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Post #262506 - Reply to (#262050) by Makaveli

11:00 am, Mar 1 2009
Posts: 70

Quote from Makaveli
Quote from Belzera
Quote from UMMX

I hope not, sorry but I want to see NAruto go crazy in Fox form for a few chapters

i want tht too...i want Naruto to go crazy and i hope Sakura doesnt show up now or ever in this would be a miracle if she doesnt show up in the next few chapters

That not going to happen Sakura going to be in the next chapter for sure. She going to be like "NARUTO!!!!" then bang she going to rush in to battle to save him. Also at the same time there going to be showing the old form of Tsuade for the first time.

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12:30 pm, Mar 1 2009
Posts: 84

Yeah the use of the Jutsu does cut down her life span, but I don't think Tsunade is dying anytime soon. Dunno way its just a feeling

If I recall, this jutsu does not cut her life down in any way. The technique that did cut her life down, was when she was stabbed through the heart, severly beaten down, and decided to heal herself from all that fatal damage, thus forcing her cells to split faster than normal, and it was explained that the cells can only do that so many times and it is predetermined. To force them to do so cut down on the life in her body due to the fact that the cells are doing in an instant what would slowly take place over years (and again, they can only do so a limited number of times.)

The thing with her chakra though didn't do it, all that did was reveal her real age. If I recall, that is.

Post #262555
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Mome Basher

1:35 pm, Mar 1 2009
Posts: 3380

That short speech Hinata gave...I cried ;_;

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Post #262578
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3:02 pm, Mar 1 2009
Posts: 470

This whole thing with Hinata was pathetic in a lot of ways. Pathetic in that she died so easily and so selflessly, and pathetic in that her whole purpose in that scene was to be canon fodder.

I think the debate over whether or not Hinata is still alive is mainly soming from the fact that that big sfx on the page where she was killed wasn't translated. If we'd read "STAB" in giant black letters as we were meant to, it'd be harder to hold on to the hope that she might still be alive.

There's still a few possibilities that she could still live: Sakura is OK and could come and heal Hinata, as could one of the Katsuyus. Neiji is on his way--which HAS to be on purpose for some reason. It's his duty as a member of the lower house to protect members of the upper house, and his duty to protect Hinata specifically, so he may do something or another to trade/sacrifice his own life for hers. (But let me admit my bias here and hope that doesn't happen as Neiji is a much more important character than Hinata, in my honest opinion.)

Poor Hinata, she hasn't recieved an ounce of character development in the past 100+ chapters. The fact that she finally admitted her feelings to Naruto pretty much confirms to me that she IS dead as prior to this, Hinata couldn't so much as talk to Naruto. For her to finally get such a big moment, it's a hugely bad sign. IF post-time skip she and Naruto had ever once had a proper conversation, something, I would be inclined to believe that she isn't dead and NaruHina 4eva, etc. But, that never happened. They even went on a mission together and that didn't happen!

So the way I see it, she was nothing more than canon fodder meant to make Naruto angry enough to go nine-tails. Kakashi may have been killed, and Jiraya definitely was, but none of those things hapened in front of Naruto. Not only was Hinata the first (good) person to die in front of him, but she was also the first person to ever tell him she loved him, so put those two things together and you finally have enough rage for Naruto to let go enough to transform.

Naruto being able to control the fox is the final thing necessary for him to become the strongest character in the series. Killer Bee and the other tailed beast hosts can do it, so Naruto needs to be able to do it as well. If Kishimoto really wants to get cheap about it, Naruto will even get a Kyuubi transformation mode where he looks like a human but has use of all the fox's chakra--like YuYu Hakusho's Kurama. Sage mode is cool and all, but the only difference between normal Naruto and regular Naruto is the eyeshadow. bigrazz As a shonen main character, he needs a cooler transformation.

Post #262579
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Mome Basher

3:12 pm, Mar 1 2009
Posts: 3380

"STAB" or no "STAB", I doubt kishi killed her in such a manner...
If it turns out she really is dead, then I'd have a whole new reason to hate the series even more =_=

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Post #262583 - Reply to (#262345) by shirogane777
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3:26 pm, Mar 1 2009
Posts: 67

Quote from shirogane777
Quote from SwordsRCool
I wanna know where this deep caring came from. Like. I mean really. Hinata has barely done anything with Naruto. His reaction would be more understandable if there had been some character development between the two in part 2.

It probably came from the same deep caring that developed between Naruto and Sasuke, who were all like "omigod we're like brothers. In fact we care about each other to the point of seeming gay." Even though all they ever did was bicker and Sasuke randomly saved naruto's life without any warning.

....well there was that Kiss. Not to mention they trained together with each other for days at a time. Kishimoto-sensei couldn't show all the time they were together but we know they completed several missions before the big bridge mission and then they came back and we know some time passed before the tournament started. So that's months of being around a person who you constantly fight/bicker with like an old married couple. Not to mention how they would save each others lives.

That's way more a bond than a stalker girl who crushes on Naruto but rarely ever says anything to him. He didn't even know that she liked him! And now she's gone and confessed and died in front of him... It's a lot for an unloved orphan boy who has lost his parents, his teachers/mentors, his best friend and his hometown to recover from, not to mention, there was the Pein aspect. Of course, the kid is going to go all berserk rage.

Post #262656 - Reply to (#262538) by Artimidorus

10:01 pm, Mar 1 2009
Posts: 70

Quote from Artimidorus
Yeah the use of the Jutsu does cut down her life span, but I don't think Tsunade is dying anytime soon. Dunno way its just a feeling

If I recall, this jutsu does not cut her life down in any way. The technique that did cut her life down, was when she was stabbed through the heart, severly beaten down, and decided to heal herself from all that fatal damage, thus forcing her cells to split faster than normal, and it was explained that the cells can only do that so many times and it is predetermined. To force them to do so cut down on the life in her body due to the fact that the cells are doing in an instant what would slowly take place over years (and again, they can only do so a limited number of times.)

The thing with her chakra though didn't do it, all that did was reveal her real age. If I recall, that is.

The tech's are connected together. When she was stab she used the tech to heal herself but this time she used it to keep pain away.

ALso If Hinata does die it will be a great funeral...

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11:02 pm, Mar 1 2009
Posts: 878

Judging by the Naruto anime fillers, Hinata might have died for good. Remember how when Asuma died in the manga, the Naruto fillers covered a bunch of backstory on Asuma.
Same thing is happening now. Hinata got captured in some crystal jutsu and then Naruto went to save her etc.
I bet she will have quite a bit of screen time during the filler.
I like how the new fillers actually cover the events that were hinted at but sort of left out from the manga. It's better than completely random Bleach episodes, in the middle of a storyline.

Edit: Oh, and btw I bet Konoha is completely screwed next week. Pain + Kyuubi + Possibly Madara and Sasuke megacombo nuke jutsu. I wonder by the end of it all how many crater holes will Kishimoto stack...

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9:01 am, Mar 2 2009
Posts: 103

One question though, on page 14, why is the sword stabbed in the ground? Guess Pein just wanted to see what Naruto would do if he saw someone close to him being killed. Perhaps we as readers just assumed that Pein wouldn't hesitate in killing everyone since he is a psychopath. Remember Zabuza? We thought he was a total coldhearted badass, but that what made the Haku chapter so emotional. Kishimoto sure knows how to play on people's emotions.

ed: Heck, remember the truth about Itachi? I never expected him to be the character to care so much about the village that he would follow through with the order to kill his clan, and that the reason he didn't kill Sasuke was because he truly loved him. Now I have even more reasons to believe that Hinata is alive.

Last edited by yuriym21 at 9:53 am, Mar 2 2009

Post #262756
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10:53 am, Mar 2 2009
Posts: 79

i dunno why.. but i got the feeling that. naruto won´t be hokage.. it'll be his student.. konohamaru

naruto'll use the jutsu the old bachan used to revive the fallen friends with the help of the kyubi's chakra and natural energy.. that will be the end

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Post #262758 - Reply to (#262756) by Daichii

11:11 am, Mar 2 2009
Posts: 103

Quote from Daichii
i dunno why.. but i got the feeling that. naruto won´t be hokage.. it'll be his student.. konohamaru

naruto'll use the jutsu the old bachan used to revive the fallen friends with the help of the kyubi's chakra and natural energy.. that will be the end

that would defeat the whole theme of the series, won't it?

Post #262780 - Reply to (#262756) by Daichii
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The Gorilla Killa™

1:01 pm, Mar 2 2009
Posts: 3229

Quote from Daichii
i dunno why.. but i got the feeling that. naruto won´t be hokage.. it'll be his student.. konohamaru

naruto'll use the jutsu the old bachan used to revive the fallen friends with the help of the kyubi's chakra and natural energy.. that will be the end

How would Naruto know how to use Chiyo's jutsu in the first place? She said herself that the technique was forbidden, and therefore, secret.

But don't worry, because you all have forgotten to notice that Hinata and all of the dead friends and mentors of Naruto (Save Jiraiya) are all reincarnations of Krillen! Their deaths were necessary for Naruto to go into supermode and when he defeats Pain, they'll revive them with some kind of jutsu (Probably not Chiyo's but through something).

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Well, maybe not ALL of them, but you get what I mean, right?

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

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Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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Post #262784

1:17 pm, Mar 2 2009
Posts: 22

What if Hinata was already dead even before Pein has stabbed her with his black chakra blade (the supposed finishing blow)? I think it's quite possible that Hinata was instandly dead because Pein's Shinra Tensei; she got fully hit so closely.

And what if the stabbing by Pein isn't to kill Hinata, but to verify whether Hinata is really dead (think about the Roman soldier who pierced Jesus’ side with a spear to check whether he's really dead); this checking/verifying is so much more cruel and maybe because this aspect make Naruto so angry that he becomes the six tails. This is just what I thought by reading this chapter over and over again.

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Black Monster

1:48 pm, Mar 2 2009
Posts: 275

Hes been killing all my fav charecters: J-Man, Kakashi and maybe Hinata.
So the only thing Im thinking is how much longer this manga can last.
The only good thing was how great the 6tail kyuubi looked.


5:30 pm, Mar 2 2009
Posts: 6

Hey, I was thinking of Naruto's child of prophecy where Mama Frog claim him to be the chosen one. I was thinking what if the creator of Naruto made Nagato the child of prophecy in the first place without us (readers) knowing the truth. Wouldn't it be a big twist to the story? eek

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