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What do you find turn offs?

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12:26 am, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 2964

Bad hygiene.
Especially when they smell.


12:40 am, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 202

well heres my list

- bad hair (none straight and brittle)
- huge nose
- small breasts
- fat body
- weird unbathed stench
- bad breath
- bad teeth

Post #345040
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Mome Basher

4:14 am, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 3380

I can't stand airheads...they're first to go.
...and then girls who smoke.

That's about it for now - can't think of anything else at the moment =_=

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Post #345096
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Angel of Sin

11:42 am, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 314

I'm better off in the opposite topic of this. My turn-offs list could probably go on forever (no joke... I mean I could keep coming up with them for the rest of my life). I'll list ten of them.
1. arrogance and know-it-alls. HATE that.
2. buff/muscular guys (I like minimal/non-existant muscle)
3. bad smell of course
4. I usually dislike any guy with really short hair, like a buzz cut. Not always though, for personality matters a lot to me.
5. anyone that does drugs.
6. anybody rude/nasty/disrespectful/etc.
7. people that trash-talk others a lot
8. abusive behavior to people/animals
9. liberals/radical democrats (sorry but, political views matter to me quite a bit)
10. sexists. any form of sexism against any gender will do nothing but royally piss me off and will most likely result in me cussing you out. I'm quite the anti-sexist. smile

As I said, I could go on and on, but I'll stop here. I think I'll go try and list anything that I like for a change. roll eyes

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Madame Red

11:52 am, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 2172

hmmm there are a lot but one thing that i currently experienced.

a naked man with socks on. laugh

just watch this:

Post #345103
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12:39 pm, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 1619

I absolutely cannot stand guys who dip tobacco. That's just nasty IMO. No way in hell.

No guys who think that wafting through patchouli daily is a replacement for taking a regular bath with soap. News flash: it's Not.

No guys who sniff their clothes to see if they're 'clean enough to get away with' wearing them another day. Go do your laundry, kthxbai.

I generally dislike guys who are 'lazy' about their appearance - unkempt/greasy hair, haven't shaved in several days because it's too much of a bother, shirt only half buttoned or tucked-in, etc. (Very few can pull that off as a 'look', and most of those who think they can, can't.)

I don't like the opposite extreme either: guys who take too much time on their appearance - like those who spend 30 minutes in the bathroom getting one hair to sit in place and another 30 minutes choosing the right clothes. (Every so often is one thing, but a regular habit? No.)

And sort of an odd one - there was one guy I met who was interested in me, but when I held his hand with our fingers interlaced, our fingers just didn't fit together. His fingers were too 'fat' (for lack of a better description). It was a huge turn-off, and to this day I've no idea why it bothered me so much. Maybe I was looking for an excuse or something, but it gave me the shivers and I could hardly touch him after that. Fortunately, I didn't like his personality that much either.

Oh, and we mustn't forget the "God's gift to women" type. That's not confidence - that's narcissism. Look me up when you're not looking down on me, 'kay?

Edit: Rude, disrespectful, obnoxious and abusive goes without saying, IMO.

Last edited by Liria at 12:51 pm, Dec 29 2009

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
Post #345113 - Reply to (#345103) by Liria
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Mome Basher

1:26 pm, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 3380

Quote from Liria
No guys who sniff their clothes to see if they're 'clean enough to get away with' wearing them another day. Go do your laundry, kthxbai.

If they generally don't have any stains on them and still smell good, I don't see why I should throw them in the laundry xD
(I only do this at home though)

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
Post #345114 - Reply to (#345113) by Scyfon
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1:54 pm, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 1619

Quote from Scyfon
Quote from Liria
No guys who sniff their clothes to see if they're 'clean enough to get away with' wearing them another day. Go do your laundry, kthxbai.

If they generally don't have any stains on them and still smell good, I don't see why I should throw them in the laundry xD
(I only do this at home though)

I've known too many guys who lose their perspective on how clean something really is because they're in this habit too much. =)
(Especially those that think airing it out the window so that most of the smell is gone is sufficient. That's a definite No.)

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
Post #345130 - Reply to (#345114) by Liria
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Mome Basher

2:57 pm, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 3380

Quote from Liria
Quote from Scyfon
Quote from Liria
No guys who sniff their clothes to see if they're 'clean enough to get away with' wearing them another day. Go do your laundry, kthxbai.

If they generally don't have any stains on them and still smell good, I don't see why I should throw them in the laundry xD
(I only do this at home though)

I've known too many guys who lose their perspective on how clean something really is because they're in this habit too much. =)
(Especially those that think airing it out the window so that most of the smell is gone is sufficient. That's a definite No.)

