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Stephenie Meyer is better than Shakespeare...

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Post #320865

7:58 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 1063

...or so she thinks.

I've heard of an interview of her where she says she's a better writer than Shakespeare. Not only him, but she's also made herself out to be higher than Jane Austen.

I almost bashed my head against the wall when I heard that. That little bitch!!!! I want to shoot her in the face.

Anyone seen the video? If so, link please.

There's another video I saw today where she says Edward&Bella have a "truer" love than Romeo and Juliet. She also proceeds to bash other classic couples from Princess Bride and Pride & Prejudice, stating there are bad examples of love. Yes you heard right. Someone tell me how Mr. sparkly Vampire is better than those classics...?

I'll post the link for this one shortly (on my iPod so no copypasta).

Gah that stupid little bitch. I'll burn her at a stake and use her shitty ass "books" (for lack of a better word) as wood.

It being my dream to be an author, I take personal insult in shit like Twilght getting published - it's as appetizing as that POS I crapped out an hour ago (sorry for the mental image).

Excuse me while I go take a Bleeprin.

Last edited by Dubby at 8:07 pm, Sep 14 2009


8:07 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 15

I highly doubt, she did that. :3 needz video link plox. Anyways, meh doesn't matter. Most shoujo manga is better then Twilight. I've read all books & watched movie. Still can't compare to a lot of shoujo manga.

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8:10 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 574

I think I've seen the video you're talking about. I used to pay attention to all the interviews she did and such, but I don't remember her saying that she's better than Shakespeare, but most likely comparing herself to the likes of him. As for Jane Austen, I remember her having this weird look on her face when she was talking about it, or as you said "made herself out to be higher than Jane Austen."

If she did bash those classic books, that doesn't make sense. I've heard her praise them, call them her favorites, and they're mentioned quite often in her own series...

Isn't she old news anyway?

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Post #320870

8:16 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 1063

Aha here we go...

The second video I was talking about... - around 3:30

And just because you like a particular book or author doesn't mean you can't stop yourself from thinking you're better.

Twilight will only be old news once the fangirls learn to stfu. >_> and seeing as there are still 3 movies to go... Ugh. *shudders*

Last edited by Dubby at 8:23 pm, Sep 14 2009


8:20 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 1

the vid isn't available sad and i wanted to see it no

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8:22 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 48

Wow wut? Is she kidding? When I read the books, I didn't feel an ounce of love at all. The writing is bland and she keeps on using her favorite words which are "chagrin", "bronze", and "breathed", just to name a few. And the last book was just crazy. xDD

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8:24 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 830

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks Twilight was ridiculously over-rated. I couldn't even finish the first book (which means it's bad since I never not finish a book), Her writing style was terrible and apparent the writing gets better but the plot deteriorates into the nonsensical (and it wasn't exactly realistic to begin with). My mind just couldn't comprehenda sparkling vampire and everyone acts like she invented the whole sympathetic 'I don't want to feed on humans' type vampire. True Blood (or rather the Southern Vampire Mysteriess it's based on) just show how much better a similar concept can be in the hands of a talented writer. Twilight just seemed very incredulous to me when I read it and I just didn't care about any of the characters. The relationship seemed very fake and the characters lacked depth. Of course I get my head bitten off if I mention this so at least I now know others out there have taste.

The pen is mightier than the sword...and considerably easier to write with.
Post #320875 - Reply to (#320871) by diannesaysboo

8:24 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 1063

Quote from diannesaysboo
the vid isn't available sad and i wanted to see it no

...yes it is...

Post #320876 - Reply to (#320872) by purehappiness
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8:30 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 574

Quote from purehappiness
Wow wut? Is she kidding? When I read the books, I didn't feel an ounce of love at all. The writing is bland and she keeps on using her favorite words which are "chagrin", "bronze", and "breathed", just to name a few. And the last book was just crazy. xDD

HAHA!! laugh

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Post #320877 - Reply to (#320865) by Dubby
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8:31 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 807

Quote from Dubby
...or so she thinks.

I've heard of an interview of her where she says she's a better writer than Shakespeare. Not only him, but she's also made herself out to be higher than Jane Austen.

I almost bashed my head against the wall when I heard that. That little bitch!!!! I want to shoot her in the face.

Anyone seen the video? If so, link please.

There's another video I saw today where she says Edward&Bella have a "truer" love than Romeo and Juliet. She also proceeds to bash other classic couples from Princess Bride and Pride & Prejudice, stating there are bad examples of love. Yes you heard right. Someone tell me how Mr. sparkly Vampire is better than those classics...?

I'll post the link for this one shortly (on my iPod so no copypasta).

Gah that stupid little bitch. I'll burn her at a stake and use her shitty ass "books" (for lack of a better word) as wood.

It being my dream to be an author, I take personal insult in shit like Twilght getting published - it's as appetizing as that POS I crapped out an hour ago (sorry for the mental image).

Excuse me while I go take a Bleeprin.

I feel the same way Dubby! Amen to what you said.

Stephnie Meyer = a wanna be J.K. Rowling
Sorry but not gonna happen. Harry Potter pwns her ass anyday. I can't believe Twilight fans compare the two series when HP deals with wizards not vampires! none

Post #320878 - Reply to (#320870) by Dubby
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8:33 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 574

Quote from Dubby
Twilight will only be old news once the fangirls learn to stfu. >_> and seeing as there are still 3 movies to go... Ugh. *shudders*

Can't wait to see the CGI baby and how they get around the birthing scene.

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Post #320879 - Reply to (#320878) by mewnbrite

8:39 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 1063

Quote from mewnbrite
Quote from Dubby
Twilight will only be old news once the fangirls learn to stfu. >_> and seeing as there are still 3 movies to go... Ugh. *shudders*

Can't wait to see the CGI baby and how they get around the birthing scene.
don't forget how according to SMeyer, Failure Dawn should be split into 2 parts and Renesmee will be "impossible to portray".

I love how she doesn't know what multiple actresses are.... (sorry but she's not worthy enough for CGI)

Post #320882 - Reply to (#320879) by Dubby
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8:44 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 574

Quote from Dubby
Quote from mewnbrite
Quote from Dubby
Twilight will only be old news once the fangirls learn to stfu. >_> and seeing as there are still 3 movies to go... Ugh. *shudders*

Can't wait to see the CGI baby and how they get around the birthing scene.
don't forget how according to SMeyer, Failure Dawn should be split into 2 parts and Renesmee will be "impossible to portray".

I love how she doesn't know what multiple actresses are.... (sorry but she's not worthy enough for CGI)

That's right. She did say it should be split into two parts. I don't know if they own the rights to all the books yet, but they might stop at eclipse. Most of us consider Twilight to be a trilogy anyway because the last one sucked 10x as bad for those of us that can actually enjoy badly written fanfiction fluff.

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Post #320884
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8:48 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 1975

Ha.Ha.Ha. She must've been high when she said that. If not, then she sure dreams big. o___e

Post #320886 - Reply to (#320882) by mewnbrite

8:51 pm, Sep 14 2009
Posts: 1063

Quote from mewnbrite
Quote from Dubby
Quote from mewnbrite
Quote from Dubby
Twilight will only be old news once the fangirls learn to stfu. >_> and seeing as there are still 3 movies to go... Ugh. *shudders*

Can't wait to see the CGI baby and how they get around the birthing scene.
don't forget how according to SMeyer, Failure Dawn should be split into 2 parts and Renesmee will be "impossible to portray".

I love how she doesn't know what multiple actresses are.... (sorry but she's not worthy enough for CGI)

That's right. She did say it should be split into two parts. I don't know if they own the rights to all the books yet, but they might stop at eclipse. Most of us consider Twilight to be a trilogy anyway because the last one sucked 10x as bad for those of us that can actually enjoy badly written fanfiction fluff.
Too bad I didn't even finish Eclipse (New Moon was disgusting - die Bella DIE).

But LOL @ 2 parts. Who the fuck does she think she is, J.K. Rowling? Not like Twilight makes anywhere near a billion per film. HP5 was longer than Failure Dawn, so what makes her think she's SPECIAL ENOUGH for a split film?

I also love how she thought people would eventually "accept" Failure Dawn's ending, refusing to admit people would hate it - at least JKR had the balls to realize a lotta people would hate HP7.

Die Smeyer die

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