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Is there anything that you like that is hard to find in mangas?

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Post #502140 - Reply to (#501942) by Turbophoenix

6:49 am, Oct 19 2011
Posts: 1

Quote from Turbophoenix
Quote from Myuym
Quote from Turbophoenix
I dunno if it's really that hard to find, but something I definitely haven't seen a lot of is manga with a pet in it that is normal (ie: not a talking one or anything like that) who is featured regularly.

You mean like pet diary?

Nah, I mean the pet is more of a supporting character role who appears in every few chapters. Not a main focus.

Well what comes to mind is Jisatsuto (also known as Suicide Island). I mean it's not until more recent chapters, but the main protagonist finds a dog and trains him. It's also a good survival manga, for the other person looking for that.

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7:45 am, Oct 19 2011
Posts: 159

I like to read romance sometime not the genre i like the most but still like to read sometime.
But except 2-3 manga i hate most shounen romance manga even though i'm a guy.
It's almost always the same a weak guy who never got any girl and have no redeeming quality and all of a sudden girl all start to like him and among thoses girls you almost always have the violent girl who always misunderstand everything, hit the guy without listening and only listen after.
I never hitted a girl before but seriously if a girl was acting like that with me i wouldn't laugh it off and probably would hit her back.

Shoujo aren't much better though in another way you have a girl with no redeeming quality too and all of a sudden bichie all start to like here for no reason.
Like it have been said before you often see girls raped and after they fall in love with the guys you also have girl who fall in love with guy who always insult her.
Which girl would fall for a guy that always insult her or raped her ?
Also you often have guys or girl that appear out of nowhere.
Or when a girl is getting to close to a guys you often have a group of girls after that will threat the girl and often the bishie will be there to save the girl.

It's not that i hate theses things but you see that in almost every romance manga and get annoying a bit after you have saw a few hundreds manga like that.

I talked mainly about romance manga here but not only romance genres are like that almost every genres always use the same things.

I can tell what most shoujo manga are like in a few word.
Girl is in love with a guys almost all the girls in the school love never talked with the guy before and all of a sudden they start to talk to each other for whatever reason they get closes to each other other girls get jealous and start giving threats to the girl guy come save her and they confess to each other lot of shoujo finish her but sometime it continue.
When it continue you will have a new guys that will appear out of nowhere and start a love triangle or a new girl often a weak girl so that the main guys will have to take care or her or the most popular girls in the school and will try to steal the guys but everything will fail and the main girl and guys will still be together on the end.

Awesome how in about 8 lines i was able to explain more then half of shoujo romance manga i can do the same for shounen romance but i don't feel like it.

Anyway something i would like to see in a manga is something original that you don't see in hundreds of manga already i know with thousand of manga out there it's hard to always be original but why they almost always use the same set of events in almost every manga.

PS.English isn't my main language so i will have a lot of grammars error for sure so please bear with it.
Telling me i have many grammars error or that my english suck won't make it better smile

Last edited by darkraiders at 10:16 am, Oct 19 2011

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8:51 am, Oct 19 2011
Posts: 830

Why don't people die? I mean most Shounen characters should have died 10 times over, yet with the power of self-belief/nakama, they, not only nmake a miraculous recovery, but also power-up and defeat the bad guy, usually showing said bad guy the error of his ways. It's so predicatable and boring to read about a fight when you know the outcome.

People do not fall in love with rapists. Rape is not an experession of love. It really bothers me when rape is so easily shrugged off.

My sister suffered for 5 years under an abusive boyfriend, so I really hate when violence is justified because he/she happens to love the other person. Finding a manga which doesn't romanticise domestic violence is rare. I'm not talking about the odd slap when a guys gets frisky, I'm talking borderline rape, constant hitting etc. It's not romantic.

Old-wives-tales. Seriously, some mangaka need to check facts. Especially when it comes to science/medicine. The most common myth (probably a world-wide misunderstanding) is that being cold/wet will cause a cold. Sleeping on the sofa will not give you a cold. The only way to catch a cold is to be exposed to the virus, it's ridiculous how many manga characters get a fever from being out in the rain and then collapse. The constant collapsing is another thing. People do not pass out so easily. If you're ill enough to pass out, you don't recover in a night.

Pets! My pets are a prominent feature in my life without my world revolving around them. Pets are either the focus or randomly pop up in the background. Very few manga dipict pets as a character who isn't central to the story.

People's social network. It seems to be characters either have a boyfriend/girlfriend, a best friend or a family, they rarely have all 3. In the real world, people have complex social networks which would be confusing to write about, but characters could at least have friends as well as a boyfriend.

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The Lobbying

8:01 pm, Oct 22 2011
Posts: 2

Hmmmm...all of my rage mainly goes to the fact that there is no such thing as a Protagonist of a Harem Manga who is not a complete and utter p*ssy. I mean really, is kissing really THAT terrifying? I did not find it so, so why does it seem like main characters, some who are OLDER than me, are unable to so much as touch a girl without flipping out.
This is even Worse when the main character is supposed to be a pervert. Really mangakas? nosebleed the moment something even remotely interesting happens? That's why shipping is so huge in Japan. mad mad mad mad mad

Remember to kiss your waifu goodnight biggrin
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9:41 am, Oct 24 2011
Posts: 566

more realistic romances.

in shoujo/shoujo-smut: can there be a strong female lead who doesn't fall for a complete asshole?

in yaoi: can we get rid of the rape storylines? completely. thank you

Post #503255 - Reply to (#502166) by CuthienSilmeriel

10:14 am, Oct 24 2011
Posts: 390

Mangas where getting hurt means you get weaker, not stronger.


10:38 am, Oct 24 2011
Posts: 156

pregnancy dealt with truthfully or being one of the main plot points its very rare.

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9:42 pm, Oct 28 2011
Posts: 2

I agree with most of what people have posted already. Also:

- Awesome female role models.
- Female characters in comics for guys who aren't morons and/or sex-objects.
- Male characters who are pervy in a non-sexist way.
- Black characters who aren't racist cliches. (For god's sake, at the very least keep their lips as dark as the rest of their skin so they don't look like a white person in blackface makeup!)
- Chinese characters who aren't racist cliches.
- Korean characters. Like, at all. There aren't even enough to wish they weren't racist cliches.
- White characters who aren't glamorized or stereotyped, even if it's in a "positive" way.
- GLBT characters who aren't either stereotypes or sex-objects.
- Male cross-dressers who aren't stereotypes or treated as comedic relief.
- Female cross-dressers who aren't doing it just to be with a guy.

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10:09 pm, Oct 28 2011
Posts: 583

A manga where the girl has had some other crushes/loves before meeting the current love interest, and when the love interest is not so obvious a choice.
As much I liked Ouran, I lost some interest once Haruhi realized she was in love with Tamaki, since it was the obvious choice, and a bit boring. I did like that even if she was in love with him, she never forgot her dream and pursued it no matter what, but I think realistically she could have given Hkaru a chance, then move on to Tamaki, I think that's how people experience love? You have a few crushes, I don't think people go their whole lives without a love, to just suddenly find one and everything is a-ok.

Stop the clumsiness just to make a girl endearing! There are other ways to make the girl endearing without the need to make her useless.
On the same vein, let's find a girl that can actually cook, most of the time if she's a complete klutz, the guy is a much better cook that her.

A manga where the girl's design does not go with the main love interest's design. It annoys me when the girl looks so young and the guy looks all cool and mature. It annoys me, because I think that realistically a guy that looks/is more mature is rarely going to fall head-over-heels in love with an infantile person.

Can't there be a manga about love but that is not a romance? Can't a boy and a girl just be friends?

And in yaoi, can the uke be less girly and the seme less of a jerk? Or better yet, can there be no uke's and seme's?

And I can probably think of more stuff, but the list will be loooong.

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his and her sonnet

10:26 pm, Oct 28 2011
Posts: 1127

hmm mature josie mangas like knock your heart out!, river's edge, 3d material, sayonara midori-chan, Kabocha to Mayonnaise and kami no kodomo
i really enjoy reading this type of stories. they're my favourite.
but they're very hard to find sad

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A silly pumpkin

11:15 pm, Oct 28 2011
Posts: 174

I mainly just read shoujos but way to many of them are really girly and moronic with no substance. I would love more mangas that have three dimensional characters rather than the two dimensional ones that are so common. Like actual romance not this new thing that everyone just happens to think love is which involves 'happy happy joy joy my heart throbs for you and i want to give away my entire life to be with you' sort of (enter rude word of your choice here)

Like have characters who are really strong and have had to gone through some hardship, like helping other characters through something like that as well, like what there was in Fruits Basket or in Flower were the girl is wheel chair bound.

And oh my god, this thing about people from the west being i dunno, more flighty, flirty and sexual, it is really wired, from what i have seen, i am far better than what most girls in the mangas are like, i'm sixteen, i have girl friends, i have a couple of guy friends i have no boyfriend, and never have had one or anything remotely creepy. My school skirt goes down to my knees and i wear shorts under that because of the wind, my tie is done up tightly and neatly and my buttons are all done up to the top.

Last edited by RattixEmpire at 12:35 am, Oct 29 2011

We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have, out doubt is our passion and our passion is our task, the rest is the madness of art. Henry james
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1:46 am, Oct 29 2011
Posts: 312

1.A shoujo girl with brain. One that isn't useless, crybaby, stupid, and at the top of all, IS NOT THINKING THAT NEEDS A BOYFRIEND EVERY SECOND TO HAVE HUMAN WORTH...

2. Guys confessing first, gentlemen, worrying and respecting a girl. It's uncomfortable because where I live is this way, while in mangas is totally the opposite.

3. Characters with curly hair. I mean, that doesn't exist in Japan, but considering the fact that everyone I find in mangas has big coloured eyes, blonde, which fits perfectly the stereotype of an occidental person... is kinda weird.

4. Pure characters in body, mind and soul. Yeah, it's like utopic, but I don't understand why in most mangas boys and girls have had a bunch of mates (with all that involves) even before 15. Is this still uncommon or am I living in a rainbow bubble?

5. Good guys getting the girl. I don't mind cliches, but since when is better someone who rapes you, hits you, and insults you ?

6. Stories about "different people". That's related with #3. It's true that beauty is the thing that attracts us, but there's quite exaggerated perfection in mangas. I haven't seen by myself a manga about two over-weighted people, maybe not physical too attractive, starring a love story...

7. Fair couples. Generally in a shoujo case one of the couple is perfect, intelligent and so on, and the other only has a body to defend her/himself; in shounen, this difference is a bit less obvious imo. But is super weird to find both with positive features, without depending of appearance.

8. A little of real facts. "I'm living by myself at 15" or "My mom/dad remarried miraculously with the boy/girl I like, and now is my brother"... Oh Gosh... I dunno how's the situation in Japan, but from what I see isn't easy to live independently in any country. And no opinion about the second thing...

9. I fell for her because (...). A lot of phrases like "she awoke my good feelings", "she put a lot of effort in what she's doing (even though is a dumb)", "I'll protect you"... really makes me sick. First, my male friends barely pay attention to feelings before body. Second, no one in this world has no result after working hard, even if they're so bad at something (but it's like is the only feature girls have in mangas). Third, well maybe there's a fairy tale prince out there, but what's with characters throwing their lives for another person... Isn't it a burden? Because as I remember, most of them have said these lines and 5 pages again are complaining about the stickiness of the females....

10. Mangas with a lesson of life. Love is important, as important as friendship. Experiences aren't a race. Virginity isn't a shame. I would totally love a story which reminds me of the good things of being alive, things that I already know but are inside me because I drag into everyday problems...

If you read everything, thank you! You've found a very very traumatized person. Someone who is a S because knows the flaws of mangas, but can't drop them...

Post #550575

1:59 am, May 12 2012
Posts: 9

Yeah. Philosophy and Politics.

I mean not the kind of politics and philosophy which are in some Mangas. I mean the real.

Post #550579
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3:34 am, May 12 2012
Posts: 124

Non-romantic relationships. I mean, does it HAVE to mean that a girl and a boy must fall in love? Even if they are completely incompatible? Even if they are the best of friends for years with no hint of romance? Even if they have lovers somewhere else? Even if they should have more important things than love they still fall because they are protagonists. Simple as that.

Other non-romantic relationships that PRIORITIZE. You know how they seem to forget family friends and all that the moment they fall in love? Stupid, plain stupid.

Smart girl. An independent one. One that isn't all wimpy. I know there's alot with the setting that the female is absolutely clueless, but seriously, do you think that'll stay when they finally finds out? A good example of what I want would be 9 Banme no Musashi.

Faith that doesn't waver at the smallest hint of a wave = =;;. Seriously, manga characters need trust too, can't you use your head for once? If you want to trust someone, then do that, or else you won't survive in a relationship romantic or not.

The dark reality of the world. Seriously? Love, Justice, and what else? A pink world with a peace banner? Shut the F* up parents! There would be no crimes if ppl think like that. Or more like, there's probably half the population that doesn't wish the well being of others. There's ppl that can take reality as it is and doesn't get all emotional. I want someone evil! Well... perhaps not completely evil or that'll kinda be... but yea, someone neutral and stays neutral. No "she opened my heart" kinda thing.

Independent and stubborn characters with pride. Goes like the above. There's ppl who don't get a helping hand at the time when they're in the bottoms, and those ppl will need and have found their way up. I want someone who values and holds their past with pride, no matter what kind it is. They keep their hearts closed, no crying heroine will open that as that's simply stomping down on their pride. Not everyone is a pack animal, we treasure our solitude!

"Perfect" character. As it means, perfect in every way. 9 Banme no Musashi would fit again. I was gonna say Death Note and Code Geass but... thinking about it again do they really fit? I mean, the ones I'm saying are completely perfect, they got the brains, they aren't useless with sports, and doesn't think the tv is some kind of box with miniature human. They can handle situations calmly no matter what it is, and I mean including the embarrassing ones. Or rather, will those occur in the first place? Able to live on their own but doesn't freak out in society too. You get the point. Oh and! Do NOT freak out at thunder.

Shounen-ai with (preferably) fantasy theme and a good reason to love. There's simply not enough good ones! I know I L-O-V-E-D Koori no Mamono no Monogatari. It's a real shame that his hair didn't stay long though T^T. Of course, no sex scenes. Or at least ones with the lower body hidden in whiteness of the out of box page.

Fantasy. A new world. A COMPLETE new world. Most the times they have princes. But anything else will work too. You know, ones that doesn't mix with history?

Considerate and sensible chars. And preferably as the main too. You know, most of those get dumped by the time the girl finally gets over her indecisive nature. They become a stepping stone. Why can't they treasure the guys they owe more?

Non-looks and sex oriented romance. Something like Zetsuai. There's more, can't remember. I want ones with the reason of loving. And ones that stay faithful no matter what. A strong, and sometimes twisted love.

What was I gonna say? Was gonna add another but forgot... ... ... can't remember = =;; well, it's pretty long already so I'll stop ranting? Geeze, there just isn't enough good mangas.

And in general I suppose that'll go into yandere? For some reason I don't like that word = =, sounds kinda offensive, the same way as otaku is for some ppl.

Last edited by Ibleda at 3:42 am, May 12 2012


4:45 am, May 12 2012
Posts: 272

what I notice quite often is that somehow most protagonists don't have any ambitions after school.They wan't to start working or go to college in preparation for a boring office-job.
It may be the result that many characters are made lazy and dumb but it still annoys me at times.the only ones wo study some kind of science ,for example, are shunsuke from yuria 100 shiki, the two from B-Shock! and keichi morisato.
Not that there is definite need for a manga revolving around science but a bit more characters who aren't dumb (like keima, TWGON) would be nice

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