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If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?

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Post #450670
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11:35 am, Mar 1 2011
Posts: 278

axolotl eyes

Post #450673
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11:48 am, Mar 1 2011
Posts: 22

Last edited by Nanoo at 12:25 pm, May 17 2019

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12:43 pm, Mar 1 2011
Posts: 234

People say im as sneaky as a fox biggrin

Post #451289
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8:38 am, Mar 4 2011
Posts: 14

A carrion crow. Contrary to what some may think, these crows aren't exactly very sociable animals - they may band together in scarce times, and may be found dining together, but they spend a lot of their time left to their own devices.

Likewise, while I usually won't turn down a chance to hang out with my fellows, I mostly prefer to be solitary. Mostly because I get easily annoyed whenever someone starts gasping, stabbing a finger at the screen and screaming "OH MY GOD LOOK LOOK THAT MAN JUST INVERTED HIMSELF AND HIS INNARDS ARE FLYING RIGHT ACROSS THE SCREEEEN A-AND THAT THING BEHIND HIM IS EATING HIS GIRLFRIEND AHHHHHHH HOLLLLYYYY SSSHHHHH-" while I'm trying to enjoy a good show. As you might've guessed, I tend to have a better time enjoying a movie with other people's company if the genre was something lighter, like a comedy or something. Then I wouldn't mind the others laughing their heads off, because I'd likely be doing the same.

Acta est fabula
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1:51 am, Mar 7 2011
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~= Stress is what we Live FOR =~

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12:13 pm, Mar 7 2011
Posts: 1699

I'd be a cat. I scratch and meow at things.

Post #452180
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11:54 am, Mar 8 2011
Posts: 31

hmm probably a snake. I lie around all day in the warmth... slowly move around every once in awhile.... strangle people and swallow them whole... Yep. Deffo snake.

This is an interesting planet.
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12:03 pm, Mar 8 2011
Posts: 572

A giraffe. shy

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Post #452251
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Angel of Sin

6:46 pm, Mar 8 2011
Posts: 314

I'd be a cat, most likely domesticated. xD I still don't understand why, but I've had quite a few people (some I barely know) come up to me and say I'm like a cat. I'm always like, "Thanks...?"
I'd love to be able to transform into a cat at will. That would be cool. cool

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7:00 pm, Mar 8 2011
Posts: 9

fox!! or foxcat. Fennec foxes are cute too.
Why? eh....I just like them for their big ears and bushy tails, I guess. And they're like wolves but I don't really like wolves (such pack animals).

Last edited by frostwing at 5:49 pm, Oct 8 2011

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8:36 pm, Mar 17 2011
Posts: 707

I wanted to be a Red Panda, but I was born as Binturong instead. Fate is cruel indeed.

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9:25 pm, Mar 17 2011
Posts: 36

probably a cat, i'm lazy and i get angry easy , i get over it just as quick though. and cats are just great biggrin

ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power, it all comes down to which you want more.
Post #454546

9:44 pm, Mar 17 2011
Posts: 2

I'd be a dog. My best trait is my loyalty, when given, is absolute.

Post #454554
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I am the Devil

10:37 pm, Mar 17 2011
Posts: 2081

Fox. There is a whole story behind it.
A few years ago, some friends and I decided to cause election day trouble and I was codename fox.
The others were codename bear, rabbit, eagle, and jackal.

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10:54 pm, Mar 17 2011
Posts: 333

Everyone says I'm a cat. But I want to be a duck, or a bird. Ducks are cute =]

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