Happy birthday, Mai!
Aka StarlightDreams aka StarchyWinky aka Melissa!
You eat that cake, Mai! EAT IT and be proud!
Quote from LawX
You are like the dense main character in a shoujo manga.
Quote from Crenshinibon
And you will murder someone one day, pika. If you're my daughter.

12 years ago
Posts: 1096
Happy birthday Mai! Eat lots of cake and don't be afraid of the consequences. Enjoy your birthday if you can take a break from your studies. Hope you have a good one.

12 years ago
Posts: 2506
Happy birthday!
This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.

12 years ago
Posts: 3120
Have a good one.

12 years ago
Posts: 4030
Happy birthday!! <3
Happy birthday! Getting old is fun!
This week's favorites:
ççççççç[Ô.Ô] tsutopodus© will eat your manga and steal your cats!

12 years ago
Posts: 3888
Thank you guys! <3 I love you all. ;3
♪MONSTARR~ will eat all your cookies and steal your bishies~♪ Φ_Φ
Happy belated birthday!
source: animenewsnetwork
Join SRoMU Scanlations or visit #SRoMU at IRCHighWay.

12 years ago
Posts: 23
Happy Birthday sweetie pie! x3
i love cupcakes

12 years ago
Posts: 4764
Happy B-Day, honey!
Hope you had a great one~
Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
[color=black]And if the world were black and white,
you would be my rainbow in shades of grey.[/color]
If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.

12 years ago
Posts: 1705
Happy Birthday!~ 😉

12 years ago
Posts: 715
Happy Birthday! 🙂
I read so much mangas, I'm too lazy to watch anime! 😛 😛 😛
Manga I'm loving ATM: Heart no Kuni no Alice

12 years ago
Posts: 306
Aw, man, I saw this post so late! HB, Mai. Been a while since I've last seen you around, but haven't forgotten you. Hope you had one that's definitely not less-than-stellar 'cuz you deserve it. 🙂
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