355 ( the end)
13 years ago
Posts: 486
Finally the end. a bit rushed, concluded everything in a half-assed way...what did I expect...we see everyone except negi's sister (remember the beginning?). I did hate the 1 panel- 1 character summary.

13 years ago
Posts: 1310
Negi childhood friend?
anyways Negi ended with Maki Maki? that doesn't seem to be clear...
also the author said the history of Sazie Rainy day was for a later time, so Negima 2.0?

13 years ago
Posts: 145
Negi childhood friend?
anyways Negi ended with Maki Maki? that doesn't seem to be clear...
also the author said the history of Sazie Rainy day was for a later time, so Negima 2.0?
Doubt it that Negima will be getting a sequel just cause of that phrase. Most manga seem to end it with that phrase as it helps the manga end on a good note? Anyway, this series was most probably axed or the author just wanted to end it quickly or he just don't know how he wanted to end his manga

13 years ago
Posts: 1737
I wondered how the manga was going to conclude in one chapter with all of these characters. Though it was rushed, I'm glad it had a bit of information regarding the students. I do have some questions though:
It was translated that Hakase Satomi married a certain governor...any ideas?
Why does Makie call someone in Nagi's group "father?"
Nulla in mundo pax sincera
"Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth." - Albert Camus
13 years ago
Posts: 198
It probably means Hakase got married to Godel. Which is a terrifying thought.
And Makie calls Nagi "father" because she's nervous about meeting the father of her crush. It's a very, very, very common joke.
Secchan and Konochan got hitched <3. Hilarious seeing the people fervently denying lesbianism to the core (not here, other places).
13 years ago
Posts: 176
makie means negis father as in father in law cuz she still is after negi...
i didnt get one thing did konaka marry sentzuna?
it was rushed and axed there were just a few short explanations like why the father is there and why asuma woke up to late...
nothing about what happend to the mother the sister or the childhood friend...
and who negi loved....
just dissapointing...such a good manga with such a lame ending....

13 years ago
Posts: 1737
Quote from wolfinthesheep
It probably means Hakase got married to Godel. Which is a terrifying thought.
And Makie calls Nagi "father" because she's nervous about meeting the father of her crush. It's a very, very, very common joke.
Secchan and Konochan got hitched <3. Hilarious seeing the people fervently deny ...
Oh okay thanks for the explanation. I read the middle chapters a long time ago, so don't remember much.
Yeah I was confused about Setsuna and Konoka...did they seriously get married to each other?! I had assumed separate people but in the same year.
Nulla in mundo pax sincera
"Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth." - Albert Camus

13 years ago
Posts: 228
ok, its the end, so now wtf happened? we can see that many got married taking them out of the negi's route..., its mentioned that yue and nodoka had they love crushed so that means negi rejected them both... the only one that still seem to love negi is makie... even so there is no hint of WHO THE HELL negi will marry....
well, in my opinion the manga was AXED / Rushed Ending, the ending was SO-SO, oh also im very angry because akamatsu made chisame a internet recluse... WTF WITH THAT?? he hated her or something?
Who negi likes in the end its a fkng mystery forever now 😕
Ore no Riaru to Netoge ga Rabukome
To Love-Ru Forever.

13 years ago
Posts: 1310
Konoka + Setsuna was probably orchestrated to make us think they either marry each other or in the same year, no way to prove or deny either statement, with is a great thing 🙂
Yue and Nodoka both got blow off... lame 🙁
In regards to Nagi
The Lifemaker possessed his body, that is why The lifemaker looked like Nagi, and they said they had to release him.
Nagi was possessed by the Lifemaker = Has not aged a day beyond that = Is an eternal being like Eva and Negi.
Negi and Ala Alba released Nagi from the Lifemaker control = they Exorcised him
Negis partner wasn't in his class, so who do you all think it was?
Has to be someone similar/alike to Negi in personality and not a member of his class, so anyone got any nominations? best thing we can do is close the holes ourselves to give us closure and peace 🙂
oh and I am not making anything up regarding Nagi, look it up, the data is buried in the pages of this manga.
Interesting info:
The Lifemaker made Eva a vampire, in order to use the same thing on himself to be eternal, that is why is plausible that he used the same technique on his new Body (Nagi).

13 years ago
Posts: 1366
Quote from snitch
i didnt get one thing did konaka marry sentzuna?
Yes.It was fairly obvious, though not clearly stated given that Negima is basically a shonen manga.
Wasn't the best ending, but I've read worse, and at the very least he mostly explained what happened with all the girls of 3-A. After that I want a manga about Mana. Her future sounds likeit would be awesome to read.
Sarcasm just doesn't work over the internet.

13 years ago
Posts: 81
Its pretty sad that the manga had to rush its ending. Not very happy about it since i'm still confused on how the magic world was saved and how Nagi was saved, Last but not least, who did Negi married 😕
13 years ago
Posts: 69
Is there a list of all aborted Arcs, Arc-Hooks and unanswered Questions?

13 years ago
Posts: 15
To be honest, I quite enjoyed this ending. It gives us a nice lil space of unlimited imagination of the future, yet portrayed the situation perfectly.
I loved the panel by panel character summary,although.. It's not as if I expected a page each description.. But it does seem a bit short.. And some characters got cut.. WHERE IS MY ARIKA!?
Man.. That last scene of the space lift in building.... I just cried looking at it.. Its nothing special.. But such a scenery.. 😢
Akamatsu Sensei has my support forever.
"true magic results from the courage of the heart".
I reject your reality and substitute for my own.
13 years ago
Posts: 9
Considering how rushed the ending was I'm just happy we got any description of their future lives at all, especially the married couples. But yeah, we can be almost sure that the one Negi likes isn't Asuna (because of her reaction a couple chapters ago), Nodoka, or Yue, and none of the other descriptions really give any hint of romance. Was it Anya? She's the only main character not mentioned here unless I missed her. That would be...disappointing.
I know Negi had completed his magical growth so I didn't NEED to see him fighting to free Nagi in some climactic battle, but I think we deserved at least an explanation of how Nagi ended up captured and Imma ended up attached to the tree, and whether Negi's mother is even still alive or not. Would it have been so hard to draw her in the background looking awkward or something, just so we know? Some of my favorite parts in the magical world arc were the 3-chapter flashback sections, so he could have concisely answered our questions so easily....oh well.
I for one hope he doesn't do Negima 2.0, despite how much I loved the series, just because I love Love Hina just as much and I'm sure he could easily come up with a third, totally separate and original series that we'll all grow to love again if he tried. I'm looking forward to that already.
13 years ago
Posts: 112
Seen worse endings, but this definitely felt rushed. Pretty good all the same, tying up loose ends with character outs, though I wish we found out who Negi actually liked.