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10:50 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 4917

Wow, Emospada sure has a cool looking released form...

laugh i come back for a min and end up making this thread.

And why did Ishida say he'd regret it?

Last edited by HatakeKakashi at 11:01 pm, Feb 26 2009

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10:57 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 31

Noooo! Where is the poll? cry

Again: Very little happened. Ichigo gets owned more and more and refuses to accept the obvious difference in strength. As a result, Ulquiorra powers up further until he's the ugliest thing in Bleach since Pantera besides Charlotte Coolhorn, imo they resemble each other a bit, too (Pantera and Murcielago I mean).
I'm interested in how Inoue wants to change this. Maybe they'll get their Naruto moment too, meaning one dies, the other one goes Super Saiyan (I'd prefer the alternative where Inoue finally gets to kick some ass, although I don't really believe Tite will do us this favor -.-)

Last edited by C4RN1F3X at 11:03 pm, Feb 26 2009


11:08 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 202

sigh... bleach is really getting washed out...
story is too stale.... is the author in some kind of trauma or something? or is he saving up energy for a big turn of events?

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African Albino Cat

11:26 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 677

Tite might kill a character. Because he loves death. Didn't he tried to commit suicide before?

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Post #261778
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11:44 pm, Feb 26 2009
Posts: 81

How much more cheesy can this series get??

So you're telling me, itsy-bitsy Inoue is gonna stop Ulqi? When men with great powers failed, a woman with tiny faeries will succeed? Oh, come on!

right to arm bears
Post #261782
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12:00 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 157

though I'm not expecting for Inoue to do anything major, but ever since chapter 310, something was bothering me regarding her power: the barrier she puts up every time she heals Ichigo, it always breaks easily by outside forces, but for some reason he couldn't get out from the inside by himself. Does that possess some kind of quirk behind her abilities?

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12:10 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 583

well im still enjoying bleach...i think he will eventually kill a character, but has been holding on to make it all that more for this chapter's events...
I really would hope Orihime would die( that would explain why Ishida said he immediately regretted agreeing to take her to the top of the dome)
but then that would mean Ichigo will get so pissed that he'd get a huge adrenaline rush and kill Ulquiorra(and i like that character)
but I doubt Orihime will die, I mean she has freakin powers that not even "god" has...
so I really don;t know what she has in mind, but i found this chapter agreeable to say the least...

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Rebel Rebel

12:14 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 1230

Maybe Inoue is gonna die too, after confessing her love for Ichigo and sacrificing herself roll

I don't know about you guys, but Bleach is not looking too great for a while now. And although Ulquiorra's released formed on the last page of this chapter is somewhat cool, his Batman like attire from before always makes me laugh.

Dammit! Where is the awesome Bleach I loved?!


12:28 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 7

IMO, bleach is going downhill. I'm getting bored. A few months back it was exciting because we get to see a bunch of different captains fighting and stuff. but now......its ichigo getting owned over and over. Every week i read bleach and to be done in 30secs.

Post #261800 - Reply to (#261774) by corx_d_afikolami
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Herder of Pigeons

1:11 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 132

Quote from corx_d_afikolami
Tite might kill a character. Because he loves death. Didn't he tried to commit suicide before?

eh? never heard that before..
one of the problems with Bleach is characters are not killed off enough. So theres too many of them, all running round having page-wasting fights to keep their fans happy, and the climax battles always get ridiculously slow..

However, I like seeing Ichigo having his ass kicked, so this fight isn't bad.. biggrin and what's coming now with the scary black shadows of doom? Should have a poll on that..

Post #261814 - Reply to (#261787) by MasamiAkane

2:50 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 22

Quote from MasamiAkane
Maybe Inoue is gonna die too, after confessing her love for Ichigo and sacrificing herself roll

I don't know about you guys, but Bleach is not looking too great for a while now. And although Ulquiorra's released formed on the last page of this chapter is somewhat cool, his Batman like attire from before always makes me laugh.

Dammit! Where is the awesome Bleach I loved?!

Ulquiorra looks like the Joker with batwings.

As for this chapter, nothing great happens here, maybe next week.

It seems that Ichigo can't beat Ulquiorra, even in his hollow form. Maybe another transformation for Ichigo?

Post #261830
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5:21 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 1138

Once again disappointing, well somewhat. But Ulqui's release form looks cool, too bad we have to wait another week. I really want to see what Inoue can really do in the next chapter though, maybe she can at least redeem herself. And if he must kill a character at least let it be Rukia...

~Tsk, tsk Kakashi you should have at least added a poll here. The polls are what I look most forward to in these discussions, discussing the actual chapters isn't that enjoyable with such disappointing chapters. bigrazz

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Demented Octopus

5:58 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 737

Dull chapter. Hardly anything happened. This whole fight seems tired. Hope it ends soon.

At least Ulquiorra has a better release form now. His initial release was just unimpressive.

Tree + Taco = Tree taco.
Post #261855

7:25 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 332


Last edited by Sijy at 11:02 am, Dec 25 2015

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8:34 am, Feb 27 2009
Posts: 9026

My influence has taken over, muahahaha! laugh

And yeah, I'm curious to what Inoue will die (probably stand from the sideline and give Ichigo moral support, kind of like a cheerleader). She's not going to die, that's for sure. Maybe she gets taken again somehow? But Aizen said he doesn't need her anymore... (Still you never know with Aizen.) So, Inoue might get seriously wounded after all? We'll see.

I wonder how Ichigo will get out of this. The next chapter should be something good theoretically (or else it will just switch scenes after a cliffhanger, probably to Rukia's fight).

source: animenewsnetwork

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