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Who's your favourite character(s) in Special A?

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11:59 pm, Jan 6 2009
Posts: 742

Ryu and Tadashi. I love puppet Tadashi smile

Looking for... shoujo with a canned peach confession. Don’t English me I’m panic.

1:10 am, Jan 11 2009
Posts: 1

my fav is akira and tadashi roll

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6:23 pm, Jan 11 2009
Posts: 87

Ryuu!! :3

And the fact that he's always 7th place is because of the twins! LOL :'D


11:24 am, Jan 17 2009
Posts: 4

and obviously kei..haha wat hotties!

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7:58 pm, Jan 17 2009
Posts: 2964

Apparently, I like all of them in their own way. none
But I'm definitely a Yahiro/Megumi, Ryuu/Finn shipper.

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6:41 am, Feb 14 2009
Posts: 6

i love kei of course! hes so cuuuteeee!! and i love his looks too of course *A* xDDD but really hes so funny and i love him when he always says "ahahahahahhaah" xD

Post #282782
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6:23 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 91

This manga has so many likable characters... maybe more than I've seen in any other shoujo. Great job by the mangaka.
I like Tadashi and Akira most, I think. But Ryuu and Alisa are close...

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
Post #283347
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4:06 pm, Apr 30 2009
Posts: 8

I love Ryuu!! He is just so cute I LOVE him!!!
He's my favorite I like him because he's loves animal and he is really sweet with the twins and Finn I love Finn too they are just so sweet together!! smile wink grin

Post #313135
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3:51 am, Aug 13 2009
Posts: 8

I like Tadashi because he's goofy and dumb at times, but he manages to cheer people up. I like all of the other characters as well biggrin

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it leads us down new paths.

4:21 am, Aug 13 2009
Posts: 3

ryuu and finn for me!! i so love that couple!

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7:43 am, Oct 28 2009
Posts: 5

My favourite female character is Megumi (I find her so cute and unique!) and my favourite male characters would have to be Ryuu, Kei and
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Kurofai Otaku

4:30 am, Nov 3 2009
Posts: 23

I wish I had a witty reason, but honestly it is just because he works so hard for Hikari.

Post #332384 - Reply to (#332242) by Amarante-ai
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9:27 pm, Nov 3 2009
Posts: 5

Quote from Amarante-ai
I wish I had a witty reason, but honestly it is just because he works so hard for Hikari.

I Agree! I love how he works so hard for her. Makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. biggrin I also like how he gets

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jealous over Tokiwa and Hikari. Hehe..

Post #332387
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9:48 pm, Nov 3 2009
Posts: 1975

I like Tadashi. Especially when he gets hit.

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6:58 am, Feb 11 2010
Posts: 9

kei,yahiro,ryuu,and hikari

95% of teens would cry if they saw EDWARD CULLEN at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Put this as part of your sig if you are part of the 5% that would sit here with popcorn and a camera and yell "DO A FLIP!!!"
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