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Your greeting ways

So which one do you use more often?
I bow (You arrow!)
Kiss (on the cheeks)
Kiss (not on the cheeks)
Wave my hand.
Just yell something ("Hi!" included)
Something else.
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Post #346221
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12:59 am, Jan 4 2010
Posts: 321

It depends. I was raised in my country's ways but I grew up here... so...
When I greet my friends, I kiss them on the cheek/hug them.
When I greet my family and elders, I bow.
When I greet strangers (it usually depends), but it's either a bow or a handshake.

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2:34 pm, Jan 4 2010
Posts: 85

Most commonly It's just "hey!" or any other method to greet people with words.

If its the first time I meet them, I give them a handshake

Post #346676
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3:03 am, Jan 6 2010
Posts: 32

I usually put my arm straight up, wave and then shout "Hey!!" biggrin

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10:52 pm, Jan 6 2010
Posts: 283

Just say hi....sometimes wats up....depends...

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Manga Otaku

3:43 am, Jan 7 2010
Posts: 715

I just say, "hello", "hey there", or something and then wave at them.

I read so much mangas, I'm too lazy to watch anime! bigrazz bigrazz bigrazz

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4:38 am, Jan 7 2010
Posts: 48

normaly its just a "fit lik, foo ya deen th day"

Post #346982
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12:10 pm, Jan 7 2010
Posts: 165

I just yell something or wave my hand. But if it's more formal, I'll shake hands.

I'll hug your problems away.
Post #347004
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2:32 pm, Jan 7 2010
Posts: 150

with my family i give hugs and smile a lot, which still fells awkward and forced meh o well. With strangers i give then a hardy handshake, both men and women. With for my friends i just give a upward nod and we all know it means " hey whats up, you wanna do anything because im bored as shit right now" lol.

" 9 years and 163 days later, 2% of my body cells are still in love with her"
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2:41 pm, Jan 7 2010
Posts: 367

I'm used to doing a traditional thai bow when I see new people and its rather confusing because I did it to my lecturers without noticing when I entered the room. I stopped doing it after a while since it was a force of habit. But now I normally go with either a handshake or a wave and "hey"

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