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Post #261803 - Reply to (#261726) by Sagaris

1:26 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 22

Quote from Sagaris
Quote from dark mage
Seriously Kishi is killing off too many people

i don't think so, i think he's just getting rid of all the useless buggers that don't contribute to the plot

then again he did kill off jiraiya and kakashi

Well, in my opinion Hinata isn't an useless character. You can also interpret the recent massacre of popular characters among fans (Kakashi being one of the most popular "Naruto" characters, Hinata as a very popular love interest for Naruto instead of Sakura) as the mangaka doesn't know how to develop these popular characters further. So Kishimoto goes the easy way and killed them off. Designing a manga character who can become this popular as Kakashi, Jiraiya and Hinata takes time and is actually very difficult. I had in mind that one character who doesn't contribute to the plot at all anymore, Anko (we only see her in the first Naruto manga and in the fillers of the anime), but she's still alive and why not killed her off too? It feels like that Kishimoto is doing this massacre randomly, just like throwing dice (with the names of the characters on the dice) to decide which characters to killed off next.

As for whether Hinata is dead or not, the first picture of this chapter looks like a memorial picture for Hinata. By the looks of it, Hinata is dead, even Kishimoto doesn't let us see Hinata in picture when Pein stabbed her with his black blade; also Hinata seems to be crushed into the ground where stones or rocks/earth are pushed up by the force of Pein's attack - you can only see blood of Hinata flowing out on the ground. Also, Pein is a psychopath who wouldn't spare an opponent (he even killed his sensei, Jiraiya), especially someone who loves or in this case just declared her love to Naruto, his "prey".

Well, there is still a Hinata clone left, Shion, from the first Naruto Shippuden movie.

Last edited by tc-man at 1:52 am, Feb 27 2009

Post #261804
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1:35 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 62

What if naruto can controll the 9 tail fox power now without losing sanity! Jiraiya did speak about the key blabla before he fought pein. We'll see next chapter I guess ;D


1:57 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 202

i guess its ganna be another final fantasy 7...
a potential killing love polygon....

sasuke<--- sakura <--- naruto <--- hinata

since hinata is dead

sasuke <---- sakura <---- naruto

hoping sasuke gets his ass handed to naruto

sakura -----> love <------ naruto


i know alot of authors check forums to see what people are pinpointing towards the author....
im assuming he changed tobi being obito to madara.....
and pein being naruto's father into some wannabe important leader being jiraiya's personal discipline.....

Last edited by WatermelonGhost at 2:04 am, Feb 27 2009


2:27 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 44

As far as the 9-tails is concerned, I have a feeling that the Naruto will somehow integrate it and use it as his power... properly.

Jiraiya talked about the key, and how he told the toad to store himself with Naruto, before his fight against Pein.

Jiraiya talked about how Minato, the 4th Hokage and Naruto's father, left the key, and how he feels that it should become Naruto's in the future. He continues by saying that this is a sign that Minato wanted Naruto to complete that 'jutsu'.

And the chapter goes on about Minato and the possible reasons why he sealed the Kyuubi inside Naruto.

Post #261812
a mere human

2:39 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 32

just btw...

now there are 2 small craters in a big one
no one mentioned that before so i ll do it...

about those deaths well... yes... i guess i cant add anything new bigrazz

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2:53 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 2050

Whaaa?? I haven't read the latest naruto releases since 3 chapters ago, and what? I'm reading some posts saying that Hinata's dead?

Lol! I'm surely gonna read that chapter now! dead

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Post #261820 - Reply to (#261808) by WatermelonGhost
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3:57 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 84

Quote from WatermelonGhost
i know alot of authors check forums to see what people are pinpointing towards the author....
im assuming he changed tobi being obito to madara.....
and pein being naruto's father into some wannabe important leader being jiraiya's personal discipline.....

Okay, I don't want to offend you too much, but... that is probably one of the more inane things I have ever read.

You really think that Pein was supposed to be Naruto's father, and that was changed because the author saw people suspecting that? You really thing Tobi was supposed to be the dead, crushed Obito.. and it was changed because the author saw that?

No, Pein was -very obviously not the father, and Tobi being Obito was just a retarted idea from these, and other forums by people who dream stupid little dreams. The same people who said that the Fourth couldn't be his father, and other stupid things that they put out as their own little versions of fact.

Again, I don't mean to much offense, but don't think to highly of forums. Mangaka, -if and ONLY if- they were going to change something based on what people said, it would probably be only Japanese forums, and only the largest of said forums.

Post #261821 - Reply to (#261754) by west31
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4:13 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 1130

Quote from west31
Quote from akuma_river
First...did anyone notice a few chapters back how on the chapter cover it stated that Pein stole Kakashi? Not kill but stole? What's up with that? Is Kakashi still alive? And is Shizune only dead in so far that her soul was stolen so does that mean if it is returned she will live again?

Yeah totally noticed that to. So if Pain/Nagato survives will he use Kakashi as a new vessel for Pain. That would be sick Kakashi Pain-Style.

I've been meaning to say some thing about this. In Japanese they have a saying that uses the verb "to steal" when somebody has killed someone. similar to the way we say "to take someone's life" in English. Now I haven't looked up the Japanese to confirm if this is the case, but I'm thinking it was just a bit of a miss in the translation.

Back on topic...I'm still in a bit of a shock from Hinata's likely death. She's my favorite character in the series and to have her go that suddenly was rather gut wrenching.

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4:16 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 26

i rather agree with you on that point, i mean her death was way too quick and... i can almost say pointless but it does make naruto change. i am just holding out and hoping its not death, but severe injury, but thats my naruxhina side talking


4:52 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 119

No Hinata don't die right after a love confession or that whole scene would of been pointless.

I hope she didn't die then there won't be any cool characters left IMO

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6:30 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 78

hinata dying was just so uncalled for. if hinata really is dead then naruto will be out of my reading list


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Post #261845 - Reply to (#261842) by kagemaro
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Prinny Puncher

6:35 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 120

Quote from kagemaro
hinata dying was just so uncalled for. if hinata really is dead then naruto will be out of my reading list


Well good for you, However Hinata is my Favourite Character to be honest, but even if she is dead I'll keep reading becuase I hate not knowning an ending to something I've started nags at me [curse you PHD] Also I want to See Naruto kick some Ass in revenge

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Post #261848
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6:54 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 62

I think kakashi will die and Hinata will live. The talk about "the new generation taking over".. I dont think kishi will start killing "the new generation chars" or at least I really hope he wont.

Overall a pretty sad chap :< fucking annoying to not know what happened with hinata. I'd rather see what happened with her next chapter than naruto kicking peins ass with the 6 tailed fox! I really really hope she wont die sad

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7:12 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 2126


I was waiting and waiting for him to go nine-tails.

/me loves when he goes berserk, cuz' the nine-tailed fox is quite badass

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Post #261853 - Reply to (#261754) by west31

7:14 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 332


Last edited by Sijy at 11:03 am, Dec 25 2015

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