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Manga not indexed in Baka-updates

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7:11 pm, Mar 6 2015
Posts: 102

Hi everyone!

I understand that there are tens of thousands of manga in japan, but sadly, majority of them never really made it outside to the rest of the world. Baka-Updates (this site) have done a tremendously good job in indexing mangas from A-Z, but i believe there are still a lot of manga that were left out.

The purpose of this topic is for you to write down any manga that you know of but not indexed here. (preferably with a very short description or synopsis)

So, shoot away guys!

Post #662696
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10:17 pm, Mar 6 2015
Posts: 402

What exactly is the point of this exercise? Are you going to then enter those manga in the MU database?

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11:28 pm, Mar 6 2015
Posts: 10691

Just submit a series entry...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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