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Asian Girls on Mopeds? Doing Nounai Poison Berry, etc etc etc.

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4:32 pm, Sep 16 2011
Posts: 1

If you know how to clean or typeset, love Mizushiro Setona and want to work on hot bodies, we are the perfect group for you.

We're not looking to expand or anything, and prefer to work on 1 - 2 projects at a time, unless we have more manpower.

I know, we're like at the bottom of the totem pole. So many people are erecting X and X group. But hey, we are cool, we don't bite, and you'll like us, so please join. eyes

Our blog is at:
Just the bare-bones skeleton right now, but I'm working on it.
You can comment on the staff page or just email me at: asian[dot]girls[dot]on[dot]mopeds[dot]gmail[dot].com.

(You'll probably be sick of seeing dots by the time you're done with me. ) no

Last edited by ghettoswagger at 4:39 pm, Sep 16 2011


2:22 pm, Nov 29 2011
Posts: 4

i'm admin of a french team mangafake.
i'm a mizuhiro's fan ^^ a long time ago i look "nounai berry " but i can't find a US team which translate this... But today i find your website ^^
it'is possible to have a "co-production" with you on your project : nounai poison berry in my head?
(our team offers to clean and editing )
sure we accept your conditions smile
(we don't have japanese translator in this moment =.= )

Thanks you very much
best regards,

Last edited by lambchopsil at 6:12 am, Dec 1 2011

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