
he'll even kill off the main character if he has to

but if kakashi IS dead, i would be abit shocked but not surprised and it would make sense.... i mean, we pretty much saw the peak of his skills, and it seems that the author doesnt need him anymore as far as character development for him... its better off saying a sad bye to him...

He is Dead, considering this
Kakashi is dead, sad but true.

If there was a real evil in the universe it would be the illusion that man creates to defend its Forsaken Ideals.

11:30 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 27

What a great story ! I'm loving it. The emotion is going to be great in the anime. THE STORY OWNS right now, I don't mind if they kill a few characters in the process, it makes it a lot more tragic.

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11:54 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 19

wow just simply wow, Kishimoto is holding nothing back, kekashi-dead, Shizune-dead, half the village-dead/destroyed and now Hinata-dead. I have reread that section of the chapter several time to make sure im right, and i think i am, she is dead or on her way out cause if read carefully the scene goes pain pushes her back, naruto screams Stop, pain looks up, takes out his crazy black sword, you she hinata unconscious, then on the next page, there is a noise(probably a stabbing noise), and the pain says my parents were killed by konoha ninjas right before my eyes just like this. So good bye Hinata you sacrificed yourself for the on you loved and even said it, for that i will always respect you.

Side note: Bleach has been totally eclipses by this chapter

Last edited by Brainskull at 11:59 pm, Feb 26 2009

What doesn't kill you, doesn't make you stronger or wiser it just hurts alot.
Post #261781
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11:56 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 226

well, im speechless, i dont know what to say about this, but KISHIMOTO Masashi, you better be prepared to be murderer if hinata's its really dead, and if she does, then stop reading naruto at the moment of hinata's dead its confirmed, and keep reading if she its alive

Ore no Riaru to Netoge ga Rabukome
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Post #261784 - Reply to (#261678) by Identity Crisis
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Rebel Rebel

12:06 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 1230

Quote from HatakeKakashi

I'm speechless.

It went from boring talking, to Hinata finally confessing, to a 6 tail Naruto...


Yeah...I just don't even know what to add to that.

And I sort of liked Hinata... sad

Post #261785 - Reply to (#261705) by XxKumagoroXx
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12:09 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 79

Quote from XxKumagoroXx
Quote from SwordsRCool
Quote from HatakeKakashi
Quote from true_grave_unit
Quote from SwordsRCool
I hope kishimoto wasn't just giving me false hope by hiding hinata's body from view and only showing blood.

Same here. Kishimoto's decision of suddenly killing significant characters away from the audience's view is starting to piss me off.

As for Naruto, it's nice to see the kyuubi back in action, though it does kind of suck that all of Naruto's efforts in not relying on the kyuubi seem to be in vain.

I agree, but i like it at the same time, because that means that he cares deeply for Hinata if he was pushed over the edge from

I wanna know where this deep caring came from. Like. I mean really. Hinata has barely done anything with Naruto. His reaction would be more understandable if there had been some character development between the two in part 2.

And I couldn't agree more. She never had a proper conversation with him to begin with. I guess since they're friends he got pissed. I wonder if the same reaction would apply if somone like Tenten got hurt or some other minor character.

come on.. she's the first fuckin damn person to say "i love you" to naruto.. ¬¬ u do understand that he was a lonely boy and kinda like an outkast.. nobody cared about him.. of course he'll feel something -.-

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12:15 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 583

Gee, I hope Hinata is not dead...i mean...she was like the first person to see Naruto as a person even if she never voiced her feelings, so for her to just get killed like that by the author seems kinda yeah, she admitted she loved him, but it just seemed kinda random...i don't know, if she is dead..her death was kinda wasted in my opinion...

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chasing oblivion

12:54 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 1366

I'm not liking Pein. Not because he's the bad guy but because he's behaving like a petulant little brat. Ain't no wonder he's just the hammer for Tobi/Madara. Even Sasuke sucks less than this guy.

loves tv tropes eyes

Last edited by silent killer at 12:59 am, Feb 27 2009

Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.
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1:10 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 1698

after all that work naruto did to strengthen himself up so he wouldn't have to rely on the kyuubi.
*heavy sigh*
i was expecting something to happen to Hinata, it was strange how she suddenly had a bit more panel-time. Gosh, so sad. =\

And what i'm thinking about at the moment is the healing process Naruto will go to (IF) he reverts back to normal. Ouch. we all saw what happened when he had four tails. Skin flaking off and such. ._.

Post #261802

1:21 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 6

Perhaps we should add the genre tragedy if this goes on. -.-

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