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New Poll - Powerpuff Girls

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5 months ago
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This week's poll was suggested by starrymisty. Which is your favorite Powerpuff Girl? I'm deliberately leaving out Bliss and Bunny. If you don't have a favorite, vote for the last option

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Would you wait for the high quality scanlation that takes weeks, or would you prefer the low quality scanlation that comes out instantly?
Slow, high quality release - votes: 1766 (78.7%)
Fast, low quality release - votes: 477 (21.3%)
There were 2243 total votes.
The poll ended: June 1st, 2024 9:37am PDT

Oh wow, the slower, high quality release won this time. Maybe with the increase in bad quality, you guys are finally not liking it as much?


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5 months ago
Posts: 136

I'm kinda surprised with the poll this week. 😂
I used to watch and love this show a lot..

I had a buttercup doll before, and my brother made me a PPG door decoration from cartons when we were little (I still hang it on my door).

I used to love Bubble since she's bubbly and cute, but growing up, I think Blossom becomes my favorite. She's the leader, more level headed than the others.. And I love her long hair too. It's clipped neatly.


5 months ago
Posts: 390

My favorite was always Buttercup, but my favorite exchange in that whole series didn't involve her

Bubbles: "Besides, I remember everything like it happened yesterday!"

... Last edited by HikaruYami 5 months ago
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5 months ago
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I'm not sure but I guess Buttercup is my favourite mmm...
But I'm pretty sure that I like Bubbles the least since I was a kid mmm...


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And now that I think about it, she may have something to do why I like x-dere anime girls.


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5 months ago
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Blossom, the other two just don't appeal to me as much personality wise...


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Post #806415 - Reply To (#806404) by HikaruYami
Post #806415 - Reply To (#806404) by HikaruYami

5 months ago
Posts: 202

LOL. Me and my siblings literally re-watch the powerpuff girls all the time, since its such a good cleanse from like a bad movie or scary documentary.

Favorite quote is Fuzzy Lumpkin saying "Get off my property!"


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5 months ago
Posts: 48

She was always my favorite for being the tomboy. However my favorite quote is from the villagers.

Blossom "Why wouldn't you put a toaster in a bathtub?"
Random townsfolk "Because your toast would get soggy!"

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5 months ago
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Never watched Powerpuff Girls... 😔 Should I be ashamed?



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5 months ago
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My favorite is bubbles because she is super cute and bubbly. The opposite of me.

But I'm close in personality with buttercup. I can relate to her most of the time.
And coincidentally my favorite color is green. So we have so many things in common.

... Last edited by yuri_shibuya 5 months ago

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Bell ? 😜

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5 months ago
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Blossom is too much of a goody-goody. She's my least favorite of the three.
Bubbles can often be a bit too ditzy. She's still funny, though.
Buttercup has the perfect type of tough-girl attitude. She's basically a sukeban, if they existed in American culture.

Buttercup is my choice for sure.

... Last edited by vigorousjammer 5 months ago

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5 months ago
Posts: 195

At the time I identified more with her attitude. Bubbles was also fun but too passive and the crybaby of the group. Lastly Blossom as vigorousjammer said

is too much of a goody-goody and if I remember well she was also bossy.

After a google search it says that in the "Powerpuff Girls" reboot they all have powers. It's a pitty since a fun point I remember from the series was the contradiction of solving stuff (at times) with super-strength/violence. If they rescued some of the chapters and still use violence I'll be weird since they do have other alternatives ...

... Last edited by Joese 5 months ago

5 months ago
Posts: 12

If I remember right she has a caring and nurturing personality, i always loved cute/kind/caring characters since i was a kid

... Last edited by tragedydesu 5 months ago
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