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Specific, mostly textless oneshot

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Post #470775
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5:12 pm, May 21 2011
Posts: 1021

I'm looking for a certain oneshot...I think it was a manhwa. The story is about a guy who has a dream that he's kissed by a girl, then she sprouts wings and leaves him. He wakes up and compares the experience to the taste of a certain food (I think it was Korean...maybe Chinese). And I think the title is named after the food.

The dream part is mostly textless, and the overall oneshot is pretty short...maybe 10 pages? Has a seinen sort of feel. I hope you can help! Thanks!

Post #473117
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8:16 pm, May 30 2011
Posts: 1021


Post #473143
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10:48 pm, May 30 2011
Posts: 161

Well... this is most likely not it... But it fits the "textless", "dream", "manhwa", "wings", "wake up", "around 10 pages" parts... lol
Dreaming: Fairy Tale of Dream

The Company
Post #473250
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1:38 pm, May 31 2011
Posts: 1021

That's certainly not it, though that was interesting nonetheless.

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Lone Wanderer

7:59 am, Jun 6 2011
Posts: 2130

Yureka! ~ It should be Gong Bao Chicken

That is the one, right? laugh

Post #474947
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10:38 pm, Jun 7 2011
Posts: 1021

Yes! That's the one, thanks!

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