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Site to track video game status?

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Post #247398
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3:11 am, Jan 11 2009
Posts: 1

... so that you can have lists of games you started but haven't finished, currently playing, etc, similar to how mangaupdates does with manga. Would anyone happen to know of a site like that? Or would something so similar to that be a bit too much to hope for? laugh

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8:32 am, Jan 11 2009
Posts: 10691

GameFaqs can do something similar to that (might not be as easy as you want it to be though)

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #247512
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12:53 pm, Jan 11 2009
Posts: 2342 Maybe?

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8:52 pm, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 1145

IGN might have what you're looking for. It's a huge entertainment site, so they might have something like that set up.

If it weren't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.
Post #252173
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9:01 pm, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 1668

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Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
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