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Lady Gaga

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Post #387099
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12:33 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 761

I guess there's no such topic yet smile

Everybody now seems to be obsessed with Lady Gaga. To be honest, most of music I listen to is from the 80s and I'm a bit out of touch with the recent songs - this may be the reason why I don't understand Lady Gaga's huge popularity.

Putting her controversial image aside, how is her music different than these random pop songs you can hear on the radio? According to Wikipedia her style was influenced by Queen and David Bowie, for example. However, I didn't notice any influences like these in her songs (well, except for that newest one, which sounds totally like Ace of Base).

Does anybody have thoughts similar to mine? Or could some Lady Gaga fan explain this to me, because I'm confused sad

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Zombie Porn!

12:40 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 334

welll, her songs are somewhat meaningful for a pop song. take Kesha, for instance. all she sings about is getting drunk and stuff. Lady gaga's songs arent annoying like keshas are, and she sings about diffrent topics like obsession(paparazzi) and etc.

for one, i like her because she doesnt use autotune(from what ive heard. autotune is a big no-no for me) and that she writes her own songs and sings them.

her music is nice to listen to. partly because theres very little/no rap(which i hate) and her songs are sexy. the beat is catchy and the tune is nice. her voice isnt bad either.

i like her well enough, but i'm not obsessed. i can sorta see the connection between her and david bowie(crazy fashion) but im not sure about the other things.

[img][/img] A senpai tried to violate me after hearing about my transfer. BUT I RAPED HIM INSTEAD.
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2nd wave MU user

12:44 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 7784

Just another pop singer to me.
Nothing more.
Simple repetative pattern, some meaningless
gurgling, repeating the song name.

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Peaceful Dictator™

12:45 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 742

if it's about lady gaga then shouldn't it be in Music?

confused confused

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Post #387103 - Reply to (#387101) by Mamsmilk

12:46 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 202

Quote from Mamsmilk
Just another pop singer to me.
Nothing more.
Simple repetative pattern, some meaningless
gurgling, repeating the song name.

i thought so at first, but listening to her a couple times,
her music is abit catchy. shes talented.

but in terms of how attractive she is, shes not attractive at all,
she looks really hideous without makeup %20smink/lady-gaga-with-and-without-makeup.jpg

welll, her songs are somewhat meaningful for a pop song. take Kesha, for instance. all she sings about is getting drunk and stuff. Lady gaga's songs arent annoying like keshas are, and she sings about diffrent topics like obsession(paparazzi) and etc.

for one, i like her because she doesnt use autotune(from what ive heard. autotune is a big no-no for me) and that she writes her own songs and sings them.

her music is nice to listen to. partly because theres very little/no rap(which i hate) and her songs are sexy. the beat is catchy and the tune is nice. her voice isnt bad either.

i like her well enough, but i'm not obsessed. i can sorta see the connection between her and david bowie(crazy fashion) but im not sure about the other things.

im not sure about auto-tuner (some are less strong),
but none of her music is written by her...
i heard it was this one dude, which is now sueing gaga and her managers for not giving him any slice of the pie or not being fair enough fitting what he deserves...

and theres really nothing wrong with auto-tuning or performing on someone else's songs
as long as they stay in the legal boundaries, everyone does it nowadays
but youre right, music isnt what it used to be, its all about money, looks, and publicity

Last edited by WatermelonGhost at 12:57 pm, Jun 21 2010

Post #387104 - Reply to (#387103) by WatermelonGhost
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2nd wave MU user

12:48 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 7784

Quote from WatermelonGhost
Quote from Mamsmilk
Just another pop singer to me.
Nothing more.
Simple repetative pattern, some meaningless
gurgling, repeating the song name.

i thought so at first, but listening to her a couple times,
her music is abit catchy. shes talented.

I am the kind of faggot that prefers listening to cello

Post #387105 - Reply to (#387102) by westsiders2
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12:49 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 761

Quote from westsiders2
if it's about lady gaga then shouldn't it be in Music?

confused confused

Oh, there's a separate section for music! I didn't notice that... Maybe this topic can be moved, or something?

Post #387106 - Reply to (#387105) by Hanae
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12:52 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 7784

Quote from Hanae
Quote from westsiders2
if it's about lady gaga then shouldn't it be in Music?

confused confused

Oh, there's a separate section for music! I didn't notice that... Maybe this topic can be moved, or something?

It shall be, simsalabim.

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Mad With a Hat

12:59 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 4764

I wanted to reply in the suicide thread, but there was too much .............. going on.
Instead, I will post here. :3

He/she/it doesn't interest.
I have of course, heard that horrible "bad romance" (emphasis on the bad) song of hers/his/its and didn't like it.
Just another show-off chick/guy/something.

Anyways... Yeah...
I don't like Lady Gaga.
She can go quack.

You made it happen, Mams.

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Post #387118
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It's him!!

1:24 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 617

I am somehow insulted that a thread about lady gaga is put in the music section.
But I guess it would have to, since there's no "random noise" section.

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The highest of all human gifts -
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Post #387119 - Reply to (#387101) by Mamsmilk
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1:25 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 114

Quote from Mamsmilk
Just another pop singer to me.
Nothing more.
Simple repetative pattern, some meaningless
gurgling, repeating the song name.

Agreed, also I hate pop music.

The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.
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insomniac Kagehime

1:28 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 2707

i don´t like her. Her songs aren´t deep at all (well, there aren´t many song in the top 100 who are actually deep) and she is really ugly. Her taste is also.... She should watch some anime to see what real music is

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Post #387196 - Reply to (#387118) by The Guy
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2nd wave MU user

8:38 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 7784

Quote from The Guy
I am somehow insulted that a thread about lady gaga is put in the music section.
But I guess it would have to, since there's no "random noise" section.

Shan't you insult random noise like that!

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8:57 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 87

She annoys the shit out of me. She looks like some sort of mentally ill crackhead.

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9:41 pm, Jun 21 2010
Posts: 101

Meh, the songs are indeed catchy and I admit she has a strong voice.
Her fashion and videos are very avant-garde. She's also quite business minded, she knows what the public wants and she's ready to deliver the crazy. I may even go so far to say that she's rather talented for the genre she's in.

Though personally I don't like Lady Gaga, she's a walking disaster. None of her ideas are new, they've just never been mainstream. Her music, though catchy, isn't exactly unique or innovative. It's to the point that if she did anything different or remotely normal, no one will like her anymore and they'll move onto the next "shock factor" popstar. She'll probably go crazy and OD on crack one day in a bathroom stall.

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