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your fav male characters in manga

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Post #29869 - Reply to (#29835) by Mamsmilk

8:46 am, Jul 25 2007
Posts: 2

Quote from Mamsmilk
I like all male charcters who are not wusses.
That is all. Their personality can be anything expect

YES! People like Shinji from Evangelion are just ridiculous.

Post #29877
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9:40 am, Jul 25 2007
Posts: 250

vash the stampede

Post #29878
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9:54 am, Jul 25 2007
Posts: 246

sanosuke sagara, I think his hair is totally awesome plus hes a total bum kinda like me. biggrin Not to mention his dedication to strive ahead despite living in the shadow of kenshin.

Post #29924
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6:45 pm, Jul 25 2007
Posts: 258

1)Gatsu (Berserk)
he goes through terrible pain and suffering
in a world that seems without hope. This
persons life is a dark nightmare which could
make even the toughest caracters out there
fall apart, but still he strugles for salvation.

3)Johan Liebert (Monster)
first time i saw him in the manga i got the creepiest
feeling ever from any fictional caracter.His eyes seem gentle
but as you carefully watch his face you realize the terror that he`s hiding.
Everything about this guy, from how he manipulates everyone
around him, to how he gently watches you with a faint smile as
he points his gun to your face... he has surpassed the word villain.
he is the Monster...

2)Onizuka (GTO)
simply the most funny, kindhearted, selfisless guy ever
to be drawn. He is not perfect as a teacher...
but maybe the real teachers could learn a thing from him.

Last edited by smichal at 7:14 pm, Jul 25 2007

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Post #29929

7:44 pm, Jul 25 2007
Posts: 2

Gatts, hands down

Post #30588 - Reply to (#29835) by Mamsmilk
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5:08 pm, Jul 28 2007
Posts: 194

Quote from Mamsmilk
I like all male charcters who are not wusses.
That is all. Their personality can be anything expect

i completely agree. regardless, if the male leading character is a complete wuss, no attitude-no guts, no glory-kind of personality, then frankly, i don't give a if the plot is just as bad, then in my sense, it's wouldn't make it to my book shelf. i give props that the mangaka made it to publish, but it's not my style. i'd give a glance at it, but i wouldn't read it. But there are those stories that shape the characters from wimpy, wussy, chicken shit to really good leading charaters. cool

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Post #30594 - Reply to (#29924) by smichal
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5:56 pm, Jul 28 2007
Posts: 247

Quote from smichal
2)Onizuka (GTO)
simply the most funny, kindhearted, selfisless guy ever
to be drawn. He is not perfect as a teacher...
but maybe the real teachers could learn a thing from him.

I agree but he would be my #1. Makes me wanna be a teacher.

Post #31132

12:47 am, Jul 31 2007
Posts: 226

from eyeshield 21 - Hiruma (kekekeke)

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1:57 pm, Jul 31 2007
Posts: 32

Gatts - Berserk.
If you've read berserk I don't need to explain why he's awesome. If you haven't read berserk, do it now
Nicholas D. Wolfwood - Trigun
Giant 50 cal. gun shaped like a cross, and It shoots missiles? That=Awesome
Manji - Blade Of The Immortal
Immortal, lots of swords, cool.
Ticki Mick - D-Grayman
Actually don't like D-Grayman that much, but I really liked that particular character. Stupid name though

While making this list I realized that I have a lot more female characters to name, at least off the top of my head.

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Post #31251
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2:15 pm, Jul 31 2007
Posts: 8

lol... my number one favorite male manga character would be Harima Kenji from School Rumble. eyes

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3:24 pm, Jul 31 2007
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2 Favs:

Vash the Stampede (TriGun)
Sarutobi Asuma (Naruto)

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2:04 pm, Aug 2 2007
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Makoto Narita (W Juliet / W Juliet 2) --> he is one hot guy
Sakuya (Kaikan Phrase) ---> alluring and charming looks

and so much more

Post #31802
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3:31 pm, Aug 2 2007
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Conan from Case Closed
And......Killy from BLAME!

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Post #31892
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12:08 am, Aug 3 2007
Posts: 74

hmmm.... this is a hard one, there are so many.

Train Heartnet from Black cat- not only is he good looking and good with a gun he has his funny moments.

Rock from Black Lagoon- I guess some people could classify him as the 'wussy' type at first but for some reason I like his personality, maybe cos he does develop a bit of an attitude (could only read the first two volumes but thats my impression of him).

Ren from skip beat- I like Ren, he is so damn funny a lot of the time with his fake smiles. Plus, once again he is good looking.

A few mentioned Ryuji from Tokyo Crazy Paradise, he's definately one of my favorites! Underneath his masculine exterior he is actually a big pervert! laugh. Plus, as a few mentioned, I like his personality and facial expressions.

ahhh.. could go on forever, but will leave it at those four.

Post #31902
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the(old)SRoMU boss

2:10 am, Aug 3 2007
Posts: 1502

from fruits basket

2nd-kei from special a
3rd-kaoru from ouran host
4th-zero from vamp knight

Last edited by moritana at 5:58 am, Aug 3 2007

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