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Question about meaning

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Thread Killer

9:43 am, Sep 7 2009
Posts: 252

Ok so I have been reading through One Piece and a couple of the characters say "Do it with a don/DON" what does that mean?

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Post #319175
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9:52 am, Sep 7 2009
Posts: 3503

Is it before fights or something? Probably means "Make it big!" "don" is a sound effect they use when something hits something and makes a really loud sound, I think. Just guessing though. laugh

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Post #319176
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I am the Devil

9:52 am, Sep 7 2009
Posts: 2081

im pretty sure that it is an expression to express having value and purpose in ones actions
Tom says that right?

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Thread Killer

9:53 am, Sep 7 2009
Posts: 252

Yeah Tom and Brooke both say it and it has been puzzling me for a while now dead

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Post #319239
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Mome Basher

5:21 pm, Sep 7 2009
Posts: 3380

ドン or "DON" is an onomatopoeia for a big impact, or added to a scene for dramatic effect, to show that something astonishing or important has happened.

Tom lives by the saying "do everything with a don". Sorta like "always put your full effort into everything a do".

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
Post #319473
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10:18 pm, Sep 8 2009
Posts: 258

Oh come on, haven't you heard of a line that kinda goes like this "if you're gonna do something, do it with a bang", instead of a "bang" they change it to a "don". It just simply means that do something big or dramatic, something that you'll be totally satisfied with cool

For example, if you're planning or go on a vacation, instead of going somewhere near, you went overseas instead, kinda like that smile wink grin

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