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Lowly Member

4:55 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 3888

I don't like too much make up at all, I hardly put any on except for some eyeliner and mascara and that's pretty much it~

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4:56 pm, Oct 3 2008
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No. : P

With the exceptions being liquid eyeliners. Those things are cool.

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5:02 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 591

make up is alright but if its to much make up a girl just looks unattractive to me

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5:21 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 884

Don't wear makeup.Well lip gloss if that counts >.> If applied right, it can look really pretty, but I think it's a waste of time if not for a special occasion. But when you're just throwing on makeup for the sake of wearing makeup it turns pretty hideous. Makeup costs munnies I could be spennding on something useful say.... manga. Plus I have to wash it off afterward and that's just troublesome...

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Post #210772

5:23 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 176

Make up is alright, i just don't like to see too much of it or it makes me sick bigrazz

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Barely Here

5:35 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 784

I dislike make-up biggrin
that's why I've never worn any up until now

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The White Guy

8:15 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 340 a guy....only emo goth guys were make of story...also some ppl at my school pile tons of makeup on... eek none

So basically to vanquish the world of evil you must have mega sex with a girl then your soul is taken...yes
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Over the Rainbow.

9:13 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 664

More girls put make up than guys because think about it, for every other animal the male always looks better and the females are ugly. That probably applies for humans too so they try to cover it with make up and plastic surgery.

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Post #210845 - Reply to (#210843) by GreenTeaStrawberry
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The White Guy

9:16 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 340

Quote from GreenTeaStrawberry
More girls put make up than guys because think about it, for every other animal the male always looks better and the females are ugly. That probably applies for humans too so they try to cover it with make up and plastic surgery.

females arnt the ugly ones....ppl get plastic surgery and other stuff b/c they dont like how they look...although if you get plastic surgery you will probly look worse.. sad

So basically to vanquish the world of evil you must have mega sex with a girl then your soul is taken...yes
Post #211035 - Reply to (#210843) by GreenTeaStrawberry
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Madame Red

9:50 am, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 2172

Quote from GreenTeaStrawberry
More girls put make up than guys because think about it, for every other animal the male always looks better and the females are ugly. That probably applies for humans too so they try to cover it with make up and plastic surgery.

do you know why male animals are more beautiful?cause they have to attract the females.. but for females they dont have to attract them.. there are already too much males going around them. so it is kinda rule of the nature that male animals are more beautiful.....

as for humans ok we are biologically animals but we are kinda different from them right? eyes

Post #211037 - Reply to (#210843) by GreenTeaStrawberry
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9:56 am, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 596

Quote from GreenTeaStrawberry
More girls put make up than guys because think about it, for every other animal the male always looks better and the females are ugly. That probably applies for humans too so they try to cover it with make up and plastic surgery.

I've always thought that men look better than women...And I'm not saying this because I'm a woman...

Anyway, on toic, I think men would look great with eyeliners...

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10:14 am, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 9026

And I'm probably sure that 95% of the male population think the opposite. bigrazz Though, I do admit that a guy doesn't really have to do anything to look cute, while a girl has to go through make-up and all (for special occasions, that is).

And nope, I don't use make-up... ;;

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #211080
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11:54 am, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 117

Only for Halloween. One time I wanted to scare my mom into thinking I was goth so I put eyeliner on, and she's like, "you look like a girl". so that's the end of that! no makeup for me.

I don't know. When a girl has lighter features, I think it's preferable if she wears makeup. Like my friend at my old school. blonde, blue eyed. she looked like a completely different person without eye makeup that enhanced her eyes (her eyelashes were really light so you couldn't see em) Overall I don't really care unless, she doesn't overdo it and looks like a raccoon.

Post #211094
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PKR Translator

12:15 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 79

Ugh, I hate makeup. THe only kind of makeup I've ever worn was paint for my Belldandy and Mimiru fact the only time you'll even see me in girly clothing is for cosplay. My sisters both wear it though, and its not that I think people who wear it are stupid or anything like that. But for me...I'm a tomboy with very sensitive skin. So, I'm like allergic to everything. I used to have to wear a lot of stage makeup back when I was in dance and we did recitals and otehr performances, so I got pretty good at putting makeup on other people, though I don't use it myself. I pretty much put on any makeup for cosplay within my group of friends (though Sesshoumaru's paint and Zel's tattoo aren't typical styles), but even the characters who noticeably wear eyeshadow or lipstick. I think the only type of makeup I would wear myself is masscare (that I can't even spell correctly), but I only wear it when my littls sister attacks me with it (which has only happened a few times).

My sisters look great in it though, since they don't over do it, and same with the one of my friends outside of them who wears it. I think as far as makeup goes, it's supposed to enhance, not cover up! So, I get really annoyed by the people who put on tons of tons of makeup. Makes them look...fake. Like little painted porcelain dolls. That's not them. The style nowadays though is to put too much on, espeically eye makeup. Bah.

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12:28 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 245

Mostly just lip gloss for me.

I can't apply make up even if my life were to depend on it. I'm really really bad at it (can't even apply eye pencil! How lame is that?!). So, yeah, even if I wanted to put on more, I'm impaired and can't do it.

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