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Most Disturbing Film Moment You Ever Seen

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Post #294180
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I am the Devil

6:59 pm, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 2081

a friend of mine who is majoring in film did this short film called "Dusk"
the premise is basically about a guy who has multiple personalities and there is this one scene where the main character is dreaming and he sees himself walking into a bathroom where the personality disorder guy is. so he walks in there and sees the guy with half of his face plastered with ketchup and other crazy kitchen foodstuffs. its disturbing because both of the actors are also my friends and i never could see either of them doing something like that. i mean the actors and the directors are all pretty serious guys

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7:34 pm, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 2028

Hobbling scene in Misery.
that is all i have to say...

Post #294191 - Reply to (#294186) by kaerfehtdeelb

8:02 pm, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 1762

Quote from kaerfehtdeelb
Hobbling scene in Misery.
that is all i have to say...

It was worse in the book, be thankful they changed it.

Post #294194 - Reply to (#293967) by Battlerenji
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Rebel Rebel

8:16 pm, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 1230

Quote from Battlerenji
Holy Mountain is my favorite movie it is number 1 on my list. There is a lot of symbols in it that some people really miss if they don't really analyze it. But, the director Alejandro Jodorowsky
is maybe the coolest person ever if you have read any of his comics he thinks so outside the box some people think he is crazy. And also many of his films are banned. Actually Alejandro Jodorowsky is banned from Mexico because of his first film Fando y Lis was so conversational that he was charged with sighting a riot and legally is banned. Actually my avatar is from El Topo another of his films.

The Holy Mountain was the only movie I've ever watched by him. I know that the film has a lot of symbolism, but I don't think that I could ever watch it in it's entirety, without looking away or closing my eyes. I just watched it again today again and dead .

I might look into his other works, thanks for mentioning them.

I just remembered another film that might be of interest, Gozu by Takashi Miike. Since you're a David Lynch fan, it's been said to be a homage to him.

Last edited by MasamiAkane at 8:29 pm, Jun 1 2009

Post #294222
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9:56 pm, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 1975

i've got a few:

where this guy named henry saws his girlfriend's head off in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

this one fat guy puking in Stand by Me.

in Ichi the Killer, where they cut the tongue...

and from House of Wax, the girl's mouth gets super-glued and her thumb was cut by pliers [i think it was pliers?]

last one, i swear:

this kid getting his arm shaved off in Sweeney todd

these scenes definately made me scrunch my face up a whole lot no [i might be a much movies made me cringe xD]

*oh! and when the old psycho woman gets slammed by the camera [and blood from her face splats on the camera's screen] from Quarantine.

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Sweetly Macabre

10:28 pm, Jun 1 2009
Posts: 1005

"Titicut Follies"
It's a documentary filmed in an asylum, sometime in the 60's. A passive look at horror, cruelty, and human life. There are extremely disturbing and emotion-envoking scenes that I will remember vividly for life, and I rather wish I didn't have to remember them.

Don't watch that one without being prepared for what you will see.

Post #294287 - Reply to (#294222) by Yenoh
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The Movie Critic

1:06 am, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 515

Quote from Yenoh
i've got a few:

where this guy named henry saws his girlfriend's head off in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

this one fat guy puking in Stand by Me.

in Ichi the Killer, where they cut the tongue...

and from House of Wax, the girl's mouth gets super-glued and her thumb was cut by pliers [i think it was pliers?]

last one, i swear:

this kid getting his arm shaved off in Sweeney todd

these scenes definately made me scrunch my face up a whole lot no [i might be a much movies made me cringe xD]

*oh! and when the old psycho woman gets slammed by the camera [and blood from her face splats on the camera's screen] from Quarantine.

Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer was so will done with the cinematography I almost thought it was real. Kinda like Irreversible. In Irreversible there might be the most real rape scenes in the history of film actually when this was first filmed people had to walk out because they thought it was real.

And Ichi the Killer I think the worst part is where they cut off that girls nipples.

Protect Independent Film
All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allen Poe

Imagination rules the world. - Napoleon Bonaparte

All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God. - Voltaire
Post #294290 - Reply to (#293955) by Battlerenji
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1:11 am, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 227

Quote from Battlerenji
Well I seen a couple of things that seemed disturbing and I never seemed to think they were really disturbing so I would like some one to disturb me.

Such as this

lol that's probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. I LOVE it, tho.
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i kinda thought the ending when he killed his baby was a bit more disturbing tho

hmmm...... the most disturbing moment, for me, was in
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American History X when he curb stomps the guy. Or probably the scene i mentioned above from Eraserhead

Post #294366 - Reply to (#294249) by Terpsichore
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Housecat Incognito

9:14 am, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 314

Quote from Terpsichore
"Titicut Follies"
It's a documentary filmed in an asylum, sometime in the 60's. A passive look at horror, cruelty, and human life. There are extremely disturbing and emotion-envoking scenes that I will remember vividly for life, and I rather wish I didn't have to remember them.

Don't watch that one without being prepared for what you will see.

It's cool to know someone else has seen this... and yes it's pretty disturbing..

Post #294457 - Reply to (#294290) by sexy assassin
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The Movie Critic

2:03 pm, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 515

Quote from sexy assassin
Quote from Battlerenji
Well I seen a couple of things that seemed disturbing and I never seemed to think they were really disturbing so I would like some one to disturb me.

Such as this

lol that's probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. I LOVE it, tho.
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i kinda thought the ending when he killed his baby was a bit more disturbing tho

hmmm...... the most disturbing moment, for me, was in
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American History X when he curb stomps the guy. Or probably the scene i mentioned above from Eraserhead

I like that scene in Eraserhead and it is basically the biggest symbol in the whole woman also the lady in the radiator.

Protect Independent Film
All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allen Poe

Imagination rules the world. - Napoleon Bonaparte

All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God. - Voltaire
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2:58 pm, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 93

Uhh, I love film questions smile

Well the ones that I can remember now are:

-"The fly" in the end when he changes completely.
-"Deliverance" that rape scene will always haunt me.
-"Pet semetary" Zelda. I was so young when I saw it, so it had a huge effect.

Post #294504 - Reply to (#294463) by HolyChild
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The Movie Critic

4:45 pm, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 515

Quote from HolyChild
Uhh, I love film questions smile

Well the ones that I can remember now are:

-"The fly" in the end when he changes completely.
-"Deliverance" that rape scene will always haunt me.
-"Pet semetary" Zelda. I was so young when I saw it, so it had a huge effect.

I wouldn't really say that when he was changing into the fly that it was more gross than disturbing but, all in all it was a great film. But, the rape scene in Deliverance I heard of it and it seems be something I should watch. But, if anyone wants maybe the worst rape ever it will be Salo: 120 Days of Sodom it seems to work also as satire.

Protect Independent Film
All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allen Poe

Imagination rules the world. - Napoleon Bonaparte

All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God. - Voltaire
Post #294616 - Reply to (#294191) by Raeryn
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Sweetly Macabre

10:53 pm, Jun 2 2009
Posts: 1005

Quote from Raeryn
Quote from kaerfehtdeelb
Hobbling scene in Misery.
that is all i have to say...

It was worse in the book, be thankful they changed it.

The movie was less graphic, but,

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the idea of having one's ankles smashed with a sledgehammer is worse, in my opinion.

Still, neither disturbs me much. Soft horror.

Post #294686 - Reply to (#294616) by Terpsichore
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The Movie Critic

9:33 am, Jun 3 2009
Posts: 515

Quote from Terpsichore
Quote from Raeryn
Quote from kaerfehtdeelb
Hobbling scene in Misery.
that is all i have to say...

It was worse in the book, be thankful they changed it.

The movie was less graphic, but,

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the idea of having one's ankles smashed with a sledgehammer is worse, in my opinion.

Still, neither disturbs me much. Soft horror.

Speaking of which it was pretty funny I believe that the the director on the TV saying how they shot it the said
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He put jello in the guys foot and hit so it looked like it broke
Instantly after hearing that I could not stop laughing about it.

Protect Independent Film
All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allen Poe

Imagination rules the world. - Napoleon Bonaparte

All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God. - Voltaire
Post #297820 - Reply to (#294686) by Battlerenji
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Sweetly Macabre

2:34 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 1005

Quote from Battlerenji
Quote from Terpsichore
Quote from Raeryn
Quote from kaerfehtdeelb
Hobbling scene in Misery.
that is all i have to say...

It was worse in the book, be thankful they changed it.

The movie was less graphic, but,

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the idea of having one's ankles smashed with a sledgehammer is worse, in my opinion.

Still, neither disturbs me much. Soft horror.

Speaking of which it was pretty funny I believe that the the director on the TV saying how they shot it the said
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He put jello in the guys foot and hit so it looked like it broke
Instantly after hearing that I could not stop laughing about it.

laugh I'll never look at that scene the same way again.
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It was a bit cheesy before, since it's an older film, but still... jello?

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