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Death Note: Is the anime or the manga better? *Spoilers*

Death Note: Anime or manga?
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10:19 pm, Apr 28 2009
Posts: 6221

The soundtrack in the anime helped made certain scenes better so anime.

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The Gorilla Killaâ„¢

12:34 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 3229

I'd have to say the anime because sometimes the manga literally had wall of text and it was sort of distracting because it was like it was covering the art.

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Post #282919
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I am the Devil

2:16 pm, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 2081

i liked the anime better but read the manga first.

Post #299165
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1:42 am, Jun 18 2009
Posts: 21

Uhh, I think the majority would choose manga here, simply because I'm assuming the majority here prefer manga over anime. Its MangaUpdates after all. And the manga is the original story.

I only read the first few chapters of the manga and finished the anime, so can't really say, but I would think they're both equally good from what I've seen so far. Each would have their own good and bad points, but yeah, I think they'd both be equally good. I think those who liked one should give the other a chance, at the very least. biggrin

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4:08 pm, Aug 26 2009
Posts: 10


I really loved it because Light's Death was one of the most saddest and pathetic ways. The way he begged and cried was so insane much like himself. Everything just blew up in his face and i loved it (though i am a big fan of Light). He died how he lived, crazy and insane.

though the anime did a cool ending too because he was showing some minor signs of regret. and it made you feel sad that he was going to die. he had a very peaceful death which was nice.

the manga ending had me going "WTF WTF oh way... HOLY he died"

anime one just had me "..................oh he died"

LOL very bad explanation i knowbiggrin

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