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8chan/2Channel getting taken out

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8:21 pm, Aug 4 2019
Posts: 1143

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In response to the Garlic shooting in California, the mall shooting in Texas, and the most recent shooting in Ohio, Cloudflare has come to the conclusive decision to terminate the servers hosting 8chan (Which also houses 2Channel) at 12 AM PST (Less than 4 hours from now).

Wow, there's really a push to end this era of the internet. And, tomorrow's going to be a lot of fun.

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Seinen is RIGHT

4:53 am, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 2425

For everyone who isn´t aware. Our esteemed OP is now again defending a known child pornography website. One that trafficked in pictures of actual kids. 8Chan was also used to plan mass shootings. Most of those had racism or religiously motivated causes. This fucking eulogy may be the vilest thread that even existed on this website.

In conclusion, I leave you this article by the New York Times:
8chan Is a Megaphone for Gunmen. ‘Shut the Site Down,’ Says Its Creator ing-manifesto.html

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Post #770940 - Reply to (#770938) by residentgrigo
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6:08 am, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from residentgrigo
Our esteemed OP is now again defending a known child pornography website. One that trafficked in pictures of actual kids.

Show me the actual evidence of this taking place. No, Wikipedia and Google are not a source. And, that I have to repeat this shows how childish you are in handling arguments. The ONLY time that ever happened was when oppoenents of the site wanted to slander it by posting CP on the site themselves. And, when that happened, every single poster in the site did everything within their power to slide that off the catalog, and/or report it to the site admins who could then remove it and report it to the authorities.

Also, why is this one little imageboard being blamed for the horrors of humanity, meanwhile Facebook livestreamed an actual shooting and no one criticizes them?

Quote from residentgrigo
8Chan was also used to plan mass shootings.

You mean like how ISIS and actual terrorist organizations house themselves on Facebook, Twitter, and Cloudlfare? Also, last I checked, the administration over on 8chan did everything they could to colaborate with federal authorities to take down real criminals.

Quote from residentgrigo
In conclusion, I leave you this article by the New York Times:
8chan Is a Megaphone for Gunmen. ‘Shut the Site Down,’ Says Its Creator ing-manifesto.html

That's very good of you to provide an article, could I also provide an article? Bellingcat: The El Paso Shooting and the Gamification of Terror.

This is also an article that attacks the site, stating it houses "terrorists". However, they made the mistake of using actualy screenshot and archives of the site's pages, instead of interviewing a man who has no control of the site whatsoever or any relation to the site over the past few years. And, and these references used paint a different picture. In them, you can find all of the posters on the site telling the supposed El Paso shooter to piss off, calling him FBI, posting their absolute disdain for the guy, and joking about how no one is buying any of this with the guy "supposedly" being a genuine poster in the site. The only "way" you can actually attack the posters on the site is because they downloaded and distributed the supposed manifesto, but, even then, they still did so purely to preserve it for future use (If for no other reason than to laugh at it) because, apparently, the "final boss of the internet" cares more about the preservation of facts than actual news organizations.

Why don't you actually look at your sources before you use them?

Last edited by Transdude1996 at 6:15 am, Aug 5 2019

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6:34 am, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 374

Understandable but seems pretty pointless. They'll just use a different site.

Post #770943 - Reply to (#770941) by RoxFlowz
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Seinen is RIGHT

6:51 am, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 2425

Sure, but follow up sites will be taken down quicker and quicker which will lead to them reforming on the deep web in the end. Not a solution BUT they will have a hard time doing stuff as advertising the lifestream of the Christchurch mosque shootings from there. Member when that happened?: Fewer than 200 people watched the New Zealand massacre live. A hateful group helped it reach millions: ting-and-the-virality-of-evil

That´s better than nothing. You can also bet on it that the FBI will now be scrubbing the IPs of people who visited the site, as literally every American news outlet now linked the site to organizing mass murder. Can´t wait till the child porn stuff will be dug up again. Let´s see who will be found with dirt on their hard drive due to that 😀.

Child pornographers, race supremacists and organized misogynists can´t really be stopped in the end but it will now become much harder to make money off them. Especially if they join if with actual murderers as happened here. Them being forced to host their own (interlinked-)servers can further only help police investigations as no mass conglomerate will host them now. Look up the mass reddit forum bans of the last year and change to see what I mean. The consequences of freedom of speech have finally found the and I quote "the darkest reaches of the Internet". To think that an adult wrote that slogan. How embarrassing...
It sucks that people had to literally die for this but the war against hate speech on the internet may have finally begun.

Edit: Here is what Cloudflare does and why they stopped providing their services so that people are less confused: 8-How-does-Cloudflare-work- chan/
Cloudflare isn´t the hero here, far from it but as their statement above reads, enough is enough. Let´s see who else they drop. Ransomware/malware makers and even Isis used their services.

Last edited by residentgrigo at 3:35 pm, Aug 5 2019

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #770945
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7:27 am, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 38

hate, if you believe in that you really shouldn't enter the online world.

Post #770946 - Reply to (#770943) by residentgrigo
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7:29 am, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 1143

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Quote from RoxFlowz
Understandable but seems pretty pointless. They'll just use a different site.

Do you not understand what that means? When you censor a PLACE, it doesn't remove the people, nor their thinking. It gives them two options, either go to the sites that are "approved" (Which they don't go to in the first place, which is why they go to this specific site that was taken down), OR they go to a more "extreme" site because the extreme site is the only place that allows them to have their discussion in peace. You do this as little as a few times, and, CONGRATULATIONS, you created EXACTLY the kind of people you were crying about and "trying to prevent".

The only people who advocate for censorship are complete idiots.

Quote from residentgrigo
Sure, but follow up sites will be taken down quicker and quicker which will lead to them reforming on the deep web in the end. Not a solution BUT they will have a hard time doing stuff as advertising the lifestream of the Christchurch mosque shootings from there. Member when that happened?: Fewer th ...

Let me get this straight, there IS NO evidence to justify the negative press that the site has earned (Aside from them saying meaning words), meaning that the site is COMPLETELY INNOCENT, but that doesn't matter as long as they are censored?

Quote from Dumber
hate, if you believe in that you really shouldn't enter the online world.

I heard a wise man say that if you don't want to get offended, don't have kids, don't get married, and never get a job. I personally added, "And, never go online."

Last edited by Transdude1996 at 7:53 am, Aug 5 2019

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Post #770950
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10:05 am, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 651

People are free to spew garbage but a private company isn’t obliged to provide them with a platform. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Don’t try to steal cookies and then cry when your hand is slapped.

Post #770956 - Reply to (#770950) by hkanz
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11:27 am, Aug 5 2019
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Quote from hkanz
People are free to spew garbage but a private company isn’t obliged to provide them with a platform.

Actually, they are. Back in 1946, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Marsh v. Alabama that, in short, the more of a monopoly a company maintains, the more they have to abide by federal and constitutional laws. Long story short, because of the fact that you can be virtually "unpersonned" by being banned on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube; Twitter, Facebook, and Alphabet are actually breaking the law because they're denying the public their constitutional, first amendment, rights.

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Post #770958 - Reply to (#770946) by Transdude1996
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2:49 pm, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 165

Quote from Transdude1996
there IS NO evidence to justify the negative press that the site has earned (Aside from them saying meaning words), meaning that the site is COMPLETELY INNOCENT,

I usually don't enter these kinds of discussions but... lack of evidence doesn't prove innocence.

And anyway, if you think "blocking" (nothing happened yet) the site doesn't solve the problem, which I completely agree, what would be your solution? Or should I say, workaround, since there is no solution for this.

What should people do in response to these events?

Yes, you're worthy!
Post #770959 - Reply to (#770956) by Transdude1996
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3:55 pm, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 651

Cloudflare doesn’t hold a monopoly. In the case of the other companies mentioned, if someone wants to make that argument in court they’re free to do so, but until that argument is successful in court, ‘so and so social media company is breaking the law for banning x’ is just your opinion.

Post #770960 - Reply to (#770958) by jonytep
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Seinen is RIGHT

3:59 pm, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 2425

The tread may be toxic but the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing so I refuse to let a manga database of all things be used to spread alt-right propaganda. We´ll end up with daily news bulletins on MU about the latest from The Daily Stormer if this shit goes on. (I wonder if they get nuked next?)

Anyone can go through wiki´s sources (THQ Nordic´s 8chan AMA was real... special) so I´ll concentrate on an aspect that only resurfaced this week. The site was under FBI investigation earlier this year. Here is the paper the FBI releases: heory-Redacted

They somehow survived that, a mountain of proven criminal behavior as doxing or Swatting that lead to police responses, 2 mass shotting (now 3) the site is directly linked to and the whole child porn fiasco in 2015. The last one is how I learned of them and it´s why google permanently blacklisted them that year. All COMPLETELY INNOCENT behavior of course. Nay, US Supreme Court demanded even...
We also have them to thank for Gamergate, Q-anon and partially for President Trump. Notice how both defenders of 8chan are Trump supporters... It´s been a bad few weeks for them. The deletion of 8chan and the quantization of The_Donald subreddit legit hurt them. That´s why random corners of the internet are now filled with them whining about that their safe spaces are being deleted, demonetized, excluded and best of all investigated. Be the better person! Do not engage or feed them. Link to counter-evidence if you feel inclined and move on. Life is just too short.

The Japanese 2channel still exists btw. and had nothing to do with this. Half the premise of the thread is thus wrong. They are basically the orignal 4chan. Not a great site, neither is 4chan, but hardly criminals. Just edge-lords, hobbyist, kids, and pirates. Ok, maybe not the pirates 😉 .

Last edited by residentgrigo at 4:27 pm, Aug 5 2019

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #770961 - Reply to (#770958) by jonytep
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5:01 pm, Aug 5 2019
Posts: 1143

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Quote from jonytep
What should people do in response to these events?

Refer to the laws that already exist and and stop chimping out whenever they don't work in your favor. As far as I knew, unless you're a part of the media, the U.S. is a country with the laws designed around being "innocent until proven guilty". Stating "lack of evidence doesn't prove innocence" shouldn't even be a thing, especially in the age of the internet where we have dozens of archival sites to prove the "guiltyness" of anyone. If 8chan really is breaking any laws, like the media is slandering them as, then where is the proof? Hell, even in the article I provided earlier, the media states that the site isn't the devil they make it out as, but still stating that this proves that 8chan is exactly the devil they make it out as. IN FACT, if you want to get even MORE particular about it, there are hundreds of thousands of archives of almost every other thread and board on 8chan dating back to when it started six years ago. Meaning that if they EVER did anything illegal, then absolutely NO ONE would ever have a problem with pointing to exactly when and where they did it. Yet, for absolutely no reason that anyone can ever explain, this Mongolian basket weaving forum is still presented as the source of all evil in the world without a single shred of evidence to ever back it up except for completely falsified and biased articles and reports coming from the media without any references or proof to anything they have to say.

Oh, wow, it seems like all the evidence that DOES exist, with facts to back it up, seems to proves that the site never did anything wrong.

Quote from residentgrigo
The tread may be toxic but the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing so I refuse to let a manga database of all things be used to spread alt-right propaganda.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."

Quote from residentgrigo
The site was under FBI investigation earlier this year. Here is the paper the FBI releases: heory-Redacted

You referring to the same FBI report where they outed themselves to the amusement of everyone on the site, where the only real "threats" of violence came from the FBI themselves? Thank you for providing even MORE proof that 8chan is innocent in all the claims made against them. And, are you ever going to use a real source?

EDIT: Also, the founder released a video detailing that 8chan has never had a problem (And even complied) with law enforcement, along with releasing the details about the shootings that happened over the weekend.

Last edited by Transdude1996 at 9:31 am, Aug 6 2019

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8:45 am, Aug 11 2019
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Another update: media outlets are already trying to implicate that the Norwegian mosque shooter posted on 8chan a few hours before attacking. Only one has retracted their article.

EDIT: Excuse me, several media outlets, some even blaming 4chan now.

Last edited by Transdude1996 at 9:06 am, Aug 11 2019

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12:31 pm, Aug 12 2019
Posts: 2

Well i'm not going to miss it. That site died long ago.
The moderation was trash and only /v/ was a reason to go there. Even that was boring because of the "/v/ has to hate every new game" meme.
Problem is that 4chan is shit too. It's just Gen Z cancer all over.

On a serious note, we really live in a clown world.
The 21st century is the nostalgia of the 20th century. It's the same just mild and sugar free.
This century is so fucking empty that people are reaching back and desperately trying to fill up the void after the cold war. I can't belive people are still visioning "nazis" in every street corner.

By the way, anybody that belives the chans are some hiding spot for radical whateveryoucallthems, you got punk'd.
Those guys are just bored out of their minds betwen watching anime, playing videogames and jerkin off. So they need a place where they can let off steam.

All of this is tragicomedic.

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