Well, I check if:
-it has no funky smell
-it's not damp/moist
-no stains of any sort
-not older than 3 days

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
Post #345159
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8:43 pm, Dec 29 2009
Posts: 1354

Obnoxiousness/rudeness is prolly the main thing that really turns me off. That and negativity. You know those people who are pessimistic all the time and always talk bad about people and things? I mean come on, grow a spine already. You'll be happy if you let yourself be happy.

Am amused by some of the other answers here lol. I'm actually ok with hairy chests - I mean you can't blame people for having 'em, right? - and I'm even ok with occasional farting etc. What really bothers me is when the quality of the person is poor, like when they're morally bankrupt or just plain inconsiderate. "Inconsiderate" is a great blanket word because it covers everything from rude/bad behavior to poor hygiene sense that leads to smells etc. Lol.

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7:56 am, Dec 30 2009
Posts: 367

Things that turn me off are generally girls who:
- Wears very revealing clothing. (And you wonder why people treat you like a whore when you dress like one)
- Smoke.
- Thinks that their shit don't stink.
- Rude/Uncivilised.
- Spoiled by parents.
- Wears ostentatious accessories that don't need to cost as much as they should (A phone doesn't count since it is at least more functional than golden earrings.)
- Does not enjoy the simple things in life. (just because its more expensive doesn't mean its better ^^)
- Abusive to others.
- Does not even know the meaning of sarcasm.
- Alcoholic or Drug addiction.

I seem fussy don't I? But these are my values, I personally hate people who sponge off their parents, I do it as well but I always have a guilty conscience about it and have been doing everyone to become more independent, I could probably never pay them back for everything (It would probably take me about 2-3years to pay back my college fees with my expected salary, paying international fees sucks). All these points really just sum up to 1 thing. Those who don't appreciate life!

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Post #345257 - Reply to (#345103) by Liria
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8:39 am, Dec 30 2009
Posts: 321

And sort of an odd one - there was one guy I met who was interested in me, but when I held his hand with our fingers interlaced, our fingers just didn't fit together. His fingers were too 'fat' (for lack of a better description). It was a huge turn-off, and to this day I've no idea why it bothered me so much. Maybe I was looking for an excuse or something, but it gave me the shivers and I could hardly touch him after that. Fortunately, I didn't like his personality that much either.

My god.. because of his hands? Really? :/

I guess what turns me off is people who make standards on how ppl should be.

Post #345297 - Reply to (#345257) by Selim

12:55 pm, Dec 30 2009
Posts: 288

not that i literally hate these types of behaviors, but as far as turn offs go my list has pretty much been covered, but i put emphasis on a few things:

-sense of entitlement
-large/thick waste/thighs
-fanatical in any extreme politics/religion/etc (basically more interested in hating other groups than promoting own beliefs)
-unable to acknowledge own hypocrisy
-people that lack ambition or any kind of drive to accomplish dreams in life
-parasites (people who just date you b/c they realize you have it together, and will establish financial security in life)
-people who can't see past race, skin color, etc
Quote from djbreezy
hmmm...Maybe posers. Can't stand people like them.

-posers especially, particularly guys and girls who see things in movies/media/etc and then try to act that way asif people were really like that in real life!
Quote from Liria
I absolutely cannot stand guys who dip tobacco. That's just nasty IMO. No way in hell.

-agree completely with this! girl or guy tobacco chewers/smokers are a big turn off (people trying to quit are tolerable)
-in girl's especially, overreliance on any medication/substance (i'd like to have kids one day and not have them suffer from any horribly drug induced deformities)
Quote from Drab
People not intelligent enough to detect sarcasm and humor. What's worst then saying a joke and have them stare at you blankly D;...

-the most tolerable turn off would be this laugh

I guess what turns me off is people who make standards on how ppl should be.

o_O doesn’t that mean practically everyone is a turn off? (except maybe the Dali Lama) laugh

forgot to mention:

Last edited by Dr. Love at 1:54 pm, Dec 30 2009

Post #345299
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goddess of victory

1:16 pm, Dec 30 2009
Posts: 22

- guys with long hair, a few guys can pull it off if its only a little long and they style it but overall I hate guys with long hair.

- bad hygiene

- when guys (or girls) are obnoxious/rude

In Heaven, all the interesting people are missing.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
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3:33 pm, Dec 30 2009
Posts: 807

-Bad Hygiene
-Stinky feet
-Skinny Jeans on guys
-the emo cut on guys...they look like chicks none
-Sagging. I seriously don't want to see a buttcrack.
-Too much muscles. Buff is scary for me
-No gang clothes
-Talking so badly in slang that I can't have an intellegent conversation with them.
-Douche bags

I have too many eek

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