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8:51 pm, Oct 1 2008
Posts: 146

Indie was the closest to what I listen to and...I do not have a low self-esteem, I'm actually pretty Narcissistic/conceited...
I'm above average in creativity wise...
It's not that I'm not hard working, it's that I'm lazy...
Not gentle...nope I'm pretty blunt.

so...IT's ALL LIES!!!

Your face is dented.
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Lurker Queen.

11:13 pm, Oct 1 2008
Posts: 779

"Low self-esteem, creative, not hard-working, not outgoing, gentle, at ease"
Fits, except for the fact that my outgoing-ness seems to vary depending on people, and that I'm not terribly gentle.

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Yuri Nova

6:32 am, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 54

So what would it mean if I like folk music ala This?

Doesn't much fit any of those categories.

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Common Fool

6:53 am, Oct 2 2008
Posts: 116

Low self-esteem, creative, not hard-working, not outgoing, gentle, at ease

Fits pretty good. Whatever that would be good for...

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The White Guy

5:52 am, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 340

its right...i like rock heavy metal...ect.... biggrin

So basically to vanquish the world of evil you must have mega sex with a girl then your soul is taken...yes
Post #210975 - Reply to (#199329) by Rob1988
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Mad With a Hat

6:08 am, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 4764

Quote from Rob1988
The results seem more like a horoscope than a scientific study...

Lol... I agree...

Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
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And if the world were black and white,
you would be my rainbow in shades of grey.

Click 'n Play!

If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.
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like moss on trees

7:54 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 97

It's right somewhat. I like classical music and it says.. "High self-esteem, creative, introvert and at ease" I suppose I'm pretty self confident ^^, but not necessarily creative...

✨~* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~✨
Post #211340 - Reply to (#199329) by Rob1988
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8:16 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 173

Quote from Rob1988
The results seem more like a horoscope than a scientific study...

Hah, so true.

Anyways, since my taste in music varies on my mood ( I can say I like everything on the list for the exception of Bollywood music, most rap and most Chart Tops [although, I listen to the later two from time to time, so it's not quite out])

So that gives me moderate self-esteem- gearing toward the high side, uber-creative, moderately outgoing (does that mean that sometimes I'm shy, sometimes I'm not?), sometimes gentle and sometimes at ease, and I work, just not hard enough...

I'll say that I go to an Arts High School for Literary arts (aka, "creative" writing" ) so I suppose it's not so far off the mark. I moderate on everything else. Hum. Right...

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Post #211354
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8:45 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 3120

i listen to rap and rock.....but they seem to counteract each other.......


3:07 pm, Oct 6 2008
Posts: 12

People who like "dance" music are not gentle?

What does that mean?

Techno viking likes it rough?

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Form is Emptiness.

4:47 pm, Oct 6 2008
Posts: 930

lol apart from Country (yuck), Soul and Bollywood, i normally listen to all the other types of music (yep including Opera =P)...

"Mr.Cab driver? Take me to the nearest Asylum, fast" laugh

Quote from Mamsmilk
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from Mamsmilk
I need a die with 2 sides.

That's known as a "coin".

Oh, thanks. Too much D&D.
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4:53 pm, Oct 6 2008
Posts: 205

Indie (Low self-esteem, creative, not hard working, not gentle) is totally wrong about having low self-esteem and not being gentle, but the other two are good. Classical and Reggae are more accurate.

Post #220128
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11:22 am, Oct 25 2008
Posts: 165

Indie et Rock/Heavy metal

I guess it's matter of being gentle or not. The rest fits pretty much.

Concerning "hardworking", it really depends on the situation. I either like what I'm doing and I go all out or I dislike it and do the minimum. none

Post #220684
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but why?

11:45 pm, Oct 25 2008
Posts: 20

I listen to all the genres listed except for rap and country (and I have my exceptions to that rule ), and my personality is a bit of a mix, depending on many things: mood, situation, hour of the day, when was my last meal. BTW, I hear music depending on my mood, and can switch from one genre to another as fast as my status changes. So. let's say it fits and doesn't fit at the same timebigrazz

we will need more silver bullets, and stakes... AND torches...

Also, tea, there is never enough tea...
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Chocolate Fudge

3:05 am, Oct 29 2008
Posts: 216

I like all types... O.o But unfortunately, mostly Rock... >.> The only thing I hate is Rap.

May the Chocolates of Heaven be on your side.

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