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Post #538615 - Reply to (#538612) by Crenshinibon

4:01 am, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 9

Actually, they can use it to show how the world views japan. It's not evidence of morals, but rather of perception here. For example, this era of moe and ero anime/manga has actually had a negative effect on how I for one view Japanese morals - sacrificing story and plot for... fanservice and perversion. Hell, even in their games. Given my exposure to Japanese media, while limited, this very much does affect my perception, and not for the better.

While there's always things in their culture that are to be respected - their reactions to natural disasters, as pointed out above - their media has a huge impact on how other view the culture. And it's becoming less and less positive as time goes one, in large part thanks to the current trends in manga, anime, and games.

Post #538616 - Reply to (#538615) by RoleOfAQS

6:08 am, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 4

There's a critical problem with that, though...The idea that the users of mangaupdates represent "the world". We're a very small corner of the world...

Also, there's the fact that it's not like it's just the Japanese who sacrifice plot for fanservice. Creators of fiction everywhere do it. Sad but true. (Especially if we include fanfiction in that.) And I think that's less immoral than...Lazy? It's taking the easy way out, because as we know, sex sells. Well, I guess not being lazy is often considered a moral standard, but whatever.

Post #538617 - Reply to (#538615) by RoleOfAQS
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7:09 am, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 3888

MU does not represent the world, that's strike 1 of this being of any relevant statistic.

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Post #538618 - Reply to (#538615) by RoleOfAQS
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Local Prig

9:12 am, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 1899

You clearly haven't had to compose very relevant papers then. I'm not saying that you need a triple-regressive graph to have a relevant statistic, but you do need unbiased sample sizes that don't reply on a choice basis into a poll that can easily be answered multiple times.

The issue isn't the content of the question, but the medium utilized to obtain the data.

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Reviews of my Work:
You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...
Post #538619

10:46 am, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 264

how many stories about a teacher raping 20+ students comes out of japan a year?
lets also go with their continued push to get non censorship, censorship laws in place. lets go this way, i dont read the mangas most heavily effected, but they are non porn stories, that got labled as porn and were dropped from serialization, and stopped from getting tokibons (sp) out.

now than, any given day, there are how many school girls who will scream molestor, ruining the person life, when he never did anything, or worse trying to extort money.

now in america, we have a fer of the full berca wearing muslems, and of any muslem looking people getting on a plane. in japan, its common to see "no foreigner" signs in front of most shops, now, whether they mean it or, are just a way to keep out people who cant speak the language is something i dont know.

and lets make a stop off at prostitution, and the common family in japan.

if you are under 18 you get a pass when whoring yourself, as in noting happens to you, and its common that under age prostitute themselves because of that.

and the common family in japan puts so much pressure on people that suicide is one of the leading causes of death in japan.

morally, they are worse than america,
culturally, they took all the bad parts of america and are trying to see what sticks
but game and manga, there is enough interesting weird crap for me to like them

Post #538620 - Reply to (#538619) by alidan
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1:24 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 1899

While you're not totally wrong, there are some factual inaccuracies here and there.

For instance, the "no foreigners" signs are mostly something you see at onsen up in Hokkaido where Russian sailors have historically caused a lot of problems. Okinawa presents similar symptoms as a result of various crimes committed by US soldiers over the years (rapes are the highest profile, but it's actually much more extensive, though the entire situation down there is rather parasitic). In fact, US military bases have actually caused an absurd number of problems in Japan over the years, and areas surrounding them tend to have significantly higher crime rates. That's not to say that US soldiers are inherently criminals, but the point is that the areas where the cultural crossover is greatest is also arguably the most morally ambiguous.

Enjokousai isn't necessarily prostitution, and I'm not sure how "common" it is beyond media excitement. Like the whole hikikomori scare from a few years back. It is true that the Japanese political system really doesn't care, though, and that law enforcement isn't about to do anything. Then again, show me a major US city without prostitutes.

I'm not quite sure where you got the idea that the "common family" is a cause of suicide. The rates are higher due to a number of different factors, the cause of which is still up for debate (generally people who make the "high pressure family" argument are going off the work of Benedict's The Chrysanthemum and the Sword which is an entirely fallacious piece of pseudo-anthropology commissioned by the US military and written without fieldwork). It might be interesting, however, to note that countries with significantly lower crime rates (and violent crime rates moreso) also have universally higher suicide rates. The US' crime rate is through the roof compared to Japan's.

There's not a moral inferiority on either side. That's the nature of morality. It's subjective.

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You are kind of boring - Blackorion
Congratulations! Ur an asshole! - tokyo_homi
Your awesome!!! - Cherelle_Ashley
NightSwan also said that she wanted to peg me, once, but I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or a threat...

3:41 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 6

The results of this poll aren't a good indicator since the subjects aren't randomized, self-select and are probably not representative of populations as a whole unless you want to specify them to just the visitors to this site. (And, even then, there's the problem of the population being self-selecting.)

You should probably either find a study or collect data yourself via randomization, finding people and all that jazz.

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5:46 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 64

Last and second to last one, depending whether you're Japanese or not.

ミレニアム・マ スター18
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7:03 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 301

No culture or people are "morally superior". They may have different morals, etiquette, manners etc, but they're not "morally superior".

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8:11 pm, Nov 6 2011
Posts: 33

I suspect the data he's actually gathering with this are the comments to this poll xD.

The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and riffle their pockets for new vocabulary - James Nicoll
Post #538625 - Reply to (#538618) by Crenshinibon

1:03 am, Nov 7 2011
Posts: 9

Put it this way then - this is site for people who generally enjoy Japanese culture and media. And yet, even then, the answers are overwhelmingly "No" so far. As in, by a 4:1 margin. And this, from a group that should be biased in favor of Japan.

If that's not telling, I don't know what is.

Now, it's important to note that the choices are: Morally Superior vs Morally Neutral. That is my problem with the poll - there's nothing there for those who think that they're morally inferior. You know... for things like this:

We'd get a more valid result then. However, with the current choices, I'm gonna have to point out that even though Japan has the odds stacked in its favor on this site, the results are not favorable for japan.

Post #538626 - Reply to (#538625) by RoleOfAQS

1:09 am, Nov 7 2011
Posts: 3

You can think the no is inferior if you want... Not what I care about.

Post #538627 - Reply to (#538626) by BokoLife

3:59 am, Nov 7 2011
Posts: 9

No, that's exactly contrary to what I just said. Please read my post and try again.

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7:30 am, Nov 7 2011
Posts: 94

Ok.. This must be one of the dumbest essay topics I have ever read. Whoever gave you/thought of this question, I really hope you pick a different topic if you can. Seriously, using what stick can you measure morallity, when each culture and each individual has their own moral standards. For example, you might as well ask: "Do you think I am the most morally superior person in MU" =_=

Post #538629 - Reply to (#538625) by RoleOfAQS

2:56 pm, Nov 7 2011
Posts: 4

Umm...I don't think that this particularly says that Japan is just viewed terribly by lots of people...I think it's more like, just because we enjoy their media, doesn't mean most of us aren't intelligent enough to realize that the entire idea of thinking of *any* country as morally superior to another one is idiotic. (And thank goodness for that. I fear for those of the second option, currently at 18.5%...)

